Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Why declutter at the start of a shopping ban? and what is in my home...

It might seem counter intuitive to actually get rid of stuff  right before a shopping ban...

After all, I cannot shop for a whole year!!!  Why risk "missing out" on something???

But isn't that one of the goal of the shopping ban?  To prove that I already have enough...  that it can wait... that I can do without...

My moto:

use it up. wear it out. make it do. or do without.

I did get rid of clothes, books, CD, nick knack...  not very much but some. Every year, around this time of the year I "panic" and get rid of more stuff...  every year I think that this is it! I will not need to declutter ever again!  And yet, year after year, I am ready to let go of more...  not necessarily because I bought more (I rarely buy anything besides clothes and we've cover that plenty!) but just because it seems like I need less and less...

But what is the purpose of going on a shopping ban if I already have excess in my home???

The idea of the whole thing is to prove to me that material is not going to make me happy... buying it, keeping it, maintaining it, storing it...  all this takes time and money that I'd rather spend elsewhere!

To be quite honest, beside my personal belonging that I really care for:

Clothes for this season and the rest of the year
13 books
4 CD
some jewelry
2 mugs
1 large Buddha statue
1 small Buddha statue
a few Mala's
a few candles and candle holders
incense stick
essential oil
1 rocking chair
2 plants

here's what's in my home and belongs to my husband and I:
(I am not listing what belongs to my son and that he will take with him as we have no intent of replacing any of it for ourselves - eg, the television)

1 double bed and linen for it
1 chest drawer
1 night stand
1 chair
1 salt lamp
1 dream catcher

1 round table with 3 chairs (36" diameter table)
1 kitchen island
food and the minimum required to cook it
5 non matching plates and silver wear to go with it
2 mugs (on top of the 2 listed above)
mason jars to store food and drink in it
1 flower vase
1 cookbook and a notebook to write down recipes
1 coat peg as our entry is also in the kitchen

Living room:
1 living room table
1 bench used as a "fireplace" holding candles and incense
1 comfy chair
2 rugs
1 lamp
1 salt lamp
one small table and singing bowl in my meditation space
one cabinetry (holding my notebooks, yarn, sewing stuff, paper, pencils...)
and a few decorative items like the one I made in the above picture...

a patio set with 2 chairs
a couple of cushions (that we use inside also)
a lantern

Camping and hiking gears
(all you need for that.... not going to list it)

and this is it!  All we own (yes my husband do have personal stuff also, but it is not my place to share it! - he does have much less then me though)!!!  It can be packed up and ready to go in a couple of hours... and we love that!  We are wanderer... we move a lot and have no plans to stop that any time soon...  we do have plan to move into a van eventually and live in it for a while so the few items we own will make that transition easier for sure!!!

This is not very much... and of course, for now, we also have a television and game console as well as a futon in the living room which all belong to my son...  but as I said, we have no plan or replacing any of it when he moves... as by then, we'll be getting closer to moving into our van so the idea is to get use to life without a TV.  This is also why, as this year monthly challenges, we are planning an Internet fast from May to August included and no television in July.

What are you thinking right now? What is in your home?  Do you have this hitch to declutter now?  Are you grateful for what you have?  Do you use all of it regularly?

If you enjoyed what you read, please share.
Chloe 💜&✌

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