Friday, May 31, 2013

How to pack for a week away... and more amendement to my list of clothes for Project 333

So here it is.... the last post of this series....  some of you had long asked about pictures....  you got them!  ;-)
My last picture is what I am actually wearing today...  and both items are part of the ones you saw before... but in a different combination!

So in my luggage....   for a week away, I would have those 11 items that we talked about...  and I would add a dress (#10) for a nice night out followed by a romantic walk in a park... The dress could be used with the jacket as well in case it gets chilly!  (Hey where I come from, you have to be ready for any eventuality temperature wise!) This would allow me to create about 14 different looks...

If I ever wanted to go away for longer...  I would just add an extra pair of jean short (in the list below, you can see that I have 2) and perhaps a few more tops (probably # 15, 18 and 19) This would allow me to go away for a few weeks!!! Probably even a few months if I had access to a washing machine! Can you imagine???  Without heavy packing!!!

All this is really nice...  and doing the exercise was challenging... in a way... and it forced me to imagine different ways to wear my stuff...  because me too I tend to wear the same top with the same bottom over and over again!!!  It is so much easier... But creating this capsule wardrobe was great help.... and it made me realize that some items in my list were still there for no reasons.... and I did not really liked them... or they did not fit me well... so as of last night they're gone!!!  Thanks to you guys....  unfortuante people will enjoy those clothes more than I would!!! There was actually 4 items.

Therefore my actual list of clothes for the upcoming 3 months is as follow.... I will see if I wear all of this...  if not, more donations are coming!!!

Therefore  my actual list of items for June 1st to Aug 31st is:

1)Wide leg jeans
2) Jeans with flower patch
3) Torn up jeans (for week end and Holiday's only!)
4) White denim pants
5) Black pants (fancier - for going out)
6) pair of jean shorts ( for commute on very hot days, week ends and holidays)
7) pair of jean shorts ( for commute on very hot days, week ends and holidays)
8) Fuchsia skirt
9) Navy and beige dress
10) Flower sexy dress
11) fuchsia and grey flowy cami
12) fuchsia, orange and grey flowy cami (for week end and holidays only)
13) Om t-shirt
14) Recycle t-shirt
15) Stripe navy 3/4 sleeve t-shirt
16) Stripe olive 3/4 sleeve t-shirt
17) Olive 3/4 sleeve t-shirt
18) loose white t-shirt
19) Beige with pink and orange drawing 3/4 sleeve t-shirt (for week end and holidays only)
20) Flower cami (to be worn at work with a vest for eg)
21) fuchsia cami
22) beige cami
23) long sleeves stripe shirt (white and blue)
24) long sleeves stripe shirt (white and blue)
25) cotton shirt
26) fancy navy polka dot shirt
27) Navy cotton vest ( mostly for air conditioning conditions)
28) short sleeve grey vest (to over over camis at work or when cooler in the morning)
29) short sleeve green vest (to over over camis at work or when cooler in the morning)
30) White boho top
31) sleeveless army green top
32) zebra drawing t-shirt
33) Beige corduroy jacket

I really need another skirt... for work.. because now I am really limited as to what I can wear at work on hot days! On coolre days, I'll go with jeans...  or the black pants!

What about you guys?  Do you have a capsule wardrobe?  Do you need help creating one?

Don't forget to check out my Facebook page.... or personal profile... connect with me on twitter or google +...

love and peace,

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Mix and match #2 using Project 333

On Monday, I was talking about my wardrobe... and I even showed you pictures of a pair of jeans I modified and outfits I created based on that pair of jeans.

Today I would like to show you, how using the same tops and maybe one more and 2 different bottoms you can easily create more outfits...  so with 11 number of items, you can easily create 10 outfits and even a few more... because using the same items, I could have added a few more outfits!!! But you also need to use your own imagination....  :-)

Obviously those outfits are for days when no formal dress up is required!  But the same principle could apply to any type of wardrobe....  when you use minimal number of colors and neutrals, it's easy to do!!!  If  you want, send me pictures of a few items and I will help you out to mix and match them!!!

So the items are:

one pair of jeans
one  fuchsia skirt
one pair of jean short
one corduroy blazer
one navy cotton vest
on scarf
one fuchsia cami
one off white cami
one fuchsia and orange cami
one flower top
one white top with beads

11 items!
10 outfits!
and potentially 3-4 mores....

Here are the pictures:

this is awesome!!!  there you go... you have our capsule wardrobe!

I think this goes to show that dressing with style doesn't have to be expensive and does not require many items!!  And honestly, how much attention do you think people put into what you're wearing?  As long as it looks clean and fits you well... they won't notice!  OK, maybe a few will...  but most won't!

This exercise made me realise that I have one skirt that doesn't go with many items in my wardrobe...  perhaps only one...  so every time I will wear this skirt, I will look the same!!!  Or I will buy 2 more tops to go with it...  but not sure I want to invest more into my wardrobe now...  I think I have enough!  So this item may actually end up in the donation pile that is always there at my home! I will have to think about this one....

Don't forget to check out to check out my Facebook page.... or personal profile... connect with me on twitter or google +...

love and peace,

Monday, May 27, 2013

Mix and match - How to have a verstatile minimalist wardrobe for Project 333- Part 1


we had an horrible week end here in Montreal... temperature wise... but it turned out great for me!!!

Starting with this pair of jeans...


which I've had for a few years...  and was not wearing so much because I was limiting myself in what I could wear with them... because of the color and pattern of the patches...

I wanted to make them more wearable because they are really comfortable!!!  So I invested a few hours....  yes... it took me actually close to 2 hours to remove all the patches...  and do a good job and not damage the jeans while removing them...    I then washed and dried the jeans to "remove" the threading wholes...  and now they look like that:

(picture was actually taken before the washing....  and in different light obviously then the previous so they look like they're a different color but they're not!)

So in order to dress minimally, one should know that every bottom (whether a skirt, pants or shorts) should have at least 3 tops...    and then any given top should go with more than one bottom....  so what I did, I selected a few of my favorite tops...  and took pictures with those jeans...  the same tops will be in more picture in Wednesday's post....  to show you the actual mix & match!

Obviously, almost anything would go  with those jeans, but I created 4 looks that are somewhat different and yet reflect my personality and lifestyle!

Here they are:

I am obviously not a professional photographer... and not well equipped for that.. and I was alone when taking those pictures so I had to do what I can....  but I really wanted to give you some long overdue pictures!!! 

Also note that I did not accessorize.... I do not do it overly in everysay life but I am almost always wearing bracelets or necklaces.

So one jeans... 4 combinations...  for warmer to cooler temperature.. and it can even adapt during the day in some instances... for example, removing the jacket on the second picture and keeping the scarf! Reusing jeans is quite easy...  people do not realise it....  and they can easily adapt from one look to another depending on jewelry and shoes... and this is why jeans is actually the basis of my wardrobe! Another way to do this would be to use a neutral pant, like black, brown, navy, gray or beige... this too can easily go with many different tops and create may looks! But you have to minimize the color of your bottoms to allow for more color on the top.  I usually have fairly neutral bottoms and more colored tops...  except for one skirt with is in tone with many tops and I will show you in the next post how what to do with a colored skirt you like and want to adapt to your wardrobe!

the next post I will do on Wednesday, will show you how reusing some of those tops, I can create different looks with different bottoms... and if I can get my act together, Friday's post will be on how to create a luggage for a few days away... my style of a few days away... obviously simple...  relaxed and spent wandering in a city somewhere! Inclluding accessories!

Don't forget to check out to check out my Facebook page.... or personal profile... connect with me on twitter or google +...

love and peace,

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Un triste anniversaire

this is, as usually on Thursday, a translated post...  you can find the English one here
 Cette publication a été faite originalement en anglais le 19 mars 2013... alors il y maintenant plus d'un an...  mais c'est tout de même tout à fait représentatif de mes sentiments....
Ces fleurs sont les fleurs que j'avais envoyé au salon funéraire...   et je trouve que leur pureté représente bien ma tante.

Il y a un an, ma tante Carol est décédée… subitement! Elle avait 70 ans et elle était fabuleuse. Si je me rends à cet âge, j’espère être aussi heureuse, charmante et belle!

J’écris ce billet pour moi, parce que la plupart de mes lecteurs ne connaissent pas ma tante...

Je dois arrêter de repenser à comment j’étais fâchée contre moi à cette époque… il est temps de passer à autre chose! Je sais qu’elle m’a pardonné, alors pourquoi ne pas me pardonner?

Elle est décédée lorsqu’elle passait l’hiver en Floride avec mon oncle Guy. D’aussi loin que je me souvienne, ils passaient l’hiver là-bas. Ils partaient après le Nouvel An et revenaient fin-avril, début-mai. Ils étaient mariés depuis très longtemps. Ils étaient le |vieux" couple le plus joli et heureux que je connaisse, ils ont toujours été ensemble pour moi (52 ans, si je me souviens bien). Même si je ne les voyais pas souvent, je les appréciais beaucoup.

J’ai dit à ma tante Carol quelque part entre Noël et le jour de l’an, lors d’une rencontre non planifiée au centre d’achats, que j’essaierais d’aller la voir avant qu’elle ne parte en Floride. Malheureusement, je n’ai pas assez essayé… Après son départ, j’ai réalisé qu’il était trop tard et que je pourrais toujours y aller lorsqu’ils reviendraient au printemps. Mais c’était impossible. Elle n’est jamais revenue…

J’étais très fâchée contre moi, parce que je n’avais pas pris le temps d’aller la voir. Nous sommes tous si occupés que parfois, nous oublions ce qui compte vraiment! Nous oublions qu’il n’y aura pas toujours un lendemain ou un prochain printemps! Nous pensons être immortel et que rien ne changera jamais!
Alors voilà, Carol, ça vaut ce que ça vaut maintenant que tu n’es plus avec nous : je suis désolée de ne pas avoir pris le temps d’aller te voir. J’aurais tellement souhaité que tu puisses lire mon livre. Je suis certaine que tu l’aurais aimé! Tu étais l’une des trois raisons pour lesquelles je l’ai écrit en anglais (je voulais que tu puisses le lire. Je t’aime et tu me manques.

traduction de : 

love and peace,

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Something to think about...

On my facebook page on Sunday I posted this video :

basically, it's a video about people you see in your everyday life.....  people you cross on the street, on the bus, in a mall, at a coffee shop... in the video, it really is just in a medical center but it could be extended to every life situation you encounter.

Aren't we quick to judge people?  Come on... you can admit it....  at least to yourself! Unless you're been practicing compassion for years, on in the case of very rare naturally born compassionate people that were in no way influenced by society, we all do it or did it at some point!!!  To a bigger or lesser extent....  and I am not saying that in the wrong way...  the word "judging" seems bad...  but it can be as simple as just thinking "this person seems like she's having a bad day"...  "there's someone with a nice smile" (sarcastically)...  "this person seems stressed out"...  "what is wrong with him/her?"...  see what I mean?  We do not necessarily do it to be mean...  but we are human being and we think and analyze most of what we see... the problem is that we analyze it according to our frame of reference...  our way of thinking... our values...  but we're all different...  and beyond what we think we see, there's a whole person... going thru her life... her stuff.. her "shit"!  We all do...  but we think we're the only one!!!

Beyond that "non-smiley" face, can be a really sad person...  that's going thru a divorce, has a sick child, lost someone they loved, lost an animal, lost all their belonging to a fire, is sick, dying or whatever else life throws at us!!!  It could also be stress...   because they are having financial issues, lost their job, undergoing surgery soon, expecting a child...  or then again, it could be so many other things!  We simply have NO CLUE!!!  But it surely is NOT directed towards us specifically...

Same goes for people who seems really happy!  They are not necessarily making fun of us!  They might just be really happy! Having a great day, got a promotion, met an old friend, reacquainted with a long lost relative...  and the list goes on...

My point is, we really have no clue as to what the people we see everyday are going thru... being good or bad...  what if we could see thru their hearth?  Would we be more compassionate knowing they have a sick child than just seeing their stressed-out sad face?  Would it be as bad if someone cut us off in line if they had to hurry to get back home to take care of a troubled teenager?

So next time you see people... that seem sad, angry, stressed or happy...  just be compassionate...  empathetic... and think about the fact that they too have a life...  with all that this implies...  JUST LIKE YOU!!! Don't be so quick to "judge" or "criticise" them... even just in your head...  be compassionate...  try to understand....  and remember that you too have "off" days... where you are stressed...  sad.. angry.... happy.... but life goes on...  and you may never see them again but there is no need to be so harsh on them if they're having a bad time....  don't add to it!  Also don't be jealous if they're happy! Be happy for happy people!!

And lastly, try and treat people like you'd like to be treated when you're having an "off" day!!! Do you like feeling like you're looked at? Judge? Talked about?  Well don't do it...

If everyone on this planet, would be a little more compassionate, all our lives would be so much easier... and nicer....

"Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well." Gandhi

Don't forget to check out to check out my Facebook page.... or personal profile... connect with me on twitter or google +...

love and peace,

Monday, May 20, 2013

More free time

When I decided to write this post...  I wanted it to be about freedom....  For a long time, I have been looking for a way to work less 9 to 5 and have more free time...  more freedom...  I even referred to my job as jail time...  even thus I sincerely love what I do, I feel like I am stuck... sometimes...   not having flexibility of time, hours, revenue... the way I love to dress...  this was the premise of this post...

Now, I started looking for a picture....  of a butterfly, a bird, a horse running, a wild tiger...  the ocean, or the sky...  pictures that to me reflected freedom... and there was lots of it...  it would have been easy to pick any or all of these!  But I saw the above picture and it `called`me... 

For sure birds, butterflies, wild horses or wild tigers may look free to us...  because they do not have 9 to 5 jobs with a dress code and things that are frond upon...  but are they really more free? They still have to find shelter, food, run for their lives....  it is not easier...  is it freedom?  Well it all depends on how you define freedom...  and I think that it may change from one person to another....  and as time goes by...  or does it? 

So what is freedom? Can we ever be really free?  what would make me feel free?  Having more flexibility in my job... I am working to address that...  when I actually start my coaching, I will have the option to decide how many hours I want to do, how many clients I want to work with! Of course this will have a financial impact!  So I had to work out my budget in details...  minimalism is wonderful for that!!!  Living cost me 50% of what it use to a few years ago!!! 

What else would make me feel free?  Being able to pick up and go anytime...  not be attached to a place... and apartment...  stuff...  and I think I am pretty much there!  Honestly, the only tie I have now is my son....  who still needs me...  and his dad... since we are not together, not sure that he wants to go where ever I go!  Now, being a coach can be done anywhere... so my job can go with me!!! and my clients too... And ``Life Happens`` will also follow me anywhere...  so this is work to go!!!

Anything else?  I think there a lot more to freedom than what I just mentioned...  for sure I will be able to do a job I love....  writing books, writing this blog and coaching people...  I am not attached to stuff...  this is a big part of it!  But what about freedom in our heads... 

The picture above says to ``take away theses chains that are holding me back``  ...  realistically speaking I am almost free of my chains...  but what about figuratively speaking?  Do I feel really free all the time up there?  Do I have preconceive ideas? judgments? do I stop myself because of what people may say or think? Do I have old patterns trying to sneak up on me? Do I still have clutter in my head sometimes?  Do I live in the present moment 100% of the time?

The answer to these questions are sometimes yes.. sometimes no...  and which is which is irrelevant here...  but I think that to be free, you need to be clutter free all the time in your head....  with no judgments, old patterns, preconceived ideas... you need to live in the present moment at all time!  And this is the tough challenge to be free...  my husband used to tell my that freedom is in your head... and I would argue that I was stuck in so many ways...  but he would say that I could still be free in my head...  and now I understand what he meant...  yes I will still be free from a 9 to 5 job eventually...  yes I will be a coach, writer and blogger and earn a decent living like that... I am not dependent on material possession anymore... but I still need to be free in my head!!!  I am not quite there yet...  and this is my new challenge...  for sure my meditation and yoga practice help a lot...  but I still need practice... still need to pay more attention to the present and less to the future or the past...  just because one is gone and I can`t change it and the other may never come!  So what is the point?

And you, what are your chains? A relationship? Friendship? Family? Job? House? Material possessions? Living in the past? Living in the future? Having a million things in your head? A busy agenda?

p.s. I did not mention relationship, friendship, family or busy agenda before because there were handled a while ago for me... but they need to be addressed to in order to be free!  What if someone is holding you back?

One last thing...   I came across another sentence that got my attention...  ``I liberated 1000 slaves and I could have liberated another 1000  had they know they were slaves`` (Harriett Tubman)  So is slavery or freedom just in our head? an illusion?  if these 1000 people did not know they were slaves...  were they?  or were they free?

Don't forget to check out to check out my Facebook page.... or personal profile... connect with me on twitter or google +...

love and peace,

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ma boite de chocolat!

this is a French translation of Tuesday's post...  done by ME!!!!

Je vis présentement un moment stressant... et il n'y a rien que je puisse y faire...  c'est hors de mon contrôle!!!  Alors comment je "deal" avec ça?

Bien, premièrement, j'essaie de me garder occupée... alors ça me change les idées!!! Mais je ne suis pas le genre à m'étourdir constamment!!!  Alors qu'est-ce que je fais dans les moments tranquilles? J'essaie!!! 

Je suis tombée sur un courriel que j'ai reçu de mon amie Maryse de chez  Diva Yoga qui parlait de l'équilibre entre le contrôle et le lâcher prise...  et ça m'a fait réfléchir... Dans cette situation que je vis présentement, j'ai un certain contrôle sur certain aspects... alors ceci je dois m'en occuper! Lorsque vous êtes en contrôle de quelque chose,vous devez vous en occuper!  Vous ne pouvez compter sur les autres pour le faire... Pour moi, ceci n'est pas un problème...  Cependant, la partie ou je dois laisser aller... lâcher prise....  parce que je n'ai pas le contrôle...  LA est le problème... et je me demandais pourquoi...  je sais que nous n'avons pas le contrôle sur tout dans notre vie... et je sais que tout fini toujours par aller pour le mieux... alors pourquoi la panique?  Pourquoi je capote sur cet événement auquel je n'ai pas le contrôle?  Simplement parce que je n'ai pas le contrôle?  en partie oui... Je dois admettre! S'il n'en était que de moi, je partirais sur le champ et irais faire moi même ce après quoi j'atttends et ça serait fait! Mais pourrais-je vraiment le faire? Non...  parce que cette chose après quoi j'attends n'est pas dans mes cordes.... pas quelque chose que je suis capable de faire correctement nécessairement.. je ne suis pas qualifiée pour le faire... alors je ne pourrais pas le faire... Alors pourquoi est-ce que j'assume que si j'allais moi même ça serait vite fait bien fait?  Je ne pourrais pas... je dois lâcher prise!!!  Mais pourquoi est-ce si difficile?  Parce que je sens que je n'ai pas le contrôle... parce que je suis impatiente... parce que cette chose après laquelle j'attends aura un impact sur ma vie.. et j'aimerais avancer...  je me sens comme si j'étais sur "pause" en ce moment...  mais le suis-je vraiment? Y-a-t-il une mode "pause" à la vrai vie???  pas vraiment....

Alors je dois laisser aller... et vivre le moment présent...  ne pas être sur "pause"...  et si je manquais de belles opportunités ou de beaux moments parce que je me met sur "pause" alors que j'attends après quelque chose sur quoi je n'ai pas le contrôle?

Alors je le fais.... je lâche prise...  lorsque je suis avec d'autres personnes...  discutant...  parce que je me dévoue entièrement à la discussion...  la problème est quand je me retrouve avec moi-même...  pourquoi ne puis-je le faire alors?
Je me suis améliorée sur le lâcher prise au cours des années....  avant je ne pouvais absoluement pas le faire et je devenais presque obssessive... maintenant je peux la plupart du temps... je dois travailler sur les moments ou je suis seule... ne pas radoter les mêmes histoires dans ma tête encore et encore!  Je lâche prise en méditant... je me concentre sur ma respiration...  et ce qui se passe dans mon corps...  j'essaie de faire ça le plus souvent possible... ca me ramène au moment présent... et ça fonctionne.... mais je dois m'y appliquer très fort!

Je dois aussi apprendre à faire confiance à la vie davantage... après tout elle m'a amené où je suis maintenant... même si le chemin n'a pas toujours été celui que j'aurais souhaité, ce fut un chemin merveilleux qui m'a permis d'être qui je suis aujourd'hui... et j'aime bien le résultat!  Parfois la vie en sais plus que nous sur le meilleur chemin à suivre!

Vous rappelez-vous Forrest Gump? "Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what to expect" (La vie est comme une boite de chocolat, on ne sais jamais à quoi s'attendre)

N'est-ce pas une excellente comparaison?   Quel "chocolat" je prendrai la prochaine fois? qui sait...  mais je le "mangerai" de toute façon...  et il m'aidera à me rendre au prochain... celui que je dois prendre!!!

Et vous? Attendez-vous un "chocolat" précis alors que vous en manquez d'autres? Attendez-vous un en particulier et jetez les autres ou les laissez fondre?  Ou en profitez-vous pleinement un par un?

N'oubliez pas d'aller voir ma page Facebook... ou mon profile personnnel... suivez-moi sur twitter ou google+...  tous les liens sont plus bas....

et il y a une publication en français tous les jeudis...  vous pouvez entrer votre adresse courriel en haut pour les recevoir directement dans vos courriels!

love and peace,

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My box of chocolate

I am currently living a stressful moment...  and there is nothing I can do about it..  it is not under my control!!!  So how do I deal with it?

Well first of all, I try to keep busy... so it changes my mind!!!  But I am not one to run around crazy just for the fun of it!  So what do I do in quiet times??? I try!

I came across an email from my friend Maryse at Diva Yoga who was talking about the equilibrium between controlling and letting go... and it made me think...  In this situation I am living right now, I do have control over some of it... so, that, I need to take care off!  And I am...  When something is under your control, you need to address it...  you need to do what needs to be done!  You can't rely on anyone else to do it!  To me, this is not a problem...  However, the part I need to let go....  because I do not have control over it...  THAT is the problem...  and I was wondering why...  I mean, I know we do not control much in our lives... I know everything turns out just for the best...  So why the fuss?   Why am I freaking out over this?  Because I am not in control?  partly yes... I must admit!  I would go there right now and DO myself the part I am not in control off and it would be done!   But could I really?  No... this thing I am waiting for... is not something I am good at doing... or qualified to do...  so I could not do it!  So how can I assume that I could just go and do it faster then others? I couldn't...  I have to let go!!!  But why is it so hard???  Because I feel like I am not in control...  because I am impatient...  because this thing I am waiting for will have an impact on my life...  and I would like to move on... I feel like I am on PAUSE right now... but I am really?  Is there such a thing as PAUSE in real life???  Not so much...

Therefore I need to let go...  and live the present moment... not be on PAUSE...  what if I was missing on great moments or opportunities because I am freaking out about something I have no control on?

Well I do that...  I can let go.. when I am with other people...  having discussions...  because I dedicate myself to those discussions...  my issue is when I am with myself... why can't I do it then? 

I did improve on that subject however... I use to not be able to let go even when I was with other people... now I can...  I have to learn to let go when by myself!!!   In quietness...  and how do I do that???  I am trying meditation... I am trying to focus on my breathing and listening to what goes on in my body....  and it works.... on and off...  it's a work in progress! 

I also have to learn to trust life more...  after all it did bring me where I am now in my life... even if the path may not be the one I had chosen, it was a great path and I love the outcome! Sometimes Life knows better than we do!

Remember Forrest Gump?  "Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what to expect"

Isn't that a sweet way to see it?   What "chocolate" will I pick up next?  Who knows... but I will "eat" it...  and it will help me go to the following place in my life...  where I should be.... where I have to be!!!

What about you?  Are you waiting for a "chocolate" while missing out on other stuff?  Are you waiting to pick a specific one while throwing the other ones out or letting them melt away? Or are you just enjoying them one by one as they are picked?

Don't forget to check out to check out my Facebook page.... or personal profile... connect with me on twitter or google +...

love and peace,

Friday, May 10, 2013

New to minimalism? Confused? Lost?

this is from a previous post from February 28th 2011 and you may enjoy it if you are new to minimalism, confused about it or just do not know where to start..... It was written 2 months after I started this whole process seriously....  and about 3 years after my initial introduction to minimalism (yes I come from that far....  I was such a shopaholic, it is not even funny!)...  I am putting it up again today because some of you may be new to the process... have drawbacks and wonder how we do it!  Well, my dear, it takes time!  For most of us it's a process that takes years to achieve...  (whatever is in italic comes from February 2011) 

I am the kind of person always questioning herself.... Am I doing the right thing? Could I do more? Does this make sense? Is there a point? Does it helps anyone? Does it makes me happy?
I have very few expectations from life aside from being happy... that also includes my son and husband being happy!
Happiness to me does not include a big house, fancy car and travelling... for those of you who may not have get that up until now... ;)
(and as time goes by, I am more and more convinced of that)

Saturday night, after putting my lovely son to bed, my husband and I had a nice discussion... I had been thinking all day... and so he knew I was up to something! What I had been thinking about was one sentence in a movie we all watched together Friday night. The sentence was (not necessarily exact quote) "sometimes the good decision may not be the good thing to do"... what does this mean? not quite sure yet...
What did this sentence trigger in me? Putting my year resolution in question! (my resolution in 2011 was to not buy anything that was not essential)

Now, what if I was doing all this for nothing? What if it was already too late? Or too little? What if I had no impact or anyone? Might as well shop, spend money, use my car, eat anything etc...
I mean there are no sure answer to all those questions... and my husband certainly did not have the answers either... But what he made me realize is that I have to do what makes ME happy NOW! After all it is my only expectation from life! So I have to go for it...

If what I am doing is enough or not? Who cares really? At least I am giving it a try!
If I am doing this for nothing? No because this is what makes me happy! Even if it does not have the impact I wish for... it is a beginning...
Is it too late? Probably not... as long as there is life, there is hope!
Too little? Probably.... but every small step count!
What if it has no impact? I can see an impact on my son! So if only that... It was worth it! And I have a few people reading me so I am at least playing with their minds... lol!

And my husband vision on that is, when I am going to leave this world, I should not have regrets!
So I have to live in such a way not to have any! And that includes giving it a try!
Trying a more sustainable way of living!

So as a result, I decided to keep on going... hey, might as well give it a shot!!!
What do I have to lose???

So after that discussion, I was feeling better... and I was OK for another 4 months... then in June, I slipped and went shopping (yes for non-essential thing - this post is a confession!)...  you can read about it here...   you might enjoy it!  It is really short and it shows that nobody's perfect.... and it's trial and error.... and nothing is easy.... and you will have drawbacks!!!  Just acknowledge them, enjoy and move on!!!  No need to feel remorse or punish yourself...  Life is too short!

Don't forget to check out to check out my Facebook page.... or personal profile... connect with me on twitter or google +... 

love and peace,

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ma vie!

This blog is a French translation of "My life" published a few weeks ago.... Thursday is French day!

Les commentaires que je reçois le plus de la part des gens qui ont lu « Life Happens » sont 1) que je suis vraiment forte et 2) que je dois faire beaucoup de sacrifices.

Malheureusement, je ne le vois pas vraiment comme ça et ces commentaires me surprennent toujours.

Pour 1) être très forte… Je ne l’avais jamais réalisé avant d’avoir reçu ce commentaire. Sérieusement! Je ne me suis jamais posé cette question à travers tout ça. « Suis-je une femme forte? » J’ai seulement fait ce que je devais faire, ce que je sentais que je devais faire. Je ne sais pas ce qui m’a poussée à tout faire ça. Pourquoi est-ce que je l’ai fait où tant de personnes ont laissé tomber? Je pense que c’est en partie parce que je ne voulais pas être malade. Je ne voulais pas être un poids pour mon mari et pour mon fils. Je ne voulais pas finir comme ça aurait pu l’être. J’étais trop jeune. Je suis aussi très têtue. Je peux en faire beaucoup pour prouver que quelqu’un a tort! Mais dans ce cas, c’est devenu très utile! J’étais aussi terrifiée, et c’est incroyable ce que la peur peut faire. Quand on se bat pour sa vie! Je me suis sentie comme si je n’avais aucun choix. Et je pense aussi que tout le monde PEUT le faire et DOIT le faire! Pourquoi laisser tomber? Pourquoi croire ce que les médecins disent? Pourquoi écouter ceux qui vous disent qu’il n’y a rien à faire? Ce n’est pas leur choix. C’est à vous de décider. Et il y a tant d’histoires de personnes comme moi qui ont vaincu leur maladie chronique alors qu’il n’y avait aucun espoir. Un cancer quand la chimio était inutile… Je ne suis pas la seule, et c’est cette idée qui m’a supportée. Je pense que je suis aussi un peu compétitive. Ça aussi ça a été très utile! Et si ces personnes ont pu le faire, pourquoi pas moi?

Alors jusqu’à maintenant, même si je le prends comme un compliment, je ne me vois pas comme une personne plus forte que vous qui lisez mon blogue ou Life Happens. Peut-être que certains d’entre vous manquent seulement d’outils et de marche à suivre… C’est pour ça que Life Happens est là! Pour vous donner une piste, un endroit où regarder et un rayon d’ESPOIR!

Maintenant, pour le commentaire 2) que j’ai dû faire beaucoup de sacrifices! Je n’en suis pas si certaine. La définition de sacrifice est d’abonner quelque chose qui vous tient à coeur. Est-ce vraiment un sacrifice si ce que vous abandonnez n’est pas si important? Si ce que vous avez abandonné ne vous manque pas? Si ce que vous avez abandonné vous a rapporté de l’amour, de la paix et la santé?
Voici ce que j’ai abandonné pour retrouver ma vie et ma santé :

La viande
et éventuellement les produits laitiers, puisque depuis que le livre est sorti je suis devenue végétalienne.
Les biens – une grosse maison, une voiture, des meubles, des vêtements, des objets…
La dépendance d’acheter plus de biens
La dépendance à l’argent pour être heureuse
Le manque de discipline

Et j’ai échangé tout ça pour :

Une meilleure alimentation
Plus de temps
Pas besoin de faire un travail pour avoir un gros revenu – être capable de choisir un travail
Le bonheur trouvé dans chaque moment libre de la vie
La discipline – avoir ce que je veux – ma santé et la tranquillité d’esprit!
La discipline pour développer une pratique de méditation et de yoga tellement gratifiante!

Est-ce que ce sont des sacrifices? Est-ce que ces choses me manquent vraiment? NON! ABSOLUMENT PAS! Je suis tellement mieux sans.

Certains diront que je ne peux pas aller dans des places « normales » ou magasiner si j’ai une mauvaise journée ou encore inviter des gens chez moi parce que j’habite dans un petit appartement ou faire un voyage en voiture…

Je tiens à dire que je PEUX faire ces choses, si je le voulais vraiment. Mais je CHOISIS de ne pas les faire!

Mais je ne veux pas faire ces choses. Je peux aller partout où je veux aller. Il y a presque toujours un choix pour les végétaliens. Si j’ai une mauvaise journée, je préfère aller à la maison et avoir un câlin de mon mari et de mon fils. Je préfère ça de loin à aller magasiner! Je peux recevoir des personnes à la maison, mais on ne peut pas avoir un souper quatre services à ma table à manger. Mais il y a assez d’espace sur le plancher pour s’asseoir ou rester debout et parler! J’ai déjà eu une voiture et les voyages en voiture m’ont toujours rendue malade! J’aime mieux marcher ou faire du vélo!

C’est ma vie. Je ne la vois pas comme un sacrifice. J’ai fait des choix et personne ne m’a forcée. Mais les résultats sont si GÉNIAUX que je n’y pense presque pas. Et souvenez-vous, je n’ai pas réalisé tout ça en une seule nuit. Ça a pris des années. C’était un processus très lent. Je m’encourageais à chaque étape qui me faisait sentir mieux. Alors, pourquoi arrêter? Allons à la prochaine étape! Si j’arrive à une étape qui ne me rend pas heureuse, je ne la ferai pas!

Par exemple, j’ai été végétarienne pendant presque 6 ans et je voulais être végétalienne pendant 2 ans avant de le faire. Parce qu’avant, cette étape m’était inconfortable. Je l’ai fait récemment.

Alors en fin de compte, peut-être que j’ai l’air d’une femme forte qui fait beaucoup de sacrifices. Mais ce n’est pas comment je me vois. Et c’est ce qui me permet de continuer. Si vous voyez ça comme un sacrifice ou la perte de quelque chose, c’est intolérable! Vous devez voir le verre à moitié rempli! Un point c’est tout!
La traduction est de Viviane Cauden
love and peace,

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Amendement to my list of clothes... and hello to my readers!

Hello my friends!!!!

first of all, I would like to say THANK YOU to my growing numbers of readers!!!  It grows every day and this is wonderful!!!! 

When I started this blog, I had 8 people reading my blog once in a while.. but I love writing so I kept doing it... I am now up to much much more than that!!!  and hope it continues to grow... so please share this blog with you friends if you like it!!!

It is amazing that right now, at the touch of a finger, I can communicate with people all around the globe!!!  Most of my readers come from country where I never step foot!!!!  Most of my readers come from countries that do not even have French or English as first language!!!  I find this absolutely amazing!!!  It is a revolution...  but I wish I would hear from you too... so do not hesitate to befriend me on facebook, like my page...  you can also leave a comment here... and no worries if your English is not perfect... mine is not either!!!  I would like to know what you guys want to see on this blog!!!   

In the meantime, because I like to be honnest with you guys....  here's my amended list to my summer clothes....  I had forgotten, after a long winter, how warm weather can feel... and kept stuff I now realize I will not be wearing untill fal again... 

So I crossed off a few items... and added one...

1)Wide leg jeans
2) Skinny jeans
3) Jeans with flower patch
4) Torn up jeans (for week end and Holiday's only!)
5) Red pants
6) Beige khaki pants (for work only)
7) White denim pants
8) Black pants (fancier - for going out)
9) pair of jean shorts ( for commute on very hot days, week ends and holidays)
10) pair of jean shorts ( for commute on very hot days, week ends and holidays)
11) Flower skirt
12) Beige skirt
13) Fuchsia skirt
14) Navy and beige dress
15) Flower sexy dress
16) fuchsia and grey flowy cami
17) fuchsia, orange and grey flowy cami (for week end and holidays only)
18) Om t-shirt
19) Recycle t-shirt
20) Stripe navy 3/4 sleeve t-shirt
21) Stripe olive 3/4 sleeve t-shirt
22) Olive 3/4 sleeve t-shirt
23) loose white t-shirt
24) Beige with pink and orange drawing 3/4 sleeve t-shirt (for week end and holidays only)
25) Flower cami (to be worn at work with a vest for eg)
26) fuchsia cami
27) beige cami
28) white t-shirt
29) red t-shirt
30) long sleeves stripe shirt (white and blue)
31) long sleeves stripe shirt (white and blue)
32) cotton shirt
33) fancy navy polka dot shirt
34) Grey vest (mostly for air conditioning condition)
35) Navy cotton vest ( mostly for air conditioning conditions)
36) Black cotton vest ( mostly for air conditioning conditions)
37) short sleeve grey vest (to over over camis at work or when cooler in the morning)
38) short sleeve green vest (to over over camis at work or when cooler in the morning)
added a light beige flowy short sleeve top... mostly for work!
had forgotten to mention a White cotton boho top

so roughly up to 34 items...  I think...

but then again.... remember this is not about the numbers!!  This is about being comfortable in my clothes... making sure they fit well, represent who I am and make me happy!!!  and not have clothes I do not wear.. because someone could use them... In the end, what's the use of all this if I am miserable!!!! 

Once again, at the risk of repeating myself... minimalism is not deprivation..  it's selection!!!!

...and picture will follow soon.... to show how many outfits I can generate from those items...

love and peace,

Monday, May 6, 2013

Wonderful summer week end!

I do not have much to say today.. it is one of those days... a Monday where you feel like the week end was way too short... even thus I had a 3 days week end!

I was off on Friday because I had paperwork to work on for "Life Happens" in order to get ready for some interviews...  So I took my bike and rode along my son to his school... stopped at a nearby Starbucks coffee shop to enjoy my usual chai latte and do my work...  Then I rode back home to have lunch and go see my husband who was waking up (he works nigh shift)...  and we took our bike back to my son school... walked around the area and rode back home with my son..  a very simple day...  filled with bike ride, walking and taking in the beautiful sun!!!  I also discovered an amazing store for cute kitchen stuff... Vde V maison I may go back there!  :-)

On Saturday, we rented a car... we had not done that in over a month...  but my son had his judo lessons and it was to far and to early to get there any other way!  I surely did not miss driving!  and it is pretty safe to say that I hate it more and more.... Then my son went to paintball with my husband...  He loves that!!! And we finished the day at Chapters... and I got Mandy Ingbers Yogalosophy!!!  It is amazing!

On Sunday, we all took a long bike ride...  to different places...  all in all 3h!!!  It was amazing!!!
Then later in the night I played some video game with my son! Star Wars Lego!  I know... not my thing... but it makes my son so happy to be able to make fun of mommy for about 30 minutes... once in a while!!! 

So basically my week end was filled with "nothing" particular...  we surely did not spend lots of money (lifetime member at paintball so that was free)...  but we were all happy!!!  All 3 of us!!!  Just to be there.. enjoy the nice weather.... and really nice bike rides!!! We could have gone on like that forever...  but then reality hits!!! and we're back at work and my son to school...

and that is OK too!!!  You know why?  because if we were doing only that every day... for ever...  it might become boring...  people need to do different things...  learn,work, play, relax....  and move their bodies!!!  It's an equilibrium...  too much of anything is not good!!!  Even too much of your favorite thing!!!

So Monday is a bit rough...  but it'll get better and before you know it.. there will be another week end!!!  and that is life...  just like nature as seasons and day and nights... we have work, play, sleep...  week end and work week...  and it is perfect as it is!!!

As long as you're happy in work, play and sleep...  you have to be...  cause they all represent 1/3 of your life....  so make it so that you're happy in all those spheres of life and you'll be happy overall!!! 

Life is wonderful!!!  Enjoy!!!

love and peace,


Thursday, May 2, 2013

1 de chaque - le minimalisme et les enfants!

Une décoration dans mon bureau au travail
Récemment, je suis tombée sur quelques articles à propos du minimalisme qui parlait du fait que d'avoir un seul objet de chacune des catégories d'objets que nous avons était formidable...  et ça m'a fait réfléchir...comme toujours!

Dans ma quête du minimalisme...  que je crois toujours terminée mais qui ne l'est jamais... j'ai donné beaucoup d'objets que j'avais en double ou en triple... ou voir même plus!

Il est important de savoir que nous ne sommes que 3 chez nous!

Nous avons:

Une table pour les repas
Un lit pour mon garçon et un pour moi et mon mari (double) - pas de lit d'extra
Un set de drap par lit
Une couverture chaude pour les mois froids de l'hiver par lit
Un bureau par chambre à coucher pour y mettre les vêtements
Une table de nuit par lit
Une chaise-fauteuil dans la chambre de mon fils
Une "doudou" près du fauteuil pour ces soirées très froides passées à écouter un bon film
Une serviette de bain chaque
Une serviette de plage chaque
Un fauteuil qui peut nous assoir comfortablement tous les 3
Une chaise berçante dans le salon
Un meuble télé
Un meuble pour séparer notre double pièce qui contient nos décorations telles Ganesh, Boudha, bol de prière, Yogi qui pleure... 
Un pupitre pour le travail et les devoirs
Une chaise de méditation dans le bureau
Une télé
Un ordinateur
Une station pour iPod/iPhone
Un iPhone pour moi
Un cellulaire pour mon mari (pas de téléphone maison)
Un iPod pour mon fils
Un de chaque des chaudrons requis pour la cuisson
Un de chacun des ustensils requis pour faire la cuisine - mais j'ai 2 cuillière de bois!
Un vélo chaque puisque c'est notre mode de transport durant les beaux mois

je pense que ce n'est pas si mal...  mais à quelques endroits je ne peux me contenter d'un seul item...

1) 3 chaises autour de la table à manger qui est ronde

2) tout ce qui sert à prendre les repas: assiettes, bols, verres, ustensils..  j'ai gardé 3 de chaque... excepté pour une sorte de bol que nous utilisons beaucoup  (nous en avons gardé 6) de même que pour les ustensils (gardé 6 de chaque).  J'ai aussi 4 tasses à café reçues en cadeau à Noel...  ça brise la règle de 3 mais bon...  les règles sont aussi faites pour être brisée et la personne qui me les a donné ne connaissait pas ma règle de 3!

3) Les vêtements - mais nous n'en avons pas beaucoup - la liste de mes vêtements est disponible sur d'autres publications.... mais pour chaque saison, je me tiens entre 30-40 items.... sans compter les vêtements de sports, de maison et les manteaux pour dehors.  Ces morceaux couvrent le travail, les sorties et les week end relax!

4) CD et DVD - ma collection est très petite... presque tous mes CD sont sur mon iPhone... sauf quelques uns...  et pour les films je n'en ai qu'un seul...  les autres CD et DVD sont à mon fils. 

5) Livre - j'en ai peut-être un trentaine (incluant les livres de cuisines)... que je tiens à garder car j'y retourne régulièrement... et ils me servent de références.

Je pense que ce n'est pas si mal....  c'est le minimum que je suis prête à aller maintenant... j'aime et j'utilise tout le reste de mes choses...  rien n'est inutile ou gardé pour les mauvaises raisons...

Et maintenant une petite note à propos des enfants et le minimalisme...  Certains grandissent de cette façon... et d'autres comme le mien le "deviennent" parce que maman choisi de la faire....  maintenant, je ne crois pas à forcer mon garçon à le devenir aussi... il a 12 ans!  Après avoir cherché l'opinion de plusieurs personnes sur le sujet, j'ai décidé de le laisser aller à son rythme...  oui il fait du ménage et a beaucoup épuré sa chambre.... autant que je le voudrais?  Non... mais c'est SA chambre et ce sont SES affaires...  et c'est à lui de décider...  je veux le responsabiliser...  et non le forcer! Il demande beaucoup moins de trucs qu'avant! C'est un grand pas....  il a donné beaucoup de ces jouets aux enfants qui n'en ont pas... et je suis fière de lui et il le sait.  Le respect est important pour moi... alors je respecte ses choix... et en échange il apprend à respecter les miens...  et à devenir responsable.  Il apprend par l'example! Je crois que ce soit la meilleure chose... et voici une phrase qui m'avait beaucoup fait réfléchir:

"pour apprendre à ne plus avoir, les enfants doivent avoir eu"...  j'ai vu ceci quelque part sur internet et ça m'a semblé logique!

Et vous?
Considèreriez vous donner ce que vous avez en double ou triple sans aucune raison?
Combien de truc avez-vous VRAIMENT besoin?

love and peace,

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Contest and thank you!!!

log onto my facebook page:

click "Like" to become a member....

and check in tomorrow...  there will be a contest announced to win one of 2 signed copies of "Life Happens"

to celebrate my 2 months being vegan and spring finally showing up in Montreal!!!!

see you there...

and thanks for all your support!!!

love and peace (PLEASE),

Peace please!

At the time of writing these lines I am terribly sad...  I am going to write this post to get the emotions out of my chest and then meditate to regain peace and hope in human nature....

I went for a walk and took this picture...  I thought it was nice image of spring.  Blue sky... and tree awakening from a long sleep...  I felt good...  having the sun warming up my skin... and hearing the birds singing made my hearth light!

But then, I heard that a 5 year old boy accidentally shot his 2 years old sister....  while "playing" with a gun made for kids! ...yet again...

How sad is that???  I surely do not want to put the blame on anyone... especially not that poor kid who's gonna have to live his whole life with the image of him killing his younger sister... 

But this is not the first time such an accident happens... (hopefully the last!) and it is not a new thing either....  I've heard someone who's really close to me telling a story of a family close to where he grew up where that very same thing happened.  The boys life (and that of his parents and siblings) is completely ruined.... and that happen over 30 years ago!

This is just an example of what is not right with this society... and there are many more! But again, far from me the idea to point fingers on anyone specific...  not the parents, not the family or friends, not the coworkers or not the government or the police!  I think we ALL are to blame... in a way...  and this is what is so sad... we need to acknowledge this....  and everyone needs to be responsible for their acts... The butterfly effect (go to this post of you wish to see what the butterfly effect is) which I really like to talk about is a really nice principle however it also works the other way around...

Let me explain... if every action I take has a reaction... if every decision I make impact someone...  if every idea that comes to my mind can materialize...  do you see where I am going??? 

If I decide to let someone cut in front of me in a line (standing or driving)...  does it really make me wait a lot more?  Does it perhaps help that person who may have an higher sense of urgency than I have?  Will it really "kill" me? Probably it will not affect me so much... but that person who is already in a stress moment and probably has issues may be calmed down by you letting him/her go...  and then what if he/she gets home or back on the road in a better mood because of that?  Can that impact his/her family?  Kids? Other people driving?

What if I fill my head with nice thought instead of bad aggressive ones?  I will probably be more calm...  and this calmness, just like a smile, is contagious... people around me will be more calm... and people around them too...  and when you are calm, are you looking for violence?

I know this is a long shot... and it won't happen overnight (even thus I really wish I could fix this with the snap of my fingers!)....  and for a while we'll have to deal with violence...  still.... but we can reverse this!  I am trying... but I need your help... and you need the help of all you friends/family/ readers/...  who in turn needs the help of all theirs...  THIS is the butterfly effect!!  Let' use it for something good...  The flap of a butterfly wing in Brazil can create enough wind to create a tornado somewhere in Canada... but let's use that wind to do  create something else than a tornado!!!  Something more positive... 

The dalai-lama says that if every 8 years old kid alive today would be taught meditation, we could achieve world peace in 2 generations!  I like to believe that!!! 

and now I will go meditate...  remove all this bad energy... all those horribles ideas in my head.... and replace with good energy.... and peaceful beautiful ideas!!!

will you join me???

will you try to be more calm?  look less into violence and more into life's beauty? look for the good instead of the bad and ugly???

I have stopped watching the news years ago because of violence but somehow, it still comes to me...  sometimes...  and it really makes me so sad!!!!

think:  HAPPY THOUGHT!!!!

love and peace (PLEASE),