Saturday, October 6, 2018

Did you signed up for this?

Fall always brings about reflection in me...

This time, the trigger was a sentence I heard on a tv show "... I didn't sign up for this..."

But still...

Did I signed up for this?

Some of it yes... some of it no...
Is there anything I can do?
Do I absolutely have to put up with it?

I certainly did not signed up for being diagnosed with MS right before turning 31 after being sick for six years...
No one would! But I had no choice. I had to fight... or flight... I decided the former. Good choice.

What about the rest of my life?
I already did most of the work on that... with my life.

So let me ask you a few qestions.
The steps I went through, before I could say that my life, as it is now, is pretty much what I signed up for! All of it! Including how I deal with MS.

What about you?
Did you signed up for your life as it is?
Why ask? Why bother?

Well because life is pretty and ugly and messy... but lovely. It can be surprising and annoying... though and easy breezy... fair or not... it can be anything you want and everything you hate... but it mostly is up to you.

The unfair, the ugly, the messy and the annoying can ALL be turned around, in time and if you want to.

It won't be easy. It wasn't for me. But nothing worth it ever is and the one life you were given is worth it.
It won't be pretty. Not right away.
It will require work and sweat and decisions...
And we don't like these.

Are you ready?

So.... did you really signed up for your life as it is now?

Really? Honestly? All of it?

If the answer is yes, well I am truly, genuinely, happy for you! This post may not be what you're looking for...
If the answer us no, well keep on reading. No worries, I have no way of knowing if you read it all or not.  This is between you and your future better, happier you!

What about your health? Are you as healthy as you would like to be? Did you look into your options? All of them. Even those who may seem silly... because if you tried all the logic ones and you still are not as healthy as you would like to be, what have you got to lose?

What about work? Are you satisfied there or is it a mean to an end that never ends? Are you staying because you've been there for do long? Because of the money? Because this is what you studied? Or  you already invested so much time and energy and perhaps money in it? What would people think/say if you quit? Is it something you would do again if you were 20? Or would you chose something else? What if I told you, you do not need all that money. No you don't. Not if to get it you are killing yourself... slowly but surely... there are better ways. Did you really think this through? Did you look at all the options? I can help if you want... free if charge. Really. I've done it before and I'd do it again.

And relationships? People are meant to flow in and out of your life like everything else... Is everyone in your surrounding there for the right reasons?  Or because they are blood related? Or life long friends? Or the other parent to your kid (s)? Set boundaries. Healthy ones. For you. Do people respect and love you or the idea they have of who you are? The image you project? Do they give as much as they get from the relationship? Do you feel like you are holding the whole world on your shoulders? Are you empty? Do anyone fill you or everyone gets filled by you?

What about free time? Activities? Passions? Hobbies? Do you have any of these? Do you have time for it? Do you spend, every week, time by yourself for yourself? When was the last time you were alone, completely alone doing something you like but serves no purpose to anyone else but you?

So, did you signed up for this? Do you want to sign up for something better? Because you can. It's your life.  Your choice. You can sign a new contract anytime you want. As often as you want. No one can do it for you.

Own it.
Stop blaming others or life.
Own your shit.
Get over it.
It's time.
You deserve it.


let me know if I can help...
don't forget to sign up...
and share...

Chloe 💜&✌

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