Tuesday, September 11, 2018

New orientation for the blog

Hello lovely readers!

First, a few announcements...

1) New link to register by email - if you were registered before you will need to do it again as I changed the domain name.

2) Slightly different look - bet you noticed that!

3) More focused content

Well, it was time for a change...  a few hints were pointing in my direction and I finally took them.
I had been thinking about it for a while...  and after this morning intense brainstorming session, it all became clear!

I was lacking direction, purpose...  I was writing my thoughts on this blog but it was all over the place with no specific aim...  so I kept missing my target! I would write about anything interesting me but I couldn't find the common ground.  I finally did! Yay!

As you may, or may not have noticed, I also changed my introductory presentation to this one:

"Hello! Here, I wish to share my knowledge and show you how, by living an essentialist life, we can save our planet, be healthier, happier and stress free. Enjoy!"

This reflects exactly what I wish to do.  I already wrote about essentialism here. This is my key.

After days of reflection, I realized that the common thread to everything I was writing about was always the environment...  of course there are health benefits but essentially, the one thing I have been passionate about all my life is the environment! Whether I write about my food choices, my shopping bans, my second hand furniture, my yoga practice, my camping trips... What I am really good at is sharing, teaching what I know. What the world needs right now, is more knowledge how we can, by our every day actions and personal lifestyle, save out planet.  The health benefits are just a nice side effect to the whole thing...

So here's this blog.  To do all of that.

Therefore, from now on, this blog will be about an essentialist lifestyle.  How you can, by implementing my suggestions in your daily life, do your share to help save Mother Earth.  We need to do this...  I have a kid, a surely some of you do too...  we inherited a more or less healthy planet and we are leaving it in even worse condition... maybe it's time we do something about it! We do not have to behave like previous generations.  There are other ways.  If not for us, for our little or not-so-little ones.

Of course, you cannot do everything... neither can I. We still want to enjoy life... But I believe that if we try, if each one of us do our share, cut our losses, make open-eye decisions on each of our actions, what we feel comfortable with or not, we can have a positive impact. Every action each one of us makes is cumulative and in the end, we can shift the situation we are currently in.  I believe so.  I need you to also.

As a result, I will still write about lifestyle choices, about what I do, how I live and stuff... but it will always be related to an essentialist lifestyle.

I am now asking you guys a BIG FAVOR!  If you like the new direction of this blog, please share, share and share!!!  I am really trying to build a community here of like minded people who wish to do what they can for this world to go a little better!

Chloe 💜&✌

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