Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The 90% rule

I've just cleaned up the very many pictures in my tablet...
I love taking pictures of the nature.
I'm afraid I'll forget how pretty it is... but how could I?
Perhaps, I am missing out by taking so many pictures... but this should be another post...
I am getting off track here.

I wish to talk about the 90% rule. As an essentialist, it is of great importance to understand the rule. Essentialism is all about choices. Not everything can be chosen or kept or prioritize! It goes without saying... there is not enough time and energy in our one short life for all of it. Period.

The 90% rule states that when prioritizing or choosing one thing over another, grade them. Only what is a 9/10 or 10/10 makes the cut. Oh... I see what you are thinking... everything in your life already is 9 or 10! Well clearly, this is not true. You are lying to yourself. You are avoiding choices, selection.

Why are you afraid to pick your real favorites?

Because you already spent money on something is not a reason to keep.  Do you use it?  Do you love it? Let it go. Cut your losses.

Because you invested time in a project doesn't necessarily makes it worth investing more time. Does it really make you extremely happy?

All the activities in your agenda, are you really looking forward to them or do they feel more like an obligation?

Do all your relationships bring you love, peace? Are you really grateful for all or just gotten use to them? Do they still have a reason to be?

Be honest. Brutally honest.

You need to become a much pickier judge!

Here are some tips:

For material possessions. If you are not so sure about their value in your life right now, put them away from sight in a box and label the box three months from now. On that date, if you haven't gone back in it DO NOT OPEN IT and bring it to good will. If something is a family heirloom that you have no use for but which to remember, take a picture and part from the item.  You can also ask yourself, how much would you pay TODAY for a specific item? We change over time and it is not because we paid 200$ for that bag that we have to keep it... and you can also ask yourself  "would I buy it again?".

My favorite question to ask myself always is: if I lost everything to a fire what would I buy back?

For projects. The time you already spent on a project means nothing if you have no more passion for it. Not everything has an end result. Sometimes it brought you to something else and that's OK. Sometimes you've lost sight of the reason for doing it. Move on. Life is a journey not a destination and so are everything you do or set up to do. If it no longer brings you joy, meaning or a reason to wake up in the morning, let go. Find another project. Something that resonates with you. If you knew how much longer you have here, what would you focus on? If money was no object, what would you prioritize?

Activities. Why is your agenda so loaded? Who chose all those meetings, activities, social events? Why do you feel like you HAVE TO DO IT ALL. Because you don't. You really don't. What if you don't show up? Would the world stop turning? Would people like you less? Or maybe they'd respect you more... When was the last time you had a day to yourself. Nothing on the agenda? Just enjoying yourself, your kids, your love... just being. Not doing. Not running around trying to make it work? Try it! Pick one day a week where there will be no obligations and see what comes of it ( if a whole day is too much, pick an evening).

Relationships. I am all for having great supportive meaningful relationships in your life. But, that takes time and investment. You can't properly nourish so many. You just can't because you are human. Pick a few. Besides your spouse and kid(s), if you have any, maybe 2-3 people worth investing in.  There is no time for more. Also keep in mind that it doesn't mean they will be there for ever. As you change, as they change, as life goes on, they might go... and that is OK as there will be more coming.

So now, using those tools... what are your true 9 and 10?
These are worth investing in now.
The rest has to go.
It is in your past.

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And please share!

Chloe 💜&✌

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