Thursday, December 13, 2018

Why I am doing this and what are my goals

Earlier this week I announced my 2019 project.

A year of tying up loose ends.

Now some people, including my husband, which is obviously part of my project, have been asking me questions...

What is this exactly?
How will it happen?
Why am I doing this?
What are my objectives?

To the first two questions I still have no definite answers...
It will come in time.  But I know it will require challenging myself in many ways! I can see monthly challenges in my near future...

As for the why...  all I know is that I want this year to be the year where I finally come together - body/mind/spirit on the same note... no more internal fights!

My objectives

This is one thing I had to figure out from the beginning or else there really was no point in trying to do anything.  I have been working for years at being minimalist/essentialist/frugal... which ever word you wish to use. Essentially I am aiming for a simpler, healthier and cheaper way of life. With freedom to move around as much as I can.  However I am not there yet and recently I think I have figured out my weaknesses (meditation really is very insightful)... time to work on them!

1) overcome my shopping addiction for good.

Although it is well under control (compare to what it used to be), it is still there and I find myself easily justifying buying stuff I do not really need... which leaves me with less money to do things I love like camping and nature travels. Our society of hyper consumerism still has a bigger hold on me than I'd want to.

2) let go of what people think or say - completely!

There again, I can be quite independent but there are triggers that set me off and make me vulnerable. I want to identify those and eliminate them.  For that journaling might be very helpful - it has already helped me kind of see what is going on! Lots of it has to do with my age and the expectations associated with it according to where I come from...

3) live the life I love

I am working on a budget and authorized expenses for 2019 that will allow me to live life as I really wish! Thinking that if I "force" do it for a year it will get more natural and I won't have to struggle against myself in the end... For example, this life will not include shopping and travelling to cities - which are old reflexes of things I use to do but that always leave me empty and regretful I did them!

Fake it till you make it they say...

4) start working on my emergency fund

I know this is the wise thing to do and I have no excuses for not having one yet. ENOUGH. By the end of the  year, I would like to have half of it saved - that would be 3K.

As I said earlier,  I do not have all the details yet... but I will be very transparent on this blog. As usual.

The next two posts should be about:
- my authorized expenses
- my list of monthly challenges

Gandhi said something to the effect that the biggest traveler is not the one that has gone around the world but the one that went once around himself. I love this!!!

Any ideas for challenges? What do you think of that project?

If you liked what you read, please share...

Chloe 💜&✌

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