Life is pretty messy! And so am I!!!or should I say pretty but messy??? I try and keep it real... because we all need a little more REAL! Enjoy and share xox
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Minimalism isn't always simple!
Well my friends....
I have to admit that being a minimalist, although is the best thing for me, is not always as simple as it may sound... For example, switching from my iPhone to a normal cell phone... Went to the store today and they have 1 model of non-intelligent cell phone... but that is not the issue really... as long as I can text and phone, I couldn't care less for the choice of model: the problem is they ran out of stock of their one model... yesterday! How odd is that???? And the supplier is discontinuing this model so they have to change for another supplier and the new non-intelligent cell phone will not be available for a few days... Guess who will wait and not fall pray to that b***s*** they were serving me??? I will go back Friday and see what can be done then. I know... I am being stubborn but for the needs I have there is roughly a 40$ per month difference between an intelligent and non-intelligent phone. I need that 40$ per month! To do work I love instead of work to pay the bills!
On that note, I am happy to say that I did find a job... I cannot say where just yet BUT I can say so much that it will be something I love... Part-time... Not as stressful... Perfect for my health!
However, this job required a small investment as they have a specific dress code and I did not have much that complied with it! Therefore I needed to go shopping! Old me would have said: `"Yay! An excuse to buy stuff"... New me, not so much... and I actually realised that I no longer love shopping... because it is not as easy when you need specific items, that those items also have to fit in with your current wardrobe, they have to reflect your style, be at a price you are willing to pay... and you actually need to pay for it because you do not use a credit card... All I could see was money out the window! But I need to admit that I did find the items I was looking for, at a price that was convenient AND those items will do for that job, week ends and will also be appropriate for mostly any other jobs I could do. Another plus was that being end of season, I got really good deals so the cash out was not as bad as I expected!
I am very exited that after all those years of being a minimalist I am finally at a place where I can start working at a job I love... it took a long time and it's a long shot because financially I am still not where I would love to be! It will require that I make magic with what we have available to not only pay the bills but pay back our last debt and continue increasing our savings.
It is worth all the efforts...
A small trick for saving money on groceries: at my store, which is 10 minutes walking distance and on my way to work, they have a special on Tuesday where if you buy 10$ of fruits and veggies, you can save 10$ on your next bill! Well guess who will go twice on Tuesday to the grocery store to stock up on fruits and veggies and get 2 x 10$ discount??? Guilty as charged! And I will wait to do the rest of my grocery shopping on the remainder of the week! This will mean 4 trips to the grocery store per week but since I go with a lost and only get what's on it, it doesn't cost me anymore! Check out your grocery store if they have that kind of special!
thanks for reading!
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Friday, July 25, 2014
#108 days : week 5 is over!
Week 5 is over.... 35 days of doing this project and I can see this is going somewhere! Maybe not where I wanted to when I signed up for it! Maybe not as fast as I would love to... but it is moving along.
Since I announced my new rules, I can see much changes in me. By-the-way, I wish to thank everyone who took the time out of their busy lives to send me a gently note or a word of wisdom! I really do appreciate all of them.
It has done that because I have allowed myself to turn in more... instead of turning out to social media so much. It brought a new light to myself.... how I work and operate... and some unresolved issues I have...
First, I realise that I need to share... I know I can help people by doing so with the nice testimonies I get ever now and then. I will continue to do it but less frequently... and more deeply.
Second, I know the life I chose is not for everyone. I understand and respect that. I do not criticise the way you live your life so do not criticise mine. My blog is only about how I feel. If it doesn't resonate with you, you do not have to keep reading it.
Third, this blog will be re-oriented much more toward minimalist living... like it was at first... because I realise the all I do in my life, all the decisions I make are oriented toward having a simpler, more meaningful and less stressful life. This is what light me up... this is what I like to share... and this is what it will become. For instances:
1) Budget/money tips and tricks that I used and worked or did not... to save you time
2) Decluttering tricks
3) Wardrobe issues
4) Small space living
5) Eating on a budget
6) Eating healthy and simply
7) Relationship decluttering
8) Doing work you love instead of work to pay the bills
9) Entertainment/activities/travel tip for minimalists
All these subject are, to me, the essential of minimalism. It is not only about an empty house and closet, it is a lifestyle... it's about choice you make... choice that will bring you freedom.
This is what this week as been all about for me... realising all that... streamlining what I want to do and share with you guys.
Fourth, I also realise that I have major issues with letting go... especially of things I cannot control. I find that ever since I have moved here, I am always waiting for something. A job interview, a second job interview, a call for an answer, another call for another job... my son to leave... my son to get back... but husband to be back home from work... This has to stop. It is preventing me from being here and now. Because my iPhone will go soon, I had to get an agenda for the next year... I found a super cute one that will help me get in the here and now pronto! I have giving myself until the end of December 2015 (which is the period cover by the agenda) to get this once and for all! Here's a picture of the agenda:
Last but not least, my husband and I took another deep look at our budget... doing work we love instead of work to pay the bills sure has an impact on the budget... so we had to look into a few more things... we've pretty much down to the core now... It made me realise that I did come a long way from my shopping addiction... and I am sure happy about that.... but I am not where I'd like to be yet after 7 years of working on that... Even if we're in a smaller city and I am not watching TV, news, magazines... The over-consumerism society we live in still has a grab on me! Whether it's social media, people walking down the street, there seem to always be a new "need" which really is just a "want" around the corner! Having a tight budget and working hard on paying off our last debt and increasing our savings, it doesn't allow for many unplanned "needs"... therefore I would use the "magic card"! Well this is so counterproductive.... I know... but so easy... until the statement comes in! I haven't used it in 3 weeks... and yesterday I decided to put is way... far and away... it no longer is in my wallet (but I did not cut it yet)! And no worries, I do not know the number so I cannot use it! I will work on paying it off as quickly as possible and at the same time raise my saving high enough that these could be used in case of emergencies and the "magic card" could be cut off for good! I would have to only live off what I have.
Before I go, I would like to share with you pictures of my living/working area. Keep in mind that is fairly big (at least for me): about 12'x18' and it is missing one piece of furniture... a couch... we know what we want but we can't find it use... so I'll keep looking or we'll have to wait to get the money... we want a double papasan couch! They have them at Pier1. Anyway, now it's summer and we spend most of our times outside anyway so we don't really need it now. Here are the pictures:
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home office where I write this blog from |
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music/coffee table book zone |
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meditation/tea area |
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rocking chair facing lake for rainy days |
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closed bookshelves - less dusting to do on the few books I kept |
Diet: perfect
Yoga: work in progress - easy for me to jump of the wagon on an irregular schedule
Buying: Under control!
Yoga outside: found a place with no geese shit to do it! Will try next week.
TV: 21 days done... even though officially started last Friday... this truly is a ride in the park.
and I keep on going..... 73 more days to do the rest...
thanks for reading!
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Monday, July 21, 2014
New life, new rules and why some things have got to go!
As you could see on my last post I am struggling a little... I was kind of expecting that this could happen when I moved to Moncton and this is why I decided to start the #018daystoanewlife project at the same moment... This project was initially for me... to allow me to see things positively... to address any things I wanted to change in my life.... any loose ends I would like to tie... and I realised over the last week, and especially this week end, that it turned out to be a project of me having to follow rules and be accountable to so many others... but myself.... In trying to follow the rules and let you guys know every time I slipped, I am forcing myself to follow them and not listening to what resonates with me... And THAT has to change.... NOW!
This is why over the week end, after many discussions with my husband and one intense discussion with my brother I decided the following...
1) iPhone will go as soon as I find a job. We will get one cell phone - cheap flip phone... It will do the job, make me reachable at all time and lower our budget. I will also get a cool pix camera in due time to take pictures instead of iPhone and a paper agenda for other stuff. I miss having a paper agenda... I love to write in different color pen and draw and use stickers in my agendas... I find electronic ones are so impersonals.
2) I will get off some social medias, namely: Goodreads, Instagram, Bitstrips, LinkedIn and perhaps Twitter eventually. I will be on Facebook - personal profile and page, Pinterest and Google+ since it is linked to this blog
3) Blog will stay - I will write only twice a week instead of 4... It will be on Tuesdays and Fridays (because I wrote on Monday this week, next post will be on Friday)
4) I have cleaned up my email and phone contact and pages liked on Facebook.
As for the rules to my 108 days here's a new version of them and some explanations...
1) I will no longer post a daily picture on Instagram - as I will be off Instagram - I felt oblige to take pictures and it made every moment being evaluated for is it picture worth or not? Instead of just emjoying here and now I was thinking "is this worth picture posting"? Doesn't make sense to me who is trying to be more in the here and now.
2) Journaling will be done when I feel the need for it - I was never able to keep a journal... I like to write when I need to reflect on something or when something important happens but not about having breakfast, a walk and taking a shower!
3) 21 days of yoga which is in process will be slightly switch around to a daily yoga practice that will take place between Monday and Friday with the week end off. 7 days a week is too demanding on my body and I can't sustain it for now. In anyway, in my Ashtanga training, they recommended a 5-6 days a week practice... your body does need a break. The practice will be 1h + long as I realise that there is much more benefit to an hour or more practice then to a 30-45 minutes one like I use to have. I want to keep those benefits
4) 21 days no TV is still on... and really easy I must say... I really do not miss it! Even though this technically started last Saturday, I have already completed 16 days as I haven't watch TV in over 2 weeks without even noting it. Not having a TV in the living room does make a difference.
5) 7 days of fruits and veggies is still on and will start next Saturday.
6) 21 days of waking up at 6am and go for an hour walk is still on - I really can't wait to get to that set of days.
7) 21 days of new recipe is on hold for now - I realise that I have enough of trying new recipes... it makes my life more complicated as I have more options to select from when preparing my meals for the week. I am happy with the 20 or so recipes I have and I like to add one every now and then when something looks really good but forcing myself to try 21 news recipe in a row might just drive me insane! I will rethink this one and see when comes Sept 13th (which was the start date for that) if I still want to do it or not...
8) Books to read are still there but I have some catching up to do... I am hoping that with less blogging and social media time I will have more time to read! Those books I selected were actually there to help me... I really need to go through them.
9)Will keep the natural color hair - really do love it!
10) yoga outside, tattoo and Treego are out. I cannot do yoga in the park across from me as there is geese shit all over the grass and this is really the only space close to home I could have used. Tattoo - although I would love to get a lotus flower on the inside of my ankle, the pain it may cause really is scaring me out... and makes this not worth while... for now anyway! Treego was in order for me to impress my son and my husband... I am really afraid of heights and this would actually be working on my weaknesses when I was told that you should forget your weaknesses and work on your strengths.
11) Diet rules will stay as this not process cookies and chips and candies is really doing me some good.... even though I have had a few sugar cravings they eventually go away anyway!
That's it.... All the changes I need to make on Day 31 to make the remaining 77 days more manageable... the purpose of this challenge is for me to move on... not set back.
Yoga, meditation, walking and reading will be what I will mostly focus on from now until Oct 6th. Let's see what this will bring me.
I had to realise that I was loosing my life trying to show it all to others... and that this project which was at first intended for me turned into something out of control... something for others... and I didn't liked and enjoyed it anymore! Time for me to address the situation!
On that note, I'll talk to you on Friday! Have a lovely week...
and do not hesitate to share what you think... I always enjoy hearing from you!
thanks for reading!
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Friday, July 18, 2014
108 days: Day 28! 4th and worst week so far
Week 4 ends tonight at midnight! Can't wait. This has been the most challenging yet.
Let me tell you why...
Diet is good! Even if I am craving store bought cookies or candies and even if I dangerously hang out in those section of the grocery store I am not giving in. I know the craving will go eventually. In the mean time I eat them with my eyes...
Journaling is good to. I am writing every day... sometimes not so extensively but I do write something.
Not shopping is working out to. However tempted I am to buy clothes because I know there are discounts this time of year AND my closet has been emptied a lot with my changing hair color... I did not give in that either.
Plant is doing well... and even has some tiny baby leaves coming out!
I got inspired to work on another project - You'll know more about it in sometimes in September.
I have started discussion with a yoga studio for an exiting project.
I didn't get the job I was telling you about last Friday - and that's OK. I don't think I would have been really happy there... I had applied more for the money! Old patterns.... I came here for a different life - why are old patterns so easy to fall back into?
I applied on more jobs and I am waiting to hear from them. jobs I would actually love to do and are more in tune with my personality.
Husband LOVES his job!!! He has to bike 40 min to and from work every day and works between 10-12 hours for very little money but I have never seen him happier!!! That is why we came here.... he is an inspiration to me!
Now all that seems really nice... and it is... but there are always 2 sides... and here's the other... the darker side.
Yoga practice - after 12 consecutive days I skipped one practice (and I haven't done today yet - but I know it is still early). My shoulder was hurting... my physical, mental and spiritual bodies needed a break. Maybe 21 days non-stop of yoga is not for me. Or not for me at this time. There is a reason why they recommend a regular practice to be 5-6 days a week. This yoga practice is also playing tricks with me... like I expected it to do.
1) I do not see things the same way.
2) I am much more confident in the Universe or Life or whatever you want to call it.
3) I have a new aura... I am shinning from within I was told. And I can feel it.
4) My body is changing.
5) My face is changing - less tense and less wrinkles.
6) I feel relaxed and happy.
It has giving me hint to new projects... new ideas.... it also brought me to realise that I am not ready to work from home full time. I need the people connection. When I was in Montreal, I had the chance to meet with friends and family once or twice a week... Not much but all I needed. Here, I yet have no friends... and friends are hard to make when you stay home! Of course there are the occasional discussion with an elderly person or a bus driver... or the Starbucks barista but not quite the same... It's a good thing I have my husband is here with me at least for the evenings... we can talk at that time.
For that reason I started applying to part time jobs I have interests in... that will help me with getting to know people and a sense of fulfilment. We'll see how that goes. I am not rushed... financially we are fine until the end of September... I want to find the right thing... not just anything.
On another note, my son has been gone for 2 weeks... and husband started working also therefore those last 2 weeks I have been feeling very lonely... I write, grocery shop, cook, bake, do yoga, laundry... but something is missing... I know it'll get better... it's a transition... but still, now that I am going through it, there are some hard times.
Today I emptied all my clothes and tried them all... for all 4 seasons... in new combinations... with a very criticizing eye in my full length mirror. I check the outfits, the skin tone and hair color... I selected what I wanted to keep and put a few items aside to ask my husband his opinion. All the clothes are still on the bed... he will wonder what happened when he walks in!
I selected new rules to my minimalist wardrobe. I think I finally know what I want to look like in clothes... what image I want to convey... It took years but I made it. And from now on, shopping and dressing will be easier... less mistakes made in getting dress or buying stuff because I love it but it has nothing to do with my style! Going minimalist has allowed me to find a style... my style. And style, unlike fashion in timeless...
Last but not least, my yoga practice has been helping me dealing with a few loose ends in my life. One of them was a friendship that lasted for most of my adult life... and that I had to put an official end to. It was the hardest thing ever. This friend and I went through so much... and I always thought that despite our differences we were good friends. Well a while back she started pulling away... and it took me a while to realise it... she would always have good excuses... to much work, tired, appointment, sleepy.... not feeling good... needing to be by herself... all things that I had lived with her before... so I accepted it... I saw her for the last time right before Christmas and we had a great time even though we had not seen each other in over 4 months (we had never stayed apart so long)... then after Christmas, I asked her to meet with me on 3 occasions... one to announce her the big news of me moving to Moncton and 2 other times when I was really struggling... well in May, she still did not have time for any of that! I accepted her excuses... and express my desire to see her before I left... she couldn't find time for that... but she had time for all her regular stuff... I got tired of begging for her friendship... and realise that maybe we'd grown apart... I told her how I felt and we ended up saying goodbye. I wish she would have told me how she felt... why she pulled away. But this is not who she is. She'd rather use white lies then hurt by saying the truth. She has always been like that. I should have known better. I have an idea. But I am unsure and now I will never know.
I know you shouldn't hang on to people... not anymore then stuff or work or anything... but I have let so many people go in my life... I didn't want to let go of her... but I know it is life... I know people move in and out of your life. For a reason... or a season... rarely for a lifetime.
I am grateful for all the people I met and all the new real or virtual friends I made over the last 18 months but it doesn't put out the pain or loosing someone you knew for so long and were so close to. I now it is a mourning process... it will take time. But it will be all right.
When I started this 108 days project, I knew a lot would happen... it had to. I also told you I would be honest all the way. This is what I am doing now. I am opening up... my life may seem inspiring and interesting to some of you... as per the feedback I get... but it still has it's up and downs... I am struggling like all of you... and I try to make the best out of it. I move on... I carry on... and this is what makes me who I am...
As I am moving on to week 5, I am starting my 21 days without television. I am proud to say, that I already am 14 days free television! Since my son left I did not watch it. I will still do those 21 days and it will bring the total to 35 days! Why not? I really don't miss it at all! there are so many things to do... other then watching other's people lives.
There are 2 challenges that are worrying me: the tattoo... and the Treego... I know there are still many days but they are really scary to me. I am not sure if I will overcome it. I'll see.
On that note, I have to say good bye... and try and put away some clothes before hubby gets back!
thanks for reading!
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Thursday, July 17, 2014
Vegan Thursday's - carrots
Feel silly talking about carrots... we all know they're good for us! We've been told that since we were kids!
But why are they good for us??? I always ate my carrots as a kid and still ended up wearing glasses at 11... so I ate more as a teen... every day at lunch I would eat carrots! Still wore the glasses... actually did until I was 31 and got laser eye surgery because I could not longer stand wearing glasses... Taking a shower was a whole new experience by then!
Enough about me.... why should be eat carrots?
Well here it is...
From one medium carrot, your body can use the beta-carotene it contains and manufacture 204% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin A which is essential for our eyes... Not to prevent myopia or the like but rather to keep your eyes ability to adjust to light change and stay moist. Well, well,well.... our parents were right... but not precise!
Carrots contains vitamin K which helps your blood to form clot in case of wound but it also helps your kidney to stay healthy and your bones to be strong! Yes our bones needs more then calcium!
Carrots contains 6% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin C which helps build a strong immune system and aid in the absorption of iron from plant based sources.
And let's not forget potassium - 400mg of it... in one single medium size carrots. Potassium can help prevent hearth diseases, strokes and high blood pressure. It also controls your metabolism, help with muscles maintenance and nervous system health.
Last but not least, fibers - one carrot equals 7% of your recommended daily intake of fibers! And we need fiber to regulate our bowel movement which is the foundation of good health! remember? You gotta go 2-3 times a day! Carrots will help!
Now this week I tried a new smoothie recipe which I really was unsure of but turned out to be amazing!!! You blend 1 cup carrot juice (I homemade mine and kept the pulp you'll see why later - it took 4 carrots to get 1 cup), 1 banana and one mango! It gives the delicious orange drink above! Good for your eyes and nice to look at!!!
Now I kept the pulp because there goes all the fibers! Every time I juice, I love all the vitamins and minerals intake.... but throwing out the pulp breaks my heart... this time because I only had carrot pulp, I kept it and I included it in my muffins! Remember the recipe muffin from a few posts back? Well instead of blueberries, I added carrot pulp and chopped walnuts! They taste great! And are loaded with fibers! If you want that muffin recipe, you can get it here.
Now a quick note on those pre-cut carrots that you can buy in groceries stores... please try and avoid them!!! The are loaded with chemicals... they actually bathe in chemicals prior to be package in order to stay hard and remain this vivid orange for so long! People who work in those shop wear mask and gloves! That should suffice to stop you from eating them! Plus they are way more expensive!!!
thanks for reading!
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Even more minimalist wardrobe
This is a picture dating back in May... This skirt and t-shirt are still part of my wardrobe... but maybe not for long... why?
Well let me tell you why I am presently re-evaluating, yet again, all my wardrobe.
A while back I decided to cut back on working clothes... making my work wardrobe very simple: black pants (1) and skirts (2) and a few work appropriate tops. Now most of those tops are now gone since they no longer fit me or the color is obsolete with my decision to go back to my natural color.... When I find a new job, I'll have to invest in about 3 new tops - depending on where I work.
Then when you look at the rest of my wardrobe, there is much more clothes... which is consistent with the fact of wanting to work part time and have more free time. I was told that you have to create a life then find a way to earn a living... this is what the last year has been all about! Creating a life... I did so by refining my wardrobe and lifestyle.. and it continued last week as, once again, my color change also affected that part of my wardrobe. I also moved in a very different area and city. This is what needs adjustment now...
Unfortunately, it will not be as easy and as cheap as letting go of clothes... it will need some investment - in due time. I do realise that my wardrobe is very much that of a city girl... which is fine... for when I go to work or downtown... however, I also realise that people down here dress more relaxed then what I am used to... this brings me to the fact that they actually dress a lot more like I like and I do not look so much like an alien! Living in Montreal and having the lifestyle I had there I never fully updated my wardrobe to what I really like and always kept a few pieces to fit in. Guess what? I no longer need to fit in! I no longer have anyone to please as I do not know anyone... I honestly do not care what people think of me here. I am who I am... moving to Moncton was the last thing I needed to complete my "transformation" as some people like to call it. To become truly free...
That said, I will need to invest in a few pieces over the course of the next year... here's what and why:
1) tops for work depending on the job I find - more on that once I know what I'll be doing - but then again, they'll have to be me... no one to impress anymore!
2) tops for colder months - most of my tops for fall and winter were beige and grey... which really does not do any good to my complexion with my new hair color! I will need to invest in colorful tops like red, plum, mustard, orange, teal, burgundy... which all fit well with my bottoms which are basically grey, black and jeans. If I can make these fit with work clothes, that would be awesome!
3) I will need a pair of sweat pants... nights are cool here and it would be more comfy to sit on my balcony looking at the lake at night with those than in jeans! I always loved the comfort of sweat pants.... especially Roots. Then again for years I refused to buy them... well you know why...
4) Also a more neutral warmer vest or hoodie for the same reasons... sometimes we head off to the city in jean short and t-shirt and when sun goes down it gets really cool... and quite frankly, nothing I own really does the job! A hoodie is what you need here!
All in all it is not so bad... I will keep monitoring my wardrobe and see what goes and what stays... I am really happy about the program H&M have where when you bring your clothes in they give you store credit... this is going to help me in saving money buying the few items I may need. Also they have this H&M conscious line which is more respectful of the environment and people: Love it! It may not be perfect but these are clothes I can afford and I like to support small initiative that may go a long way! If everyone what at least trying, we'd all be much better off!
OK... that's all for now... gotta head back to my wardrobe! And evaluate what goes and what stays!
Love this!!!! Anyone wants me over to clean up their wardrobe??? :-)
thanks for reading!
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Monday, July 14, 2014
Back to status of my internet life
With a view like that, who really wants to be on the internet? Not me!
But who feels like they need to be on the internet? Me...
On May 9th, I have written a post about my "internet" life. How it had become so important for me that I felt I was missing on other stuff.
I had challenge myself to follow these rules to help me out in decreasing my on line time and increase my presence here and now.
On June 9th, I got back to this with how I'd been doing. You can read it here. There was some improvement but I wanted some more... and here's what happened.
Now let's look at one last time how I am doing and what will keep and what will go... Because as I wrote earlier, I do not really want to spend so much time on the net... but I feel like I need to...
For a few reason:
1) this blog - it takes time to write it but I love it!
2) I feel still somewhat connected to some friends not that I live 1000km away from them...
However, I know I can make this work... I figured it out!
1) iPhone will not be constantly by my side.
a) when I am at home, it will stay plugged somewhere not in the same room as me.
b) when I am out, I will bring it as a phone but will keep it in my bag - not hand
c) once a week, I will go out with my son and husband leaving the phone home
d) when I am out with friends, I will only use it to be reachable for emergencies
b)d) Not an issue!
a) somewhat an issue.. as my husband and I have been looking for work I felt like I had to be by my phone 24/7... even if there is voice mail on it... and now that my son is back to Montreal, I definitely want to be available... just in case... it's a mommy thing... However, once my son is back here and I have found a job too (husband already did), I will leave the phone alone... AND will also start doing d)... Sunday I will leave my phone at home in the kitchen to recharge and not be used to check on social media so often.
2) Computer will be closed and put away in my desk when not on my working hours
Computer has been closed and put away. That was actually easy!!! And I loved it! Will definitely keep doing this. - this is still true! Most times computer is put away... desk looks cleans and it doesn't remind me of stuff to do on my relaxing times.
3) When computer is open, it will be open ONLY on what I am working on. emails, social medias and the like will be closed unless currently used - and only one at a time
So much more efficient to work on one thing at a time... makes me question the ability I had developed to multi task! Perhaps when you are well organized and concentrated, multi tasking is more of a nuisance than anything else! I am enjoying solo tasking so much! (not sure that is even a work but pretty sure you all get it!)
4) I will assign 3x 30 minutes periods to social network and this blog - that should be enough to answer every one...
a) one in the morning (after breakfast)
b) one right after lunch
c) one mid-evening
In June I was disappointed with my behavior regarding this... well it changed a little.... however on day when I am not as busy, I find it easier to grab the phone and check social media when I could grab a book and read instead! I find that I like to check my social media before breakfast, before supper and right around 9pm. 45 minutes each times is most of the times enough - as per what I decided in June.
5) Sunday I will be completely off-line! Will get back to you on the next Monday
I find that overall, on the week end, I am much less on the social medias and much more present with my husband and son! This is great! However, as long as my 108days are not over, I cannot be completely off on Sundays as I need to post a picture as per my rules. What I am sure of, is that once the 108days are over, I will do social medias on the week end only once in the morning. That will be more then enough...
After thinking about it, the iPhone will stay... it does many tasks in one single device. I do not have a camera, note pad, agenda, alarm clock, GPS, home phone and cell phone... it's all in that one little thing! This, too me, is minimalism!
One thing I did is temporarily block internet access to my phone when I an not in a Wi-Fi zone... this has been working very well... simply cannot check the social media and phone really is just a phone... but in that case, it looses it's ability to be a GPS and some notes are lost when not connected to the internet. Maybe I do it just long enough so that I get use to it?
Ok well, overall, I am pretty happy with that experiment. Following rules have come out of it and are allowing me to have a better quality life.
1) iPhone, not always by my side or in my hand
2) Sundays, iPhone will always stay home (after 108days)
3) Computer stored and close when not in use
4) Social media time - 3 times 45 minutes per day
5) Social media not used on Sundays (after 108days)
6) Social media not use after 9pm
7) solo tasking - in social media and everything else!!!
What bout you guys? do you have rule to minimize your social media/internet usage? do you find yourself wasting time on those? avoiding things to do to socialize?
thanks for reading!
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Friday, July 11, 2014
108 days : day 21 already!!! It goes so fast!
Warning: this post may be long... so grab a pot of tea and make yourself comfortable!!!
This 3rd week started as both very good and very bad! Here's why... my son was going back to Montreal to spend 5 weeks with his dad... and Arthur had his plane cancelled.... needless to say, I did not take the cancellation assurance on the plane (because I never do take those useless insurance)... and I had to figure out another way to get him there on the same day because he was leaving for Wildwood really early Sunday morning and really didn't want to miss his trip! Well my 2 options left were train on bus... relatively the same price but train being 2h extra and only leaving at 5pm from Moncton.... it would have been too late! Bus it was! My son had to do a 14 hours bus ride to Montreal. He had to change bus 3 times... and one of the bus broke down for 2hours! Which resulted in them not stopping for supper to make up the time! Good thing I had plan a lunch for him! He got in Montreal bus terminal at 1:35 am Sunday morning.... needless to say, his dad was late to pick him up as always.... Also, needless to say that Saturday was the longest 14h of my whole life..... even seemed longer then the 24h labor to give birth!!! My son had a phone so we texted each other.... and I must say that I was really impressed at his mature behavior! I am pretty sure he grew a lot from that experience!
And here's the very good part.... by hubby and I had our first date in Moncton! We went to Calactus a vegetarian restaurant that can also make any meal vegan and has only vegan desert! Above picture was my husband's desert! It was GREAT!!! For sure we'll go back there!!! I still managed to have a good time despite the storm and having my son somewhere in the middle of nowhere in a storm between Moncton and Montreal! Afterall, I was not in control so no point in over torturing myself... even though I did torture a little...
...told you it would be long... this is only day 1 of week 3! lol
On Sunday, I needed to go get a blouse for a job interview... I know I said no spending but I spent 20$ on a blouse from H&M which followed the dress code for the interview and that I will wear over and over again. I really had nothing to wear to that interview. Because I knew I was going back to my natural silvering hair I chose an appropriate color for the blouse! What struck me on that day is that the mall opens only at 12 on Sundays... however it closes at 10pm Saturday... this is new to us... since we got to the mall at 10:30, we decided to go to Chapters which is right beside to spare time... well guess what? that too only opens at 12 on Sundays! So we waited... no point in walking back home to come back later... the Starbucks at the mall opened at 11 so we stopped there! While I was at the mall, I decided to look for a hair dresser... well no one cuts hair in the mall or in all Moncton, for that matter, on Sundays! Therefore I took my appointment for the next day.
Which brings us to Monday... THE day for this week... I got in there really nervous... but it went really well! The result was not as much of a shock as I expected... and I didn't even shed a tear! I guess I was really ready for that! I had looked at picture of women with really short silver hair... I had research wardrobe hint... therefore on that day I wore a teal top which suits my skin and my new hair color really good! I was anxious at people's reaction...then mine! But I realised that there was not so much... and the feedback I got was actually better then I expected! In any case, I was doing this for myself and it was a good experience! I feel great this way... and it shows... and that's what comes out in other people's reaction! It is true that you get what you put out for! It has been liberating... I feel more free... and sexy! I love it!!!!
I can say that this "rule" for my 108 days was successfully completed! I did it on time to. And I know I won't dye it back before the 108 days is over... and most likely never will. I really do feel great "au natural" and I feel truer to myself!
Another goal of my 108 days was for me to get a plant... and I did! Let's see how long this poor ivy will survive!
My 21 days of yoga are going well. I did not skip a day yet... although yesterday I was really exhausted and my practice resulted in some pranayama, asana and a LONG savasana! Still I was on my mat! Today is my 7th day in a row and I had plan an 1h long meditation because my body needs it. So does my mind. All Fridays will be an 1h long meditation.
If you paid attention, you saw that I had a job interview... but unfortunately this is all I can say for now... I haven't received an answer yet!
Journaling is going well although I switched to morning instead of night... I am just to sleepy at night to write... I prefer to do it in the morning right before breakfast! Still works out.... I never specified what time of day I had to do it!
I did let go of writing every day in my "642 things to write about" book. I don't have time... and it seems like too much right now.
Every day I am posting a picture of my day on Instagram with the #108daystoanewlife . Link to my Instagram profile is below.
I also cheated on my diet.... I had a handful of Nibs... right before writing this post... they were just there... calling me to feel more useful! I gave in! Period. Nothing to add.
All in all I think I am doing pretty good.
The transition to Moncton from a much much larger city is going smoothly. I love it here. And I am keeping an open mind.... I am not saying "no" to what comes my way... as long as it is legal and within my values of course! I even had coffee with a homeless... I would have never done that in Montreal.
I think my aura is changed... as people are acting differently towards me... and I know how people act towards you really is a reflection of what you want (which they unconsciously perceive). This is a positive experience so far...
One last thing: this intense yoga is working more then I realised at first... this morning I experience an unexpected moment of happiness.... this only happens when I practice my yoga regularly... it's like happiness from within.... for no apparent reason... you are just free and happy... and in the moment... and you wouldn't change anything and nothing else matters! It is absolutely amazing as a feeling!
OK... time for my hour of meditation! So long...
hope you are enjoying my posting about my 108 days!
thanks for reading!
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Thursday, July 10, 2014
Vegan Thursday: berries and smoothies!
Who doesn't love berries???? I know I go crazy for them... all year round (out of season I get the frozen version which are more nutritional as they were picked ripped and frozen right away)! But at this time, when I can get them local and fresh???? I go nuts!!! or berries should I say...
On top of tasting great, they are very low in calories... for those of you who counts calories! Great thing with being vegan is that in most cases we don't even need to count calories.... unless you eat a lot of processed vegan foods. This is why I did not post the calorie content...
Here are some nutritional values of berries:
Percentage all being the percentage of DRV: daily recommended value
Strawberries: 1 cup portions has 1% fat, no cholesterol, no sodium, 5% carbs, 18% fibers, 3% proteins. It is loaded with vitamin C - almost as much as a cup of fresh orange juice! It also contains calcium, magnesium, folate and potassium.
Blueberries: 1 cup portion has 0% fat, cholesterol or sodium, 6% carbs, 20% fibers and 2% proteins. It does not contain significant amount of vitamin C or vitamin E but it has so many other phytonutrients that it is highly anti-oxidant.
Raspberries: 10 raspberries (I know I could not get numbers for a cup portion!) has 0% fat, cholesterol, sodium and carbs, 4% fibers and 0% protein. It also contains vitamin C and potassium. Because it is virtually fibers you're eating, raspberries typically have one calorie each... and therefore, why stop at 10???
In any case what you should remember is that berries are low in calories, loaded with fibers and being so colorful means they are good for you! Remember that we should eat all the color of the rainbow and that highly colored fruits and veggies should be eaten in great quantities!
However, because they are part of the dirty dozen, they should be eaten organic preferably.... but if you can't afford the organic label, don't beat yourself up... check with your local supplier, most times they can't afford the organic label but they pretty much are... and if all else fails, rinsed them out and remember that the nutritional benefits surpasses the small residual pesticides you may ingest!
Last week I made a great salad for lunch: kale, celery, strawberries and pecans drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar and very little salt and pepper! (Actually massage the oil and vinegar into kale, added salt and pepper, and then topped with other ingredients). This was delicious and see how beautiful it was:
And if you want more great options for your berries... or smoothies idea for very hot summer days, you can always check out my guest post on
thanks for reading!
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Tuesday, July 8, 2014
More minimalist then I realised...
Going grey (or I was told to use silver) was something I have been thinking about doing for roughly 2 years! Yeah... THAT long! I kept asking people about it but they were telling me I would look 10 years older! This pushed me off.. but then I realise that I was often told that I looked 10 years younger then my age... so this would actually bring me back to my real age! And you know what, this was still worrying me... because who wants to look 40 something??? That is OLD... That is what adults around me were when I was a teenager... well guess what? I have a teenager... and I am 41! You can try and hide it... but it was becoming costly in so many ways:
1) I have this huge rash on my head... and it is itchy... and not fun... and because I use organic non allergenic shampoo and do not put any styling product for over a year now, I was told that this is probably due to an allergic reaction to the dying of my hair.
2)Because my hair grows so fast and has more and more silver in it, it required that I dyed it every 4 weeks max! I started at 8 weeks, then down to 6... 5 and now 4??? What next? Every other week? That didn't make sense to me... it cost time... time spent with a hairdresser or alone in the bathroom with stinky toxic products rather then doing stuff I love. And how much of that product actually makes it to my bloodstream through my scalp? What effect will that have over time?
3) it costs a LOT of money... whether you opt for salon color or home coloring it adds up... I had already switch to home coloring a few years back but still... it added up.
For all those reason, health, time and money, it was the minimalistic thing to do.
I worked up the courage and for sure moving 1000 km away does help with the transition. People here do not know me so they are not surprise by the change and they don't look at me differently.
Another thing that helped was to google pictures/blogs of women who did the same... for similar reasons! Women that still looked good and not like grannys... I sure didn't want to look older then my age! I wanted to rock silver hair!
What I realised the day before my appointment was that my clothes would probably have to change too. Not in the style... I will still dress the same... but in color... around my face. I wondered if some color I owned in my wardrobe may no longer be appropriate! After a few hours of surfing the internet and looking at color analysis pages, I came to the conclusion that with my skin, eye and new hair color, the following colors would no longer suit me:
grey ( pale to mid tone - really dark almost black grey would still be OK)
beige, tan, light brown (dark rich chocolate brown would still be OK)
pastels (every color)
I also realised that I would be better off with:
black (although black around your face past 40 is not to be used to often)
bright dark colors: red, royal blue, bright green, orange, pink, mustard, plum, purple, berries, teal...
as a result, I had to put away 20 some pieces of clothing (from all seasons). Think about cleaning up your wardrobe! I have no intention of replacing any of these right away. Maybe by fall I will need to had 2-3 pieces but not more than that! Because pretty muck all my tops for fall and winter were beige and grey!
Forgot to add up all the remaining items but out of memory, I must not be over 60! For all 4 seasons! Isn't that great! Excluding coats and jackets... just pants, skirt, dresses and tops.
Here's what needs to go:
This is why I was saying going silver may be even more minimalistic then I realise... It will simplify my monthly routine (not having to go to the hairdresser or dye my hair at home) and spending.... as well as my options when shopping for new clothes. Which I do not see in a near future since I already have enough!
What do you guys think? Would you try and go back to your natural color? Do you think of color coordinating your clothes with your hair, skin and eyes color?
p.s. I actually am taking this with much more ease then I was expecting... probably because I was really ready for it!
thanks for reading!
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Monday, July 7, 2014
La riviere trouve toujours son chemin....
This is a river in Moncton called "Le Mascaret". Seeing it, as well as the sunset over Jones lake, every day since I've been here has been an eye opener or should I say a gentle reminder?
I came here with an open mind... trying to be open to what comes my way. Of course I had given myself goals and objectives with the #108daystoanewlife challenge. However, today's post is not about that... but rather about how amazing it is that life goes on no matter what...
In one of my favorite TV shows from years ago called "La vie La vie" they were always coming back to this saying: La riviere trouve toujours son chemin. Which basically translate to "the river always find its way" and means that no matter what, life goes on... no matter what, it always works out in the end. Because this is what life is all about. Making it work out or letting it work out it's own way.
What I've realise it that when you let go, when you surrender... life has nice surprises. Most times nicer then what you may have thought about. I came here with a plan... but things are evolving in another way... too early for me to mention anything but I am surprise at the turn of events I am seeing...
Basically what I am trying to say is that in learning to trust life... in learning that everything happens for a reason... in believing that when a doors shuts down another one opens up... magic happens... your life gets filled with what makes you happy... with what you were meant to have/be. It really does work... but you do have to completely let go and stay receptive to signals... stay open minded to stuff you may not have thought was for you...
You have to stop trying to direct the river... because it will finds it's natural way with much less damages then you may have cause... with a greater ease...
Let go
And see...
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Friday, July 4, 2014
108 days: and then it will really start...
This is me on Canada day... walking by the Mascaret. It was at high level at the time I passed by. This river is influenced by the bay and experiences very significant tides twice a day. The base is clay... water is not clear at all... it is a highly touristic attraction.
This week as been very high in emotions of all sorts! There has been good days and bad days... very good days and very bad days... and sometimes all on the same day!
We've discovered our new city a little more...
One thing that amuses me is that some bus routes do not have stops. You need to call the bus like a cab when it passes by!
I've got back in my cooking and baking habits slowly but I am still not there 100% . Having trouble getting organised.
We are still looking for jobs... in a way. My husband found 2 jobs... and his currently working at both since one only has 20h/week and the other is quite far but may offer more hours. He also has another interview for something closer and more in tune with what he was hoping for. We'll see how that goes.
On my side, I did a few applications for jobs... and waiting to hear from them.
Finding jobs here is not difficult... but finding jobs that are full time and very well paid is not has easy. However, because we have decrease our cost of living, we do not need as much money and might be able to do work we love instead of work we need to do to pay bills. This was, after all, one of the reason we came here. Did you know that doing a job you love is equivalent to getting 10k more on your pay check? And working within walking distance from home is also worth 10k? In the sense that not needing a car or public transit to go to work decreases your cost of living by about 10k a year... and it has been proven then when you are happy at work you spend less outside of work to compensate (like shopping, vacations, alcohol...). Something to think about isn't?
My son is also adapting quite easily... his English speaking skills have already improved. However, he will be back to Montreal for 5 weeks as of tomorrow hence the last 2 weeks felt more like a vacation to him. The real test will be once he gets back and start school! I must say that I am nonetheless impressed with how this experience is turning him into a more mature and responsible young men!
As for the rest.... what struck me more this week:
1) The high traffic on my street due to a duck and her babies crossing the street. And there was not one single honking by any cars!!!
2) The fact that veganism is not weird here even though there are meat and seafood everywhere. You can find that most places will know and accommodate vegans without asking a zillion annoying questions!
3) The fact that almost every time you stop walking and look at the street all the cars stop in case you wish to cross the street.
4) The price of some vegan stuff I use to buy in Montreal is cheaper here: like Almond milk, St-Yves mocked meat, Vegenaise... these are a few examples.
5) The price of some non-vegan stuff is also cheaper: peanut butter is the one that struck me the most since I did not buy much of anything else but fruits and veggies yet.
6) And last but not least, all the easy going, smiling people! And I think it is contagious... I am starting to talk and smile to everyone. Very unlike me who is usually more of an introvert!
As for my rules... went pretty well. I did post a picture everyday. I did not buy anything. I wrote in my journal every night but one. I am however having trouble writing consistently in my book "642 things to write about". I did not cheat on my diet this week - no process snacks and nothing to eat after 7pm but fruits.
Tomorrow starts my 21 days yoga challenge. I am set in my mind to do that. However my physical body may have troubles as I am pretty much let go of my practice in the last 3 weeks due to the move here in Moncton. However, my yoga practice of several years will help me insure I do not hurt myself and get back on track.
thanks for reading!
and please share if you like this blog!!!love&peace,
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Vegan Thursday - muffins many ways...
Hello my friends!
Apparently my internet connection which I lost after Monday's post is now back... apparently for good now! I certainly do hope so!
In today's vegan post, I want to share with you a muffin recipe. You can actually get the whole recipe here (because I can't write the same article on both blogs I need to share this way):
What I really like about this recipe is that originally, it is not even vegan and I managed to make it vegan by replacing the egg with chia seeds and the milk with vanilla almond milk. Quite simple as a matter of fact.... and it turned out fine! It is also originally made to go with fresh blueberries... I used frozen and it worked out! Just cooked a little longer as frozen blueberries are more wet.
I also tried it with chocolate chip for one batch and cranberries for another instead of blueberries. They were all amazing! At the time of writing this post, I wanted to try raisins... and one more batch with chopped walnuts. I'll get to my kitchen right after!
I also have many more ideas for using this recipe! I will share of course as I try them out!
I love it because it is so simple and requires very standard ingredients and seems to be accommodated quite well with different flavors!
The other lovely thing about this recipe is that you need only one bowl to make it!!! Less dishes to clean and also it takes so little time that in a couple of hours you can literally make 4-5 batches! You freeze them and there you are set with that for weeks!
Minimalist because requiring one bowl...
Vegan because I made them so...
How can you ask for more?
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