Friday, May 30, 2014

Why 108 days for my new project?

Why did I choose 108 days form my project #108daystoanewlife???

So many people working on self development project go for 100 days  (#100daysofhappiness), a month, 6 months or most often a year, why would I choose 108 days?

Because I thought 100 days was already taken....  for #100daysofhappiness and I wanted this project to be a little more than that.  Although, this is what really inspired me at first, I soon realise that I already  had this habit of being grateful for one nice thing every day... it might not be challenging enough.

Because I thought that a month would not be enough...  and 6 months would be like half a year so why not do a complete year??? I think a year might be too much for what I want to accomplish...

I needed something to help me with the Montreal - Moncton move... something that would allow me to blossom in my new environment...  

Therefore I selected 108 days...  because that number has a lot of significance in Eastern cultures AND in maths!

My friend Yasmin had already did 108 sun salute for 108 days and it changed her life... that was back in 2010... so she is some inspiration for the selection of the number of days!

108 is significant mathematically because:

- it is 9 dozen - semiperfect number
- it is a hyperfactorial of 3
- it is divisible by the total number of it's divisor - 12 : therefore it is a refactorable number...

but enough with that... you can check out Wikipedia for more on math and number 108...

It is also interesting to know that:

- a baseball has 108 stitches
- there is 108 cards in a deck of UNO cards
- 108 Fahrenheit is the internal body temperature at which the human organs begins to fail due to overheating
- in India, 1-0-8 is the toll free emergency phone number
- 108 times the earth diameter is the diameter of the sun

This is all really nice.. but more importantly...  at least to me, 108 is a significant number in Buddhism and Hinduism and you may say I am neither of that, and you're right, BUT they do influence my life daily by my yoga practice.

Why is it such an important number for those 2 religions?

- there are 108 beads in a mala used for mantra
- Shiva has 108 names and so does Buddha
- it is believe there are 108 feelings
- it is believe there are 108 temptations preventing us from reaching nirvana
- in Japan, Buddhist bells are ring 108 times at the end of a year and beginning of a new year

...and much more...

In numerology, 108 is also interesting because it contains:

1: beginning of everything
0: no beginning and no end
8: infinity

and it's sum is 9...  3x3

Therefore, as you can see, 108 is a quite special number....  in religions, traditions, numerology, astronomy, math and much much more if you look it up on the net...
I could spend all night writing about 108!!!

And this is why I chose 108 days to start my new life....

We are exactly 3 weeks away from that big adventure... 21 days!!!!  Time flies!!!

I am getting ready.... and a little anxious...  I have put the bar high enough!  Next week I will share my rules and objectives with you! I am currently finalizing all that.

In the mean time, you can go back to last week's post to find out more about my #108daystoanewlife project here .

Have a lovely week end...

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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Vegan Thursday : Superfood #4: Quinoa

Quinoa is often called a grain but it is actually more of a seed.  It is one of the oldest food cultivated by human kind that we know of and has been cultivated for over 5000 years.  However, until not too long ago, it was not very well known...  but it is gaining in popularity!

It is an important part of a vegan/vegetarian diet because it is one of the only plant based food that contains complete proteins.  Almost all food we eat do contains some amino acids (building block of proteins) but rarely does plant based food contains all of them.  To insure sufficient intake of protein (which is really not hard to obtain) vegetarians and vegans make sure to have a variety of food in their diet and also rely on quinoa.

Quinoa is not very expensive.   And a small amount can actually fill you up! One cup of cooked quinoa contains only 220 calories, 5 grams of fibers (to insure regular bowel movement), 8g or proteins and, based on a 2000 calories diet, quinoa provides 6-8% or you required carbohydrates. The carbohydrates contained in quinoa are mostly starch which digest slowly and insure a constant glucose flow to your bloodstream (glucose is required by all our cells - especially the brain cells which can only feed on glucose).  It also contains 8g of calcium (which is the amount in a cup of milk), iron, magnesium, zinc, B vitamins and a little omega-3.   It is very low in sugar (only 1%) and contains no cholesterol and saturated fats. 

I keep my quinoa in a glass jar in the fridge to prevent it from going rancid (basically like nuts).  Some recommend rinsing it before cooking because of it high content in saponin (which is not toxic but foamy), I personally don't do it.

There are several ways to use quinoa...  it can be used in place of rice or couscous in meals, soups and salads.  You can also have it for breakfast instead of oatmeal!

For more ways to use quinoa, you can refer to my Minimalist Veganism ebook.

If you want quick access to a free recipe, you can try this quinoa soup... which is also mine!

Here's a picture of the soup... 

Hope you'll get started using quinoa if you haven't already... or will try one of my recipes!
As a breakfast it is AMAZING!!!

p.s. it is also gluten free!!!

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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Happiness: why not here and now?

Who is happy? 

let me ask you the question again...

Who is really, genuinely happy???   Deep down happy??? A feeling that stays no matter what happens...  You can be happy even when suffering.... grieving...  You can be happy anywhere anytime!  It's not a feeling as a result of doing, achieving or buying something.  Happiness is there or is not. You can choose to be happy.  You can learn to be happy.

What triggered today's post was a sentence I read on Becoming Minimalist.

"People wait all week for Friday, all year for summer, all life for happiness"

And reading this made me really sad.  I use to be that person that would wait for the week ends....  of the next long week end... or Holidays... vacations...  retirement...

I used to be that person who would think that once I have a house, once I have a kid, once I take a yearly vacation, once I get to that income... then I would be happy!!!

And it never came.  Well, don't get me wrong... I am happy now.... but not because I got the house, the kid, the yearly vacation and expected income!  It never came from where I expected it to came.

1) Why do we wait for Friday???

Perhaps because we are unsatisfied with our jobs...  well why not do something about it?  I am not telling you to give your resignation letter tomorrow!  After all we all need to pay shelter and food at a minimum!

However, you can make a plan to eventually leave that job that no longer (or maybe never did) keep you satisfied... Either start looking for something else, get the education you need (on a part time basis), simplify your lifestyle so that it cost you less and it allows you to ditch the high paying job and choose something you like...  These are some options but there might be more.... think about it!

You can also learn to love the job you are doing if you cannot see anyway out of it... There must be something you like about it... either the people, salary, working conditions...  of the work in itself.  Just concentrate on what you like about it and forget the rest.  It doesn't matter.

If it's a question of not be gratified enough or feeling useless in your job, find gratification or purpose in something else then your job and take your job as a mean to an end (you need the money).

Now I am not saying that you should stay in a job you hate forever because it pays well.  I really do not agree with that.  However I understand that everyone situation is different and not everyone can leave everything on the spot and do what they love.  It may take months or years.... but when you do have an objective, your daily job becomes less of a problem - because you can see the end of it eventually.

Happiness will not come from doing a specific jobs... but when you do something you like, you change your references and a feeling of happiness is easier to cultivate because you are no longer concentrating on something you do not like.  Happiness is a state of mind. 

2) Why do we wait for summer?

What does summer has to offer more than other seasons?   Of course days may seem longer, weather nicer, you may be more energized, think there is more to do....  and it might involve some time off.

But all this really is an illusion....

Days also have 24hours: there might me more sun but the number of hours between the end of your day and bedtime is actually the same...  you just make more of it because of the sun/warmer weather.

Weather is warmer, not nicer.  You can actually enjoy the weather year round.  You only need to get dress accordingly... There are plenty to do in each seasons. Why wait for a specific one? Concentrate on the advantages of each season instead of the advantages of summer and inconvenient of the other seasons.

You are more energized because you look forward to it...  because you do not want to waste a minute of it.  What if you had the same attitude towards the other seasons?  Maybe you'd be energize too.  Perhaps it also has to do with your diet...  Most people actually eat better during summer because they increase their intake of fruits and veggies: pure energy! Why not increase that all your round and see what happens?

You think there is more to do...  the pool, the beach, bike rides...  but every season has their things to do... it you want to make the most out of summer by spending most of it outside, why not do the same in winter.  You can skate, ski, snowshoe...  And during in between seasons do indoor stuff..  you can still go to the pool (inside), museum, movies...  there is just as much to do!  It's just different stuff!

As for time off... I am pretty sure it is well deserved... but does it have to be all during summer?  Why not spread it out to some other seasons also?   And if all you are really caring about is time off from work, perhaps you should read 1) all over again more carefully.

3) Why do we wait all life?

Because we are looking for/expecting happiness to come from the outside.  Because we were told that happiness arrives when _____.  All this is not right.... happiness comes form the inside.  It is something we need to cultivate....  a house, a luxury car, a kid, a vacation cannot cultivate our happiness. 

Of course kids will bring us joy... being in love too! Friends/family can be the source of "happy moment" but not of real happiness.  No one can water your internal garden.  It's your job to do.

Material possession really is not happiness.  It's a disguise....  you can hide or forget you're unhappy in a fancy house.... or luxury car... we were told so many times about that story that we ended up believing it.  We no longer realise that these do not make us happy.  However, times and times again, studies have shown, all over the world, that there is a direct relationship between money and happiness only to the point where your basic needs are fulfilled (real basic needs - not by the American standards).  After that?  not at all..... and beyond a certain point (certain level of income), it could actually be reversely proportional. Of course when you look at wealthy people they seem happy...  it's a picture, a movie, a TV show...  but do not judge someone's happiness before you walked a mile in their shoes!

Therefore we wait all life expecting happiness to be around the corner.  When in the end it is there all along.  Every moment of every hour of every day you CAN be happy.  It really is just up to you.  It's a question of perception.  A question of seeing the glass half full. It's a question of acknowledging small nice/beautiful things. Those bring long lasting happiness because y
they serve a "water" for your internal garden.

All happiness really does come down to is: put on your pink glasses, smile, and believe everything will be all right!  Because in the end,  it always is anyway!

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Monday, May 26, 2014

how I got to create my capsule wardrobe basis over the years.

It has been a while since I wrote about my wardrobe... and I know this is a sensitive issue for most women (and even some men have confessed to me their clothing issues) starting on moving along on the minimalist path.  I often get questions where to start with clothes... how to choose what to keep, toss or donate... and quite frankly there are no easy answer to this one.  In the society we live in, so much emphasis in put on how we look... how we dress...  I would say too much emphasis actually but that is my own opinion! 

Of course dressing up or down is fun... playing with your image too... accessorizing your look can change everything.... and I can't say the opposite!  Don't get me wrong. For the longest time I have had WAY too many clothes... and to some extent, I still do.  I have more then what one really does need.  But I love clothes. 

What my minimalist path has shown me is how to choose clothes that are more in line with my lifestyle and the person I want to show the world.  What my yoga has shown me it that I am happier dressing in a way that let the real me shine.  

All in all, those 2 factors have help me select clothing items that I wanted to keep.  It was painful...  because there might be an ideal image or a life we wish we had...  but we don't... and you need to accept the life you live... or change it! But not pretend...

Therefore if I am to give hints on selecting your wardrobe, I would say:

1) Whatever does not currently fit you goes - unless you are pregnant or currently in the process of losing weight - meaning pounds are coming off - not wishful thinking they are.  Same for clothes that are to big because you've lost weight... do not keep them in case you gain it back! Unless your weight loss is related to a health issue and the weight should be gained back. You really need to be honest with yourself here.

2) Whatever does not fit your current lifestyle by far... for example fancy dresses you never wore but bought because you wish you'll go to a ball one day...  see what I mean??? All the items you bought for that pack back adventure to Africa years ago and never went... and you know you won't go... ever!!  Those are out the door!

3) Any items missing button, that need hemming, dry cleaning, or some kind of fixing and that has been in that state for longer then 21 days...  you know you won't do it after that long!

4) Then last but not least, find who you are, what life you have and what life you want to have.  Then keep the clothes according to that life!  And THAT is the most difficult part because it implies lots of work on yourself... you inner self! This is why, myself, and others I know, have kept the clothing for last...  after you've declutter all your home, you get a better sense of who you are and what you want.  Of course I have declutter and reclutter and declutter my wardrobe MANY times over the last 7 years...  and every time I know I am getting closer to what I want to keep...  and every time I know my wardrobe reflects more and more who I am... and that every time there is less and less "guilty" or "what if" items that are kept. 

This is why I am getting back to my wardrobe today.  I am getting closer and closer to creating a capsule wardrobe.  A real one.  Last post on my clothing (April 25th), I had said that I would have one wardrobe between May 1st and September 30th.  You can read it here.  Well this already changed. I had, at that time, 52 items...  I am now down to 39!  Why? Because there was one item that really was out of season... I was just still so very cold when I selected my items that I did not wanted to part with it! 2 items (t-shirts) were switch to my lounge wear section... 2 were discarded because of their not so great condition and the rest was given away because they don't really fit in my ideal capsule wardrobe which I am working on.

My ideal capsule wardrobe will be based on the following:


All seasons - this is the basic:
long black skirt, short black skirt and black pants - for work, formal occasions and dressier going out
2 pairs of jeans - week end and holidays

will also include shorts... for the week end, evenings and holidays as well as more summery skirts (2) for work and going out as well as week ends.   These will be kept between may and end of September - End of September, I will select my fall/winter items to add to the basics.

Summer will also includes those 2 items which I bought last summer but that I am not sure will stand the test of time.  I will not (or most likely not) replace them once they wear out...  The item on the left is a harem pants/dress and the one on the right are pants.

To this I have a bunch of tops which I also need to work on...  too many t-shirts not enough dressier tops for work/dressier going out.

So this is it.... a nice start to my capsule wardrobe... at last!  I wanted to create that for so many years... but I was too addicted to clothes and shopping...  I couldn't do it!  Now that I have worked on that, I can finally reach my goal!  Yay!!!

How about you?  What is your biggest struggle on your minimalist path?  What do you have the hardest time letting go off?  Or parting with?

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Friday, May 23, 2014

My #108 days project - introduction

I am writing this post today because I get more and more questions about my "108 days project" that I like to refer to...  I am not quite yet ready to disclose all of it but I can explain how I see it, why I am doing it and what I expect from it...  It would be a great start!

First of, as of now, I will refer to this project as: #108daystoanewlife 
I will use this # in all social media so that it will be easier to follow it's progress. And mine.

1) Why I am doing this?

Because I will be moving to another city and another province.  This is huge for me who has spent 41 years of my life in the same city. The lifestyle over there is quite different, from the information I got more in tune with what I want, but still quite different from what I am use to and it will require adjustment for several reasons. First off, I had to rent a place to live in that I have never visited in a city I do not know. This is very out of my comfort zone.  My husband and I both have to find new jobs and my son a new school.  We'll all have to make "new friends".  The daily schedule will be quite different and we'll have to adjust.  And for the first time, it will be 3 of us full time.  It will be more like a big village than a big city - going from roughly 4 millions people from all over the world to 70 000 people not as diversified.

2) What do I expect from it?

Therefore, I imagined this project to help with the transition.  If I am going to a new life, I will make a new life.  I will need to change the way I live to go even more into the direction I wish to take.  There will be no more excuses.  I wanted to get full on with this new life in a place where people have no expectation of me, do not know the "old" me and will get to know me for who I am now. I want this "who I am" to be really like who I want to be - really let my inner self come out without boundaries.  I know I am use to put barrier and build walls around me - I do not want to do this over there and this project will prevent me from doing it - at least to some extent.

3) How do I see it?

As an opportunity to assume who I am with all that this entails. An opportunity to no longer find excuses for old patterns. A chance to reinvent myself yet again... I have made several changes to my life over the last 7 years but yet, there are some that stayed in the back burner because I made up excuses...  I did not want to let people down...  I did not want to seem even weirder then I might already be...

It will be a project that will last 108 days ( I will explain why 108 days in next week's post), a project in which I will have to challenge myself, do out of my comfort zone stuff, do things I always wanted to try but never did.... I will be 108 days to work on a newer me... 

Some people have told me "but you already do enough"... "what lese can you do?"... when asked what they meant by that they told me that I was already a minimalist and vegan... that I seem like I try enough, that I make enough efforts... but this has nothing to do with it...  It is not a question of enough or not enough... 

Being vegan and minimalist may look hard or challenging but it is not really...  I sometimes felt like I was missing on something at first but no longer do!  I have discover so much more than what I may seem like having lost! The outcome of my new lifestyle is AWESOME but yet, deep down, I am not exactly where I would like to be...  I do not live exactly the life I wish I was living.  Now's the time to get there.

I know that going to Moncton will help in doing that.

Why?  It's a feeling, a burning feeling.  I just know.

I do not know why I would need to go there to do it (although I have some doubt) but I intend to find out during those 108 days.

I am not doing this #108daystoanewlife challenge to prove that I can do more - but rather to show myself that I can be who I want to be!  Completely! 100%!

This project came to me after reading several books and deciding to do a big move.  I know it will be another significant step in my life.  Why not make the most out of it and perhaps help other while living it???

Some sources of inspiration are Eat Pray Love, No impact man, 100 thing challenge, the Happiness project, yasminyoga and more...  There will be more about them in another post before the start of the project.

These will probably me the more difficult 108 days of my life to date but I intend to come out of it grown up, more sure of myself, more confident and more liberated than ever!

I will show myself who I can be and discover who I want to be. Even more than now.

And last but not least, assume being that person.

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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Vegan Thursday's - Superfood #3 Almonds

Ah almonds... I've had a love hate relationship with them... till a few years ago when this turned into a definite love relationship!

I use to love them salted...  or sugary (they are so good coated with sugar and cinnamon!)....  However, trying to eat as healthy as possible, I knew there was good stuff in them but that I should skip the salt and sugar!  Therefore you get my love/hate thing right? Love the salty and sugary one but hated the raw plain ones!  Until I really learned to taste them!  They actually have an exquisite taste on their own but I had to learn it.  Kind of.  I did so by eating soaked almonds.  In that state, they become much more flavourful AND nutritious!

Soaked almonds are really easy to do:  cover them with water overnight on the counter - the next morning, you rinse them out a couple of time, add fresh water to the jar and store in the fridge for up to a week rinsing and changing water every other day.

As for their nutritional value, here it is:

They are a very good source of (based on a 1/4 cup serving):

biotin (49% RDI), vitamin E (40% RDI), copper (26% RDI) and vitamin B2 (18%)

and a good source of phosphorus, magnesium, molybdenum and fiber.

Because of their high content of monounsaturated fats, they can actually decrease your risk of heart disease by up to 45% if they are used to replace saturated fat from animal source. They lower your LDL cholesterol lever (that is the bad cholesterol).  Another reason why they could decrease your risk of hearth disease is their high content of vitamin E a powerful antioxidant.  The magnesium they contain could also protect your heart from permanent damages in case of a hearth attack.

Eating almonds also decreases the blood sugar level and therefore may prevent diabetes in the long run. Therefore, if you know you are having a meal with a high glycemic index, why not add a few almonds to it?

Another reason why they protect your heart?  They contain an unique combination of al least 20 flavonoids in their skin - some of which can be found in green tea and grapefruit. This is why you should eat almonds WITH the skin!

Further studies have shown that diet plans containing the same amount of calories and protein but one being enriched in almond (good monounsaturated fats) and the other higher in complex carbohydrates, the one enriched in almonds has shown better results in term of body fat reduction and waist circumference reduction.  The same diet has shown that amongst people with type I diabetes using the almond enriched diet, a decrease of 96% of their medication was observed.

It also has been shown that people who eat almonds (and other types of nuts for that matter) on a regular basis tend to gain less weight then people who do not and in general eat better quality food.

As weigh gain is also associated to hearth disease and diabetes, this, to me, are more reasons to eat almonds!!!

As for the reason they are better soaked, it's because the water actually activate the enzyme they contain and make the nutriments in them more easily accepted and assimilated by our bodies.

Now, don't go and eat 1lb of them per day... as for everything else, moderation is best...  they are after all high in calories!  I would say that 1/4 cup per day would be enough!  I usually have a portion of 15-20 almonds.  I like to have them with dry apricots or dates. The combination of nuts and dry fruits has proven very effective to provide your body with lasting energy.  Especially a few hours before a yoga session or a right after...

And if you do not like the taste of them  you can always add them to smoothies or ground them and add to you pasta sauce or banana bread mix! Or muffin???

p.s. about storage- it is recommended to store almonds in the fridge!  I personally transfer them to a glass jar and they keep very well!

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Not so sure about Costco anymore...

Earlier this year, well exactly  3 months ago, I had made a post about becoming a member  at Costco

I wanted to do it if there was vegan and/or organic stuff... and there was! (after an illicit visit I could confirm that)

I wanted to see if it would be cheaper...  and it was. (As per the Excel file I maintained for 2 months)

I wanted to  see if  I had my shopping problems under control.... and I do.

Now why am I getting back to this today?

Because although I have saved money on individual items, although I have proved to myself that I can stick to a budget and a list while grocery shopping, something was still bothering me with this whole Costco issue...

I couldn't quite figure out what but I finally did...

1) It is further from my home.  Not THAT far but I have to walk and extra 10 minutes back and forth (for a total of 20 minutes)  to save a few dollars on item purchase. But isn't time money?

2) I have to go quite often because not having a car, I can only bring so many items back at once - therefore time adds up and I do not specifically like grocery shopping so any extra time spent doing that is not worthwhile for me.

3) I have tried going at several different time periods and it is ALWAYS packed! It drives me nuts!  And it causes even more time spent in there...  grocery shopping!

4) It is a big corporation.... trying to not encourage those to much in general so why give them my hard earned money?

5) Buying in huge quantity can indeed save you $... it is savvy...  but nothing to do with minimalism... My pantry is loaded with food (all stuff I eat but still)... food I saved money on... but it is loaded!!!  Do I seriously need 10lb of chickpeas, 10lb of red lentils, 10lb of???  I think the overloading of my pantry aggravates me more then the money saved.

6) We ended up eating more because we had more food available!

7) Once I am in Moncton, I will be even further away from Costco then I am now... time is money.... remember?

For all those reasons, this may not be the best way for me to save $ on groceries....  it is not working out!  I am not willing to overload my pantry and increase my stress to save a few dollars on food!

I will have to figure something out... I know there is a Bulk Barn near my place in Moncton.  This may be a nice alternative:  saves $ and control the amount I bring in my place! AND it is more ecological as there is minimal packaging involved!

After all money saved at the expense of stress is not really worth it... not for me anyway!

What about you guys?  Do you go to Costco?  How do you deal with the overload of anything? Does it stress you out?

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Monday, May 19, 2014

Saying good bye

As you may know, for having read Life Happens or this blog, I have, in the past, had to part ways with many people...

When one changes so much, like I did, some people will not follow or jump on board...  or simply no longer like you... and vice versa! And that's OK.  New people will come on board!  That is the beauty of life: it brings you people you need when you need them.

Getting MS, starting a yoga practice and as a result becoming minimalist vegan and healing myself was the best thing that ever happened to me.

And still is.

It also was the worse.

And still is.

In the sense that MS will always "be there" in a way... and it will always be the major reason why I do or do not do something (like running) .  Managing my health is priority #1.  And will always be. It should be for everyone I believe but in my case, it needs to be even more strict: just a short deviation can have dramatic consequences.

Ever since I announce I would be moving to Moncton towards the end of June, mostly for health reasons (in the sense that I need to be able to work less hours and have less stress), I have had all kind of comments...  and reactions!

This is bringing a turmoil of emotions inside of me and I have a hard time managing them.  I really need to increase my meditation/yoga practice to help me deal with this.  Eating cookies and candies, even though vegan ones, is not the ideal way to deal with this!

As we are almost a month  away from the big move, I am realising that a lot will change...  for the better... mostly... but there will also be some very sad moments. 

I am slowly starting to say good bye to my town.  I have been here 41 years and it is all I know.  Yes it has become a place that no longer suit me but still... it was comfortable. This week end, I started realising that some places, I will never go to again... before I leave anyway.

I also started meeting friends to say good bye.... and this is really painful!  Of course Moncton is not THAT far and I will come back to Montreal to visit but it will not be the same... and no matter how people say they will come and  visit, I know that in most cases, life will be life and they won't (but those who do show up will always be welcome)!  And that's OK. Thinking they might come helps in the transition...  for them... and for me...

The other thing that amazes me with this experience is that people's reaction are not so predictable... I had people asking to meet me before I leave and really not expected it... and I have people who I wish would ask and they don't...  I also have people who I wish would make time because I asked and they won't... 

This going away thing really is an eye opener in regards to my relationship with people... Some people seem to care more about me than I imagine and some less then I assumed. Or would love to.

It probably will also be an eye opener on many other things but this I will share with you as I find out...

For now, I am saying good bye...  to shops, restaurants, streets, bus route... and most importantly to people...  people I have know for a long time or not... 

I have never been good with good byes.  This is a real challenge for me...  I'd rather not have to think about it...  Normally I would have just left but I know I need to grow up and learn this important phase.  Some good will come out of it.  This is what I need to concentrate on.

What about you?  Have you had such an experience?  How do you handle good byes?

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Friday, May 16, 2014

Happiness comes from 4 things

happiness does not just happens...
it won't fall on you...
it won't come from material possessions...
it won't come from the exterior... but rather from the interior...
it will take effort and discipline!

that is REAL happiness...  deep down global happiness...

I strongly believe that to be happy requires work.  At least, this is what I have seen in my life....  the happiest days were not the one I spent doing random, meaningless things... The long lasting memories of "happy times" usually involves some hardship at one point or another.

Of course small pleasures can bring short happiness moments...  but they will fade away eventually...  with the pleasure....  for example, shopping or going to see a play are finite in time and although pleasurable for the few hours they may last, they hardly, if ever, bring long term happiness!  I am not saying we should not experience these small pleasures... after all we're on this planet to enjoy what it has to offer us... however, enjoyment comes with moderation!  Like everything else!

In order to be happy on the long run, I'd rather base myself on those 4 personal rules I have.  Over time, they are responsible for the lasting moment of happiness I experience. 

1) Be true to myself

People will not always agree or even respect my choices... or actions!  Some will not respect the way I live my life, the way I eat, the way I dress...  Same goes for my philosophy, rules I give myself...  or even for stuff I try and challenges I give myself...  but that's OK! I cannot please every one.... and I should not even try!

In order to be happy, I have to makes choices... I  have to make sacrifices... but the one I want to make! 

I have to stay true to MYSELF and myself only...  I have to respect myself!  This is the hardest part... we are raised to be nice, to be loved, to be accepted... but not everyone will and not everyone should and it should not change the love I have for myself and the respect I have for myself.

My reaction to other's disrespect and criticism is the key to my happiness!

It's a choice.

Just choose ME instead of them.  In the long run I'll meet the right people who will love and respect me for who I am and THEN magic will happen. However, if I seek every one's love and respect, I end up loosing respect and love from the one that should matters more to me: MYSELF!

2) Take responsibility for my life

Freud said: "Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are afraid of responsibility."

I don't believe that I could be happy without being free.  Or as free as can be.  One can debate on the accessibility of freedom... and how possible is it to be free but that is not a debate a wish to address here.

The more I take responsibility for my life.  The more I make choices, take decisions and makes sacrifices, the more free I feel and the happier I become. That is as long as I do all this according to rule 1) be true to myself.

Responsibility is scary.  It means assuming when I make mistakes.  I means making choices - choosing something always imply not choosing something else: that is not always easy.  Responsibility means not blaming anyone for anything that ever happened to me or ever will happen to me.  I make my decisions/choices therefore I am responsible for what happens in my life.  No one else is.  This is scary!  This is difficult!  But also so rewarding!  Assuming what goes wrong is painful but responsibility also mean assuming what goes right - and that is awesome.  That is where happiness lies.

3) Be curious.

Another rule of mine is to never stop searching... never stop learning... never believing what just anyone says...  If I stop being curious, I stop looking, I get comfortable and then I would no longer live but merely exist.

There is so much to learn, so much to discover and so much to try!  Why just get comfortable? Once I get into a comfort zone, getting out of it is threatening...  therefore the key is to never let myself get comfortable!  Also be on the look out for challenges... challenging ideas... challenging people.   Experience stuff.. learn and move on!  Once I'll stop moving on, I'll start dying!  Dying is not happiness! I've been there... and I was not happy!

I am not saying that you should go out now and try everything there is to try on this planet!  That would be insane...  but be curious on your own term...  be curious according to rule 1) be true to yourself.

Not everyone can benefit from bungee jumping!   Some will, some wont... but don't just do it for the sake of doing it!  It has to be meaningful to you to bring happiness.  What I am really saying is be curious about what you are passionate about... and maybe once in a while look into something new!  Who knows?  You might find a new passion.... but all this in respect to your true self and by taking responsibility for your actions - no blaming anyone...  and no trying something because everyone else does it. 

4) Have meaningful dreams and goals.

Following to the previous rules will help me find my own dreams and goals.  It may seem easy to go along with other people's dream but it does not mean I would be true to myself by doing so.  It does not mean that I would respect myself. It took me years but I finally got them! I use to follow the "normal" dreams... the so called American dream... and it was not for me. It made me sick... it made me miserable...  but I had to acknowledge it... I had to realise it was not for me (not sure it is for anyone anyway - except perhaps big corporations who sell you those dreams)....  had to learn to respect myself and assume that I could not live like that.  That is not easy - mainstream is so much easier to follow! However, if I wanted to be happy I had to stop following mainstream.

I did so by working on myself a lot... doing yoga and meditation.  Going to therapy. "Remembering who I was before they told me who I should be". Then, and only then, was I able to identify my dreams and my goals - and that was the easiest part!  Putting everything in place to live them is another huge step!  One can have dreams and never live them! I do not want to be that person.

As I put stuff in place to live my dreams and reach my goal, I have becoming happier.

These are my rules to happiness.  Do you have any of you own that you'd care to share?

One last thing: now don't be fooled... being happy does not mean always smiling.... there is sadness... and pain... and it takes effort and discipline - but as anything else that is worth it, you can't get it without proper efforts!

Being happy is an overall state...  kind of like you can be overall healthy and catch a cold...  you can be happy and have a sad moment... However, you have more "happy" moments then "sad"moments... and this is when you know you're globally happy!

thanks for reading!
and please share if you like this blog!!!


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Vegan Thursday - Superfood #2 Dates

To be honest, it was not too long ago that I actually tried dates in something else then "dates squares" the very well known desert...  Their color and texture was not appealing to me...  Still a couple of years ago after a yoga practice, while at potluck, I could not say no!  It was not offered to me but rather forced into my hands... what to do?  I had to try it out! Especially that the person who "offered" it to me so kindly was waiting right in front of me for my opinion! It was actually so good that I went back for more!  A few more!  And never stopped since!

I eat them fresh or dry... but I prefer fresh!  They are nature's perfect candy!

Ever since I found out that they were not only good in my mouth but awesome for my body, I have even more reasons to eat them!

So what is so good for you in dates?
Here it is:

1) 1 cup contains roughly 110g of carbohydrates - the essential macronutrients you body needs.  On a diet of 2000 calories, that represent roughly half of your recommended daily intake of carbohydrates - you diet should contain between 45% - 65% of your calories coming from carbohydrates.

2) 1 cup contains about 20% or you recommended daily intake (RDI) of potassium - which is essential for building protein and muscles, metabolizing carbohydrates and controlling the acid-base balance.

3) 1 cup contains about 13%  of men RDI and 20% or women RDI of magnesium. Magnesium help in muscle synthesis, control of blood sugar level but also is essential for muscle and nerve function in your body.

4) they also contains huge amount of fibers which are required for proper digestion/elimination process and are a significant source of vitamin B-6

Now this list might not look very long... but remember, Superfood are food items that contains concentrated amount of certain essential nutrients!  Dates do qualify for this title! So dig in!

Now how do you eat dates?

Well some people add them to their smoothies for extra sweetness....  You can also add them to banana bread... in muffins... or chopped in oatmeal! I like to use them in my rice porridge that you can look up here. But I mostly like to just eat them plain!!!!

A greats snack for me is 3 dates with 15 almonds. This is the perfect snack... lots of protein and carbohydrates, fibers and vitamins and minerals!  It keeps you satiated for a while!

Now, if you want, I am inviting to go see my newest recipe... it qualifies for a minimalist vegan.... and it also taste amazing for none vegans!  And it is made up of rather low cost ingredients!
You can read it about it here: and it should be available by Thursday night the latest!

Here's a picture...

And stay tune for next Vegan Thursday Superfood #3:  Almonds!!!

thanks for reading!
and please share if you like this blog!!!


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

21 Minimalist summer dates

Love....  isn't it amazing???

I often talk about several aspects in our lives affected by a minimalist lifestyle... but not much about how it affects love!
But is does.... deeply...  and actually, this is the one thing that may be the most difficult to adjust too.... and the one subject I have never encounter in reading about minimalism...  if you have suggestion, I will take them.  Would love to read how others handle living a simple life while in love or looking for it! It can be difficult because sometimes, over the clutter lives we have, we've somehow created a distance between each other... and once everything is declutter, it is pretty much back to that: each other...  like when you first met!

My husband and I met before we even knew minimalism existed... and we were living in a way not even remotely close to being minimalists!  With credit margin, credit cards, 2 cars, 1 house - loaded with everything, a pool on credit...  a tons of clothes, CD, DVD, books... etc! Basically mostly everything was on credit because our 2 salaries could only afford  mortgage and 2 new cars payments as well as gas and food! Until everything fell apart: got sick, lost my job, went bankrupt, had to move in an apartment...

and there was the light!

Of course, like most people we know, we celebrated our love with gifts (clothes, jewelry, decorations), outings (restaurants, movies, theatres, shows), vacations...  all stuff we charged to...  you guessed it: CREDIT!
Because we couldn't afford it!  But we HAD to do it! I mean, this is expected when in love! At least this is what I thought!

Now when all credit was taken away from us...  we had to figure out other ways to get all that stuff...  so we got rid of a few things, kept one car, moved into an apartment.... and there was loose ends for gifts and stuff...  little did I know that it would not take long before I would get into debts again... smaller but still...  today, I still own a small amount... that I am repaying slowly... and I am much more smart about money!

We are now celebrating our love for each other in ways we can afford... in ways that does not require playing around with the budget!  In ways that still allow us saving and planning for retirement and doing work we love.

I thought I might share those... of course, at first we were kind of forced to figure something out and just found those solutions boring and stupid... and fit for poor people - NOT US! However,  now we really do enjoy them and I sincerely think they are very romantic! And it actually brings us much closer then spending 50$ for a meal, 30$ at the movies and then some for gas, parking, tips... and then fighting because we have money issues!

All the suggestions I will give you do not require anything special (that most people do not have anyway)...  and will cost less or around 20$ if you do them without a car expense....  if you do use a car, you'll have to add that amount but since I do not have a car, I left it out!

1) Get up early and walk to somewhere quiet where you can watch the sunrise - you can bring home made juice or smoothies...  or why not even a complete breakfast? - this one is FREE... you would have had breakfast at home anyway!

2) Watch the sunset... there is something very romantic in a sunset light... especially in nature or over water... - FREE

3) Go for a long walk hand in hand (no phone or ANY type of electronic devices)... with no destination...  no schedule...when you're tired, stop for "coffee" or grab public transit to get back home - will cost you the price of "coffee" and public transit if used

4) Go for a pic-nick in a nearby park, bring a blanket, your food and maybe some candles? But no music... just listen to the wind, the birds and your discussion - FREE as you would eat at home anyway

5) On a warm rainy summer day, go for a walk under the rain - a soft rain...  no umbrella or rain coat... feel the rain on your skin... cooling you off....  - FREE

6) On a rainy afternoon go for a movie... tickets are much cheaper in the afternoon... skip the snack and go for coffee after to discuss the movie...  - Cost of 2 tickets, and 2 coffees....  should be close to 20$

7) Visit a museum - most of them have free time slot or free exhibits - FREE

8) Tour the garage sales and/or flea market in your area - take this opportunity to open up to each other by telling memories brought about by the stuff you see - FREE or the cost of anything you can't resist buying!

9) Go to an arcade - feel like a teenager again - Set your budget yourself! And laugh!!!

10) Play Frisbee in a near park or beach - FREE

11) Visit a festival, something you would normally not go to: you might discover a new passion - most of them have FREE events

12)  Go to movie night in the park - most cities have those events nowadays and they are mostly FREE or by donation for a cause... 

13) Go bowling - Usually around 20$ you can have enough in most bowling alley

14) Get dress and go for coffee in a different place than you usually go to - and play the "first date" game...  this can be really fun!  - for the price of a coffee!

15) Go the library and chose a book each but not for yourself, for your spouse... this can be interesting - obviously the spouse has to read it! FREE

16) Get dress really fancy and have ONE drink at a jazz/blues bar - 20$

17) Go hiking - some places are still FREE and other have minimal fees. Bring a lunch/snack along to eat on the top! Our own little problems seem so insignificant at the top of a mountain.

18) Go see fireworks and bring a blanket  and maybe some tea if it's a colder night- FREE

19) Attend outdoor FREE concert - there are always some in the summer

20) Take a bike ride - FREE if you own a bike if not rental price of the bike

21) Go to a new not too fancy restaurant and share a meal - set a budget to 20$

Here are some ideas to celebrate or show your love for one another that do respect a minimalist lifestyle and budget! As I wrote earlier, if you're use to some fancy stuff, like we use too, it might take a while before you actually enjoy them... but try a few before you give up!

As an incentive, save the amount of dollar you would have normally used for a date... over time you'll see this amount becoming quite significant! And use it towards which ever suits you: paying debt, saving, dream vacation, etc...  this is an easy way to save dollar and reconnect with your loved one on a more profound basis!

thanks for reading!  and sharing!


Monday, May 12, 2014

Finally... the big news!

For a few weeks now I have been saying that I was "working" on something.... that change was coming along... I could feel it....  but could not mention it! Well today I can finally announce it...

The above picture is where I current live:  Montreal!  It is one of my favorite views from the city...  and I will need to take it along with me because it might be a while before I get to see it again...

Yes, I will spread my wings and move 986km east of my current location and end up in Moncton NB!

I had to find a place to live... this is done....  and here's the view:

OK... not the best picture but because I had to do that from Kijiji, not being able to go there, it's all I can get my hands on for now!  As soon as I get there, I'll share more pictures!

This is HUGE for me...  for many reasons....

It is definitely pushing me out of my comfort zone... here's why:

1) Never moved out of Montreal... born and raised here.... 41 years total!
2) I have to find an apartment without visiting it!  not my style
3) I have to start job search in a new area for me AND my husband - very financially threatening
4)I have to switch my son school... and school system! - he doesn't love school...  scary
5) I will go and live in a city where I spent only one day!!!  Only ONE!!!
6) It is much smaller city...  70000 people compare to roughly 4 millions here!
7) Completely different lifestyle - to me, it will feel like the country!
8) I leave a lot of people behind that I love very much and will miss - I am not stupid, it is far and most won't come and visit! Even though they know they are welcome to do so
9) I leave most of my life behind - taking with me a few belongings and my dear husband and son! In preparation for this move, we sold most of our furniture, only keeping what came from my family... and we declutter much more!  A moving truck for that distance is expensive - the smaller the better!

Why am I doing this???

I need to move!  I have this increasing desire to go see elsewhere... if I can find myself!

I do not feel like I belong in this huge city anymore!
I do not feel like I belong in this province anymore!

I need some peace and quiet.
I need more nature, less shopping...
I need more  meaningful interactions, less people...
I need to be able to work at less stressful/paying job... 

Living in Moncton is cheaper (one of the 5 cheapest cities to live in in Canada)...  less stress...  it's a city in the middle of nature - there's the advantages to both! We'll be surrounded by nature... there's even a lake right across my street but yet, all the convenience will be there, walking distance, and there is public transit! The ocean is 20 minutes away!

I think this will be good for me: physically and mentally!

In fact, I know it will be...

Therefore, on June 21st, my son, husband, cat and I will take ALL our belongings, put them in a 14`truck and drive all the way to Moncton!  To have a new beginnings!

This is huge for me because quite frankly, if you would have told me even just a year ago that I would once live elsewhere then Montreal, Qc Canada I would have NEVER believed you! (of course I had dreams - but never thought I would have the courage to act on it) Seriously!  I was so sure I could never live elsewhere then in a huge city.... with all the shopping, coffee, restaurant, festivals, activities, tourists... I was sure I was born here and would die here!  Nothing would take me away from Montreal! As proof, you can read this post where I tell you how much I love my city.

Not sure what happen since that post... it was 3 years ago... but I obviously changed a lot... and I an not quite sure this is the best place to live in the world anymore!  Not for me anyway!

I have pulled away a lot from "standard" living...  being a minimalist and vegan you can sometimes feel apart...  feel like an outsider.... and choke in huge places like Montreal where consumerism is really high and steakhouses are everywhere!

I will try Moncton... and see... who knows?  I might really like it!  Or hate it and come back or go elsewhere!

Who knows???  But I doubt ever coming back here for good... I have more dreams for in a few years from now...  My husband and I want to go and try living in Madeiras or Fungal in Portugal and eventually Bali, Indonesia. Ideally, no more winter for us later on in life!

I have been taking roots for the last 41 years, and I am not intending to do so for the next 41!

Who knows where life will take me... but I am letting go now... and will see what happens....which opportunity will arise... and which doors will open!

Life is short.... I have already too many years done... sometimes I feel I completed them in a fog... but I no longer wish to do that! I am wide awake now and ready to conquer the world!  There is so much to be seen!  Why stop at Montreal?

p.s. as of June 21st, I will also start my new personal project:  "108 days to a new life"  More on that later... but I am sure you will love it! It will be fill with challenges, experiences and so much more to learn to appreciate our new lives...

thanks for reading!  and sharing!


Friday, May 9, 2014

television and my style


there are 2 subjects I wish to address with you today... and I realise that Fridays are often like that... No idea why but is seems like all the work and thinking from the week is giving me results and I am getting a lot of answers for myself. But really in the end, they might be more related than what it seems at first!

First off, I have completed one month without cable TV!  Hurray! (if you want to see my initial post on that decision you can do so here ) It was MUCH easier than I expected... and I haven't watch any of the show I was following before on any device!
I have let go of my attachment to  Elementary, NCIS, Hawai 5-0!  Of course a part of my wonder how all those series are ending... but when I come to think of it more seriously, it really doesn't matter...  because they are NOT real!  They are not real people... or real stories!  They are made up to entertain us at best... and condition us at worse! My friend Joshua explained it really well in a post on his blog that you can read here.  I completely understand and agree with what he's saying!

As you may know, I took a subscription to Netflix for 8$ per month!  This is saving me 72$ per month... and giving me hours of free time! I find that we are not using Netflix as much as I thought we would.  My husband and I have basically watch 5 movies and one more with my son (always on rainy week end days).  I have completed 2 documentaries and currently watching another one. My son does watch a few shows but him too has decrease the number of hours he spends on the television!  Honestly Netflix is nice but not as easy to use as randomly flipping aimlessly the channels.

I use to watch about 12-13 hours of television per week...  in the last month it dropped to about maybe 5h per week...  This is an extra 7-8 hours for ME!  Extra hours that I can use towards more significant stuff!  I have read much more!  I also did more yoga and meditation. I have slept a little more... and started enjoying tea instead of watching TV!

My husband and I now have our daily tea after lunch while chit-chatting before he goes to work and me to job hunting!
I also have another tea ritual later on during the day... while reading by Ganesh...

I also realise that we talk to each other a LOT more...  even my 13 years old son his becoming more talkative about his day and his dreams!

All in all, this has been an EXCELLENT decision...  next step will be to take the television completely out the door!  I know it is just a matter of time before it happens...

All those changes are bringing me closer to who I am... it is actually taking me away from self-created needs and wants! For the longest time I wanted to be fashionably dress... and depending on the phases of my life I was or was not... but I always wanted to own many clothes, many different styles... and I could not set my mind on anything!  Would I see a movie or TV show I liked I wanted to be dress like that...  taking this visual stimulation away has forced me to turn more to meditation/yoga/reading/tea time and has allow me to really reconnect with myself! Yes minimalism has made me decrease the number of clothes I own... but the not various styles... which are not always reflecting the real me. Therefore I was never really satisfied with my decluttering...  Always felt like I had too much... because I had stuff that was not me!

And today, just like that... it happened... I now know HOW I like to dress.. WHAT I am comfortable in and WHY!  I know what will need to go...  once I fully completely accepted this new realisation about myself.

I like to dress very simply....  jeans and t-shirt... in cooler temperature.... and shorts and t-shirts in warmer temperature... an occasional skirt...
Mostly neutral bottoms (blue jeans or khaki pants/short) and color on tops!
Scarves.... and layered jewelry...
Shoes have to be converse or flip flop!
I can do black pants if I have too... and hence I will keep a pair of black pants and a long and short black skirt.... in case... you know stuff happens!

Here's what will probably go and never come back in my wardrobe:
I am no longer sure about leggings...
I know I am not the type to wear a blouse... unless it is very Bohemia like...
Dress if I have too... for that reason I will keep the ones I have but won't be buying anymore... (I have 2 four seasons and one summer)

This is due to the fact, I ma petty much convince of that, that I am much less exposed to images... to stimulation of what I should look like... This way of dressing comes from ME!  My lifestyle...  how I like to feel!  Why try and look like something I do not wish to be or for activities I do not wish to do?!?

This is it!  My first month without cable TV.... and I have move along in finding myself!

Why don't you give it a try? You'll see... it's not half as bad as it seems!

thanks for reading!  and sharing!


Thursday, May 8, 2014

Vegan thursday - Superfood #1: kale

In the next following weeks, my Thursday's post will be addressing some superfood! 
Superfood are items that are loaded with nutrition!  They have really concentrated vitamins or minerals (or both), are good for you and should really be eaten as often as possible!

Therefore if you are a vegan or a non-vegan, you could all benefit from adding some of those food to your daily food intake! I will also try to suggest, in every cases, a few different ways to eat it!

This week, let's look at KALE!

yes.. that curly green leaf stuff you seed at the store and not sure what to do and why you should eat it!

Kale is part of what we call leafy greens or cruciferous vegetables. 
You should buy kale when it is green (no brown leaves), and before it gets "soft".  You want one that hold itself!

You can store kale in the fridge for a few days but I never keep it for more then 2!  If I get a really big bunch, I put in the fridge what I know I will use and put the rest in the freezer (only the part of the leaf that you actually use, not the stem)

Benefits of kale are numerous and more and more are being found  as time goes by.

One benefit is the ability to lower cholesterol level - it does so by binding the fibers in it to the bile acid you ate and eliminate it from your body. Of course if you are vegan you do not have cholesterol issues as it can only be found in animal products... so why then should you eat kale?

Well it does have other benefits:

It is know to decrease the risk of bladder, ovary, prostate, colon and breast cancer. Pretty sure you want none of those if you can help it!

It has been shown to regulate detox at genetic level.

It contains at least 45 flavonoids - therefore makes it a major contributor to avoiding chronic inflammation and oxidative stress.

On top of that, it contains enormous amount of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C and very interesting amount of manganese and copper.  On top of 14 others nutriments required for our nice human body (including iron, calcium, vitamin E and protein)!

Now how much should you have?  Well ideally, 2 - 3 times a week 1- 1 1/2 cup serving... and if you can, 4 - 5 times a week 2 cups serving!

You can add kale in juices, smoothies, soups, stews...  for more information on that, you can check out my cookbook here.

You can also make kale chips out of them!!!!  It is so easy...  and kids will LOVE it!!!!  and ask for more!  For once having greens in them will be easy!

In order to do kale chips, cut the leaves from the stem and into smaller pieces - put in a mixing bowl and add some olive oil - massage the kale leaves to mix the olive oil and have it soften - yes this should be done with your hands! Add some salt and if you have some nutritional yeast (for an extra B12) and put on a baking sheet. Bake in a preheated oven at 250F for 18 minutes!  You may have to adjust time depending on oven but they should be crispy but not brown!

Just give it a try... yes kale has a particular taste... but if well prepared, it turns out just fine!

thanks for reading!  and sharing!
