Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I am frustrated...


I do not know how to write this post...  I am not having such a good day and I am a little frustrated....  now when I started writing this blog almost 3 years ago, I promised myself I would only write about my truth...  no bullshit.... no pretending.... and say things as they are....  I am not perfect.... and never will be...  I do my best.... like most of us!  Sometimes it's enough.... other's not...
I am rarely frustrated or upset for more than 5 minutes....  so you may not have read any post where I am... I am usually happy and positive... sometimes sad.. but rarely upset or frustrated... today I am... at me and at all of us!!!

Of course I could pretend I forgot we were Tuesday and that I am suppose to write for you guys on Tuesdays as per my new schedule... and avoid writing in such a mood...  but that would not be honest and I would know it...

I am upset because I realise that life can be so simple... and we tend to complicate it so much... for no reason... or should I say for no real valid reasons?

We have all those projects for our lives....  things we plan on doing someday...  things we plan on doing now...  objectives we make four ourselves...  and then what???  we sabotage it!!!  Yes we do... because we do not believe in ourselves... because we are scared...  because we take time to think about what others will say... and then what???  then we may have missed an opportunity to do something we loved... an opportunity to be happy.... an opportunity to be useful to others...
why?  because we were afraid...  because we assumed we knew what others would think...  but what if it is not really what they're thinking?  what if you giving an example?  and if it is... who cares really???  it's your life!!!  Live it your way....  for someday it may be too late...   and then you'll regret it!!! 

So for all of us (yes I am including myself), that are trying to stop smoking, loose weight, take up yoga, train for a marathon, change job, take up a new activity, end a relationship, start a new project,  write a book, start a blog, plan to move in another country,...  I just have this to say:

Have no regrets!!!  Live YOUR life!!!   YOUR way!!!  That is all that matters...

on that note, I will go meditate a little to calm myself...

as always thanks for reading me...

I am always happy to hear from you... do not hesitate to contact me!!! And forward this post to people who may be interested!

Don't forget to check out my Facebook page.... or personal profile... connect with me on twitter or google +...



  1. Chère Nathalie, un blogue frustrée vaut mieux que pas de blogue du tout. J'aime que tu nous dises ''LIVE NOW'' . Tu me ramènes à la base et ce que tu fais est important pour moi et je suis sûre pour beaucoup d'autres personnes.

    1. merci "anonyme".... ca fait plaisir a entendre...
      et n'oublie pas... "LIVE NOW"... n'attends pas qu'il soit trop tard! :-)

  2. Dear Nathalie! It was a very bad and frustrating day to me, too. Full of struggle, anger and endless discussion. I felt terrible in the afternoon. We went out for a little walk, later I talked to some friends and I decided, I will be the change Ghandi was talking about. I'm spreading peace and light and good vibrations, even if the world around me is full of chaos, war and fight. I'm peace, I'm light and I will never give up. Love, Susanne

    1. Susanne,
      I have the same mantra.... "be the change"... and this is actually what gave me all that frustration yesterday... but today is another day and I am feeling better... and I will still try to "be the change"... and you try it too.... the more of us the better!!! maybe at least right around us, there will be less chaos!!!

  3. I hope today it's all gone :) and just stay positive for a bit more.

    1. thanks Miss F.. yes... much better now..... thanks! love&peace, xox
