Tuesday, January 18, 2011

'greed is a bottomless pit that tires a person trying to satisfy a need without ever reaching satisfaction'

This quotation is from Erin Fromm.  I came cross it in my "Green is the new black" book which I just finish reading... 

There are so many informations in this book... and I still haven't process every little bit of it...  but this quotation with which the book starts or almost is amazing...  It pin point exactly why I use to shop so much...  (notice the use of the past tense?  because for 18 days I have not done it... getting close to the 21 days required to create a new behavior or get rid of an old one!)  I would shop to satisfy needs I tought I had... only to realize that I ended up wanting more... and still not be happy about what I had...

Now where to start and where to end is not an easy question...

I guess the first step anyone should do is declutter... that is, reserve a few hours over the next week end... look at all the clothes, shoes, accessories you have in every closet... or suitcase...  for every season...  including bathing suit, socks and underwear...

Go on and make a few pîles:

1) still wear
2) need fixing
3) to give out because I no longer will wear it... it no longer fits or it was an impulse buy for example...
4) to throw out because fixing or giving are not even appropriate - which is an extremely rare case... I mean you need to have major damage in either one of those cases.... even a 15 year old blouse in good condition that you think no one will want will make a person really happy somewhere!!!
5) to keep to refashion into something else

Now, what ever needs fixing needs to be fix ASAP...  or it goes in one of the other piles...

What ever you wish to give out, hold on for now as I am planning on doing a swapping something later on this year... probably in May! If this interest you.. if not please give them away to those who need them....

Now you should be left with clothes you like...  and wear...  did you know that 80% of the time we wear only 20% of what we own???  that is defenitley not much...  so what should remain after this grand clean up should be about the 20% you really wear plus a few items you rarely wear but really like and are useful!

I did this exercise last time I move in August... and it was worth while...   

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