Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The sunset and seasons of life...

I am lucky enough to have the perfect location to see the sunset...  every night!
This one is from late September this year...

I have lived at the same place for over a year now and I noticed that even thus there is a sunset every single day,  they are always different!!! Every single day... for 465 days...  and counting!

And then comes the seasons...

All four of them...  years after years...  they each take their turns...

Nature has the perfect flow and balance.

We are now approaching fall here where I am...  my favorite season.

The thing with seasons is even thus we get each one of them every year when you look carefully, they are always different... somehow... just like the sunset day after day.

Where am I going with this?

Well, us human, tend or try to have life as fix as possible...  contrary to nature! Especially when it comes to relationship and who we surround ourselves with.

But we are part of nature...

Because human do not like change and are afraid of them. We are scared we'll end up alone so we'd rather stay in poor relationships then find new ones.  This is for all kind of relationship...  not just your spouse.

We like to keep people around as comforters, security blanket. Nature has no security blanket... ever.

We don't let go of people...  because we think they define who we are. And they do in a way...

So look closely at who you surround yourself with... is it really who you want to be with?

People will be in our life for different period of time... some will be there longer some not as much... every one has something to bring to you at one point but once their "job-is-done" they have to go.  You also have a "job-to-do" in someone else's life... But you have to recognize when it is time to part ways...

Don't hold on for the wrong reasons.

You will never be completely lonely.

No matter what people say...

I've had people tell me that if I continued on my path I'd end up alone...  I would have a lonely life...  Because no one would follow me in my vegan minimalist lifestyle - eating nothing and being poor.

But it never happened...  It won't... It can't...

I feel more loved and well surrounded then ever before in my life.

Because no matter who you are, how you live your life...  if you sent out the right vibrations, someone will come along...

There are other people just like you out there.  But you can't find them if you have no room for them in your life.

There is more then one sunset... more then one season... and nature changes...  but always finds it's way...

Why wouldn't you???

What could be so wrong with you that you couldn't find anyone???

Not a couple of people love you on this planet where we are 7 billions???

I know I'd rather be alone then surrounded by the wrong people...  but that's me...

Then again, I don't recall seeing a rose bush growing dandelions...

Just like nature cannot hold on to one perfect sunset... just like a tree cannot keep the same leaves forever...  just like the wind blows pollen around... just like the moon direct the tidal bore...

Just let life happens... let it bring you where you should be... have faith!

Nature is perfect... you can trust her.

Be who you are... DREAM your life... LIVE your dream...

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