Monday, April 29, 2013

First, "feels like summer", minimalist week end of the year!

First bike ride of 2013

I had a wonderful week end!!!!
Being minimalist ROCKS!!!!!

Here in Montreal, we had the first really nice (meaning warmer and sunny - cause every week end is nice!) week end of the year..  sunny and warm enough to feel like summer is coming...

My husband and I spend all week end outside...  walking in the city or bicycling!!!

This is one good side of being a minimalist...  because we saw a countless number of people doing spring tasks...  like:

washing their car
painting the garage door
painting the fence
picking up the leaves
cleaning the terrasse
cleaning the pool
washing windows
doing spring cleaning of house
pulling away the "tempo"
cleaning garage
"washing" the driveway

and it reminded us of when we had our house...  and I am not saying there is anything wrong with owning a house... it's just not for us!!!

We had to do all those things....  and we felt like it was taking something away from us...  we were so busy, each working 40h a week in job we did not like....  and then having to spend hours on the house... which we did not enjoy!!!  we were miserable... and stressed... and felt like we were missing on LIFE!!!  Real life... We thought there must be more to life than taking care of a house and cars!

Now, we live in an apartment with a small balcony... so we took 20 minutes to clean the balcony and the small round table and two chairs we have on it....  I also took me  20 min while my husband was doing the balcony, to start cleaning the windows...  So all in all, shared between the both of us, we had 40 minutes of "obligations" this week end... and over the next 2 week ends, there will be maybe an extra 2 hours to clean the other windows...  shared between the both of us...

It gave us plenty of time to spend part of the day on Mont-Royal, St-Denis and St-Laurent on Saturday....  then we got back home and went for our first bike ride of the year closer to where we live...  and ended up at Starbucks and enjoyed tea on the terrasse...   On Sunday we enjoyed yet another tea on a terrasse early morning (yes it was that warm in the sun) on Mont-Royal and then did grocery shopping and went back home...  when the weather warmed up we went for a bike ride close to where my son goes to school as a mean to evaluate how long it would take him to ride his bike to school...  while being there, we had a nice lunch at one of our favorite vegan restaurant....  then rode back home... and took care of the patio and windows...  I then had plenty of time to prepare a few meals for the week... in order to ease into my week!

It was wonderful and this is what our summer look like...  now that we do not have a house or a car! And do not forget to add lunch in the park, swimming, ping pong outside and much more...

I can't wait for the next week end to be here!!!!

love and peace,

Friday, April 26, 2013

My list of clothes for summer

As I mentioned not too long ago, I was kind of done counting the number of items in my wardrobe...  Now some concerns were expressed by my friends and nice readers of this blog that I may be going back the "wrong" way....  by not making a list, they were afraid I was going back to my old habit of having too much clothes... but I am not!  Yes between May 1st and Sept 30th I do have more than 33 items...  for several reasons...

1) where I live, weather is very changing in those months... we can have very hot and humid tropical climate one day... and quite mild another day requiring pants and/or a small jacket.... 
2) I will be working part time, have long week ends and holidays ... all that requires different clothing...
3) because I use public transit and work in air conditioned environment, I may have to change between commute and work... and for my walk at lunch time!

but because such nice and genuine concerns were expressed, I am making the list again...  there is more than 33 items on the list but I want you guys to see that I am not loosing control...  and am not planning too!
Obviously some items, identified in Green  will be there for the beginning of the period starting May 1st (maybe a few weeks) and the ending of the period ( last few weeks of September) but will not be worn in between that...  but I will not put them away...

1)Wide leg jeans
2) Skinny jeans
3) Jeans with flower patch
4) Torn up jeans (for week end and Holiday's only!)
5) Red pants
6) Beige khaki pants (for work only)
7) White denim pants
8) Black pants (fancier - for going out)
9) pair of jean shorts ( for commute on very hot days, week ends and holidays)
10) pair of jean shorts ( for commute on very hot days, week ends and holidays)
11) Flower skirt
12) Beige skirt
13) Fuchsia skirt
14) Navy and beige dress
15) Flower sexy dress
16) fuchsia and beige flowy cami (for week end and holidays only)
17) fuchsia, orange and grey flowy cami (for week end and holidays only)
18) Om t-shirt
19) Recycle t-shirt
20) Stripe navy 3/4 sleeve t-shirt
21) Stripe olive 3/4 sleeve t-shirt
22) Olive 3/4 sleeve t-shirt
23) white t-shirt
24) Beige with pink and orange drawing 3/4 sleeve t-shirt (for week end and holidays only)
25) Flower cami (to be worn at work with a vest for eg)
26) fuchsia cami
27) beige cami
28) white t-shirt
29) red t-shirt
30) long sleeves stripe shirt (white and blue)
31) long sleeves stripe shirt (white and blue)
32) jean shirt
33) fancy navy polka dot shirt
34) Grey vest (mostly for air conditioning condition)
35) Navy cotton vest ( mostly for air conditioning conditions)
36) Black cotton vest ( mostly for air conditioning conditions)
37) short sleeve grey vest (to over over camis at work or when cooler in the morning)
38) short sleeve green vest (to over over camis at work or when cooler in the morning)
So all in all it is not too bad... see we have nothing to worry about...  Pretty much under control!  And quite frankly, the items in purple, not sure they are staying... they may be rehabilitated comes end of September only..  I'll have to look into it!!!

If you look at the list carefully, you'll see that items 1) to 10) are quite neutral and go with all my tops.. so I can create LOTS of diversity!!!
My skirts, are not so neutral but they go with many items as well...  (items 11 -13)

So by creating flexibility of use and colors, I can get away for 5 months in pretty much all situations with 38 items!!!

Has any of you prep their summer wardrobe?  are you clothes exactly what you like them to be???  Do they fit you well?  Do they suit your lifestyle?  Do they speak for you???

Question for you guys:  Would you be interested in me posting actual pictures of my outfits?  Or possible outfits showing you the flexibility in my wardrobe? 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Plan A, B, C et yoga

 this post is in french... it's a translation of one of last week's post... 

Ce matin, quand je me suis levée, je pensais beaucoup… et j’étais un peu maussade, ce qui est rare! Je me réveille normalement avec un esprit en paix et de bonne humeur!

Je suis une personne matinale, heureuse d’avoir un nouveau 24 heures pour me réinventer… la plupart du temps. Toutefois, je vis actuellement des changements majeurs dans ma vie et je devrai prendre plusieurs décisions lorsque j’aurai plus de renseignements sur certaines choses. Ce n’est donc pas un moment facile, mais peut-être que ce n’est pas le mot exact. Ce n’est pas « pas facile », mais plutôt instable, et je ne sais pas du tout quand ce sera stable et comment ce sera. Mais c’est correct! Je dois calmer mon esprit et m’enraciner, tout ira bien! Tout va toujours bien!

Donc, quand l’alarme est partie ce matin à cinq heures, j’ai pris un instant, comme toujours, pour évaluer mon état d’esprit. Puis, j’ai déroulé mon tapis de yoga et je savais quoi faire! Ce n'étais pas le temps de me mettre au travail et de transpirer… Je devais me calmer et retrouver ma bonne humeur. C’est donc ce que j’ai fait… et ça a fonctionné! J’étais beaucoup plus calme et heureuse après avoir fait les actions suivantes, qui ont pris environ 35 minutes!

1) Respirations profondes – ne penser à rien! En fait, lâcher prise pendant mon expiration sur chaque pensée qui venait lorsque j’inhalais. Ça a pris beaucoup de temps!

Lorsque mon esprit était plus calme, j’ai fait les actions suivantes :

2) Respirations alternées par le nez – inhaler le calme et expirer l’anxiété.

3) Rotations de la tête (de droite à gauche et de gauche à droite – sans aller vers l’arrière).

4) Pose de l’enfant.

5) J’ai utilisé la position du chien tête en bas à partir de la pose de l’enfant pour passer en position debout et étirer mes jambes.

6) Pose de la montagne avec mes mains en prière et les yeux fermés – j’ai remarqué que ma montagne bougeait un peu de l’avant (future) vers l’arrière (passé) – je l’ai maintenue jusqu’à ce que le calme soit revenu et les balancements arrêtés!

7) Pose de l’arbre – les mains toujours en prière – le plus longtemps que j’ai pu rester sur une jambe, à imaginer les racines sortant de mon pied pour créer une connexion profonde vers la terre.

8) Une autre pose de montagne avec mes bras dans les airs à regarder vers le haut – pour absorber toute l’énergie matinale. Cette montagne était très stable!

9) Je me suis assise de nouveau sur mon tapis pour quelques minutes encore en respirant profondément. Le calme était là. Il n’y avait rien d’autre dans mon esprit que ma respiration.

Après mon yoga, j’ai été prendre ma douche, faire mon lunch, m’habiller et j’ai marché pour prendre l’autobus pour aller travailler. Pendant que je marchais, j’ai réalisé pourquoi j’étais anxieuse… Je n’avais aucun plan B!

Laissez-moi vous expliquer… Je travaille sur quelque chose qui apportera des changements majeurs à ma vie. J’ai simplifié ma vie, rationalisé mes finances, diminué le coût de ma vie… tout ça pour une raison spécifique : travailler vers un objectif précis (que je ne peux pas encore annoncer)… et je n’ai pas préparé de plan de remplacement!

Mon plan A était tout planifié. J’avais quelques obstacles, mais je n’ai jamais préparé de plan B ou de plan C! J’ai tout mis dans mon seul et unique plan A! Et alors que j’arrive plus près, j’ai peur! Et si…?

J’ai toujours eu un plan A, B et C dans ma vie… TOUJOURS!!! Et j’ai TOUJOURS dû faire le plan B ou le plan C parce que le plan A n’a jamais marché (je ne devrais pas être surprise). Cette fois, je n’ai pas prévu de plan B ou C (pas parce que je ne voulais pas, mais parce que je n’en trouvais pas). Parce que tout ce que je veux, c’est que le plan A fonctionne. J’ai donc tout mis dans cet objectif! Toute mon énergie, tout mon temps, toutes mes connaissances, tout mon surplus d'argent du fait de vivre avec moins… TOUT! C’est pourquoi ça me fait peur… mais peut-être que cette fois, le plan A va fonctionner!

Vous devez croire en ce que vous faites! Vous devez trouver ce qui vous attire vraiment, ce qui vous fait sentir bien et faites-le! Encore et encore! Et trouvez une façon de faire de l’argent en même temps. Assez pour pouvoir éventuellement en vivre!

Bon, vous devrez peut-être apporter des changements à votre style de vie et/ou à vos priorités. Vous devrez travailler fort, pendant longtemps. Tout particulièrement durant la transition. Ça va demander beaucoup de sacrifices (ce que moi j'appelle des choix!)! Mais ça vaudra le coup une fois que vous saurez POURQUOI vous le faites. Particulièrement quand ce POURQUOI est votre choix! Votre vocation… ça n’a presque pas l’air de sacrifices…

J’arrive à un point, maintenant, où je commence à voir le résultat final. Et l’inquiétude en moi, qui est de moins en moins présente, aime venir et jouer avec ma tête de temps en temps… Elle aime me dire « et si le plan A ne fonctionne pas? Tu n’as aucun autre plan… que feras-tu ensuite? Et pourquoi ça fonctionnerait? Ça n’a jamais fonctionné! » (alors que j’écris ces mots, je peux l’entendre et c’est très agaçant! Haha!).

J’aime dire à ce côté de moi qu’aucun plan A n’a jamais fonctionné, car il n’a jamais vraiment été à moi. Et je n’ai jamais vraiment investi tout ce que j’avais dans ces plans (et je ne parle pas d’argent)… Ils ne m’ont jamais vraiment rendue heureuse… et ils n’étaient pas ce que je devais faire de ma vie. Et maintenant que je sais que c’est ce que je devrais faire et que j’ai fait tant d’efforts pour y arriver, et que c’est la SEULE chose qui me rend vraiment heureuse… ÇA VA FONCTIONNER!


Peut-être qu’après tout, mettre toutes les pommes dans le même panier peut payer (de toutes les façons possibles)!

la traduction de cette publication est une gracieuseté de



Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My life

Part of the tapestry in my yoga room - was hand made in India in a fair trade manner
 The 2 most frequent comments I get from people reading  "Life Happens"  is 1) that I am a really strong woman and 2) that I have to make a lot of sacrifices

Unfortunately, I do not see it exactly like that and those comments always surprise me...

For 1)...  being a strong woman....  I never realized it before I started getting the comment...  honestly! I never really asked myself that question while going thru all that...  "Am I a strong woman?"  I just did what I had to do... what I felt I had to do... I do not know what pushed me really...  why I did it where other would have just give up...   I think part of it was that I didn't want to be sick...  I didn't want to be a burden to my lovely husband and son... I didn't want to end up as I might have.... I was to young...  I am also very stubborn.... boy what I can do to prove someone wrong... but it that case it came in handy!!!  I was also terrified...  and it's amazing what being scary... feeling like you're fighting for your life can do!!!  I felt like I had no choice... and I also think, that everyone CAN and SHOULD do it!!!  Why give up???  Why believe what the first doctor tells you?  Why listen to people who tell you there is nothing to do...  It is not their decision to make!!!  It is YOUR LIFE!!!  Why let anyone tells you what the outcome of YOUR LIFE will be???  it is your to decide...  and there are so many amazing story of people like me who overcame chronic diseases when there was no hope...  cancer when chemo was not even useful...  I am not the only one... and this is what supported me... I think I may also be a tad competitive... that too came in handy! ;-) If they could do it, why couldn't I???

So, to this day, even thus I take it as a compliment, I do not see myself as any stronger than any of you reading this or Life Happens... perhaps, some of you are lacking the tools or the directions...  and this is why Life Happens is there...  to give you a hint..  a place to look into... a ray of HOPE!

Now if we look at comment 2)...  that I have to make a lot of sacrifices...  I am not so sure... The definition of sacrifice is to give up something you value...  but is it really a sacrifice if what you give up was not of true value?  if you do not miss what you gave up?  if what you gave up brought you love, peace and health???
Here's what I gave up to regain my life and my health:

and eventually dairy because since the book came out I became vegan
Stuff - a big house, a car, furniture, clothes, objects...
Addiction to buying more stuff
Dependence on money for happiness
Lack of discipline

and what did I trade that in for...

Better eating
More time
No need to do a job to have a big income - being able to choose a job
Happiness being found in every free moment of life
Discipline - to get what I want - my health and peace of mind!
Discipline to develop a meditation and yoga practice that is so rewarding!

So is it really a sacrifice?  Do I miss any of those things?  NO!!!  REALLY NOT!!!!
I am so much better off....

but some might argue that I cannot go out in "normal" places...  or go shopping if I am having a bad day...  or invite people over because I live in a very small place...  take a road trip...

I want to specify that I CAN do all those things....  if I wanted too... but I CHOOSE not to! 

but I do not want to do those things...  I can go out mostly anywhere if I want to...  there is almost always one option for vegan...  if I am having a bad day, I'd rather go home and get a hug from my husband and my son... than off to the mall!  I can have people over but we can't have a four course meal on my tiny dinning table...  but there is more than enough floor space to sit or stand and chat!  I have been in a car... and road trip always nauseated me!!! Rather go for a walk, but trip or bike ride!

This is my life... I do not see it as a sacrifice...  I made choices.... no one forced me to do it!  But the outcome is so GREAT that I hardly think  of it...  and remember, I did not do all of it over night... it took years...  it was a slow process...  it was self-encouraged as in each step I felt a little better....  so why stop?  take the next step!  If ever I get to a step that does not make me happy I will not make it!

For example, I was vegetarian for almost 6 years and contemplating being vegan for 2 before actually doing it... because before that step was uncomfortable to me...  I did not make it until recently...

So in the end, maybe I come off as a strong woman who makes lots of sacrifice...  but this is not how I see myself... and this is what keeps me going...  If you see it as sacrificing or loosing something it is unbearable!!!  You have to look at the glass half full!!!  Period!

love and peace,

Monday, April 22, 2013

Simplify, simplify, simplify...

Wild cat living in an wild field close to where I work
Remember this cat?  I had mention him because I had seen him somewhere in october, before winter, while taking a walk at lunch time.  Ever since, when I go by that place, which is essentially every working day, I look for him...  I was wondering how he found winter... and even worried he may not make it...  Well I am happy to say to say that he made it!!!  I saw him today...  he was sunbathing on one of those ciment block...  much thinner...  I must say...  and I didn't have a chance to take a picture as he was leaving when I saw him...  but it kind of made my day!!!

What I wanted to talk about today was simplicity... or minimalism...  which ever you want to call it!

On my quest to simplify, it is amazing how I sometimes make simple very complicated!!!  It is easy to get overwhelmed or influenced in our simplicity! When you read a lot about it and think a lot about it, it seems like lots of information are available on the subject and everyone adresses it in their own way... and if you try and do everything it DOES get complicated!!!  See what is simple to me may not be to the next person... and this is why I try to not influence my readers as to what they should simplify...  I give examples... but no rules...  I have not rules really.... it comes and goes... what ever works for a day of a little while may no longer works after...  and that is OK!!! Life changes constantly! What may be simple at one time may not be at another!!!  And I do not think rigid rules will help you simplify either... 

I like to go with my feelings...  How do I feel in such a room?  with such an object? or a piece of clothes?  a book?  why do I choose to keep it or not? 

I have come to realise that I am not one who likes crowded rooms...  I like to see floor space....  expecially in kitchen, yoga/office room and bedrooms... it seems to me that floor space is important to circulate energy.... to think, sleep and prepare delicious meals...  you might argue (or hope) that I do not prepare my meals on the floor... and of course I don't but still.... the living room doesn't bother me so much...  even crowded... to me a living room is where you sit down and relax, discuss with family and friends...  while enjoying tea and/or a snack...  I like to have books and magazines lying around for an easy look at...  a quick read.... or inspiration... 

I also like to have a few things on the wall... pieces of art I made, a wall tapestry, chakras, a picture of an alley my brother took....  not so much picture of family and friends as I find people in pictures look fake and static... most times anyway!

as for book, DVDs and CDs... I am happy with what I have now...  I purge them regularly... and yes I still buy some when they are dear to me!!! I like to hold a book...  not a electronic one... one made of paper... which could be natural as I am a writer after all... but I do not see the point of keeping them if I will never look at them again... so I pass them on...

I do not like anything collecting dust... unless it was given to me by my son and/or is related to my yoga practice... if not, there is no point!

as for clothes, for over 6 months I have been counting to make sure I did not have more than 33 items... and updated my list regularly and sharing it..... and that is becoming too complicated...  really who cares about the number of items I have???  the whole purpose of me joining Project 333 was to rationalize my wardrobe...  to actually wear what suits me... what I like and what reflects who I am....  preoccupied but the numbers, I was loosing track of that...  therefore this weekend, because I had to update my wardobe to reflect climate change... spring finally is here...  I knew I was gona get ready for now untill end of september... and then it would basically stay the same...  I had to share my 33 items between work, week end and outtings that required fancier dressing...  and some colder days which we always get here in Montreal even in July! So if I absolutely wanted to stick to 33 I was desperatly looking to eliminate 7 items from my wardrobe....  but I really liked ALL of those items.... and they all fit well together and I wear all of them!!! So why do that?  Why get rid of something that I really like???  This seemed like nonsense... 

...and I relaized that I had become obsesses by numbers... not more than xx for clothes, xx for DVDs, xx for furniture....  xx for ...  see where I am going....  in my quest to simplify I had complicated my life with numbers and rules for not having more than xx items of something... 

and this is what I warn myself against...  I should simplify in my own way!!!  not by numbers assign by other people...  I do not care if I have 101 object if I use all of them!!!  40 pieces of clothes if all of them make me feel good and sexy!!!

What is important to me it that nothing be stagnant in my house...  nothing should be there because of my inability to pass is on... I use and love everything that comes thru that door...  and that's it!!!  I am done counting!!!  Done following rules...  this is what I go with as of now... 

and you know what if THAT does not fit in the rules of a thru minimalist, I don't really care...  I do not need to belong to anything...  I want to live a simple life... MY life!!!  MY way....  this is what makes me feel good...  be happy... 

and this is what ALL of you should do!!!  Live your life by your own rules!!!!

p.s. I am still not gona tell you to be a hoarder...  have 4 closets pack...  that doesn't make sense to me either... crowded space still equals crowded mind and all the problems that comes along...  but be simple in your own way!!! Not in my way or anyone else's...

So what rules do you want to go with?  What is important to you?  What do you want to achieve with your simplicity?

love and peace,

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Quand j'ai commencé à faire du yoga...

This post is in French....  most other ones are in English...  

L’un de mes endroits favoris pour faire du yoga à l’extérieur, sur le bord de l’eau
Je ne savais pas où ça me mènerait… et je ne soupçonnais certainement pas la transformation qui allait se produire…

Comme vous l’avez peut-être lu dans « Life Happens », j’ai commencé à faire du yoga pour gérer mon stress et tenter de maîtriser ma SP (sclérose en plaques).

Comme me l’a suggéré ma psychologue, j’ai acheté un DVD de yoga et un CD de méditation il y a 7 ans. Puis j’ai commencé lentement, principalement en faisant des étirements, des respirations et de la méditation. J’en faisais pendant 10 minutes par jour… et c’était très demandant! Puis, lorsque je quittais mon tapis, je redevenais ce que j’ai toujours été…

Environ 18 mois plus tard, j’avais besoin d’en savoir plus. Je ne savais pas du tout pourquoi, mais quelque chose était en train de se produire et je voulais en connaître plus sur le yoga. J’ai donc commencé à acheter des livres et plus de DVD. Je lisais sur le yoga et j’ai commencé à faire des asanas au lieu d’étirements et de respirations. Je me sentais tellement bien! J’ai joint un studio et j’ai commencé mon premier cours d’introduction officiel au yoga Hatha. Tout ça combiné a été transformateur. Puis, j’ai commencé à faire des changements dans ma vie. Faire un peu de yoga sur le tapis me faisait sentir bien. Lorsque je n’étais pas sur mon tapis, je lisais beaucoup sur le sujet. C’était comme une obsession! Après un certain temps, j’ai commencé à aligner la personne que j’étais sur le tapis et celle que j’étais hors du tapis.

Pour en faire une histoire courte (si vous avez déjà lu mes autres publications, vous me connaissez un peu plus maintenant), je suis devenue celle que je suis aujourd’hui.

J’adore toujours le yoga!!! Mais le yoga est maintenant une façon de vivre plutôt qu’un exercice comme avant. Oui, je peux toujours être en équilibre renversé, faire la roue, le corbeau ou plusieurs salutations au soleil. Toutefois, ce n’est plus ce que le yoga signifie pour moi. Et ce n’est pas ce que j’aime faire sur mon tapis! Je fais mes routines de yoga la plupart des jours. Ça inclut des exercices de respiration, de la méditation, des asanas pendant au moins 40 minutes. Je me lève autour de cinq heures de matin. Je n’ai pas de routine particulière non plus. Je fais ce que souhaite mon corps, c’est-à-dire plus de respirations lorsque je suis tendue, plus d’étirements quand j’ai marché beaucoup et que mes jambes sont courbaturées, plus de salutations au soleil pour avoir plus d’énergie, plus de flexions arrières quand j’ai besoin d’amour, plus d’arbres si j’ai besoin de m’ancrer davantage. Ça change tous les jours! Je ne peux jamais prédire de quoi ça aura l’air le lendemain, parce que mon corps me dit seulement ce dont j’ai besoin lorsque je suis SUR le tapis! Mais je suis une yogi TOUT le temps… sur le tapis et lorsque je ne suis pas dessus!

Voici la MEILLEURE leçon que j’ai apprise par le yoga : lâcher prise.
Je n’ai pas besoin de savoir exactement quand, où et comment les choses vont se produire…

J’ai aussi appris que lorsqu’on est soi-même et qu’on suit nos idéaux et principes, quand on est honnête avec nous-mêmes et faisons ce que notre cœur désire vraiment, on finit TOUJOURS au bon endroit et au bon moment! Et des choses merveilleuses vont se produire! Les gens sentiront que vous êtes authentiques, vous aimeront et vous respecteront pour ça, même s’ils ne sont pas tout à fait d’accord avec vos idéaux.

Et c’est la leçon la plus importante que j’ai pu apprendre, parce que j’avais tendance à vouloir tout contrôler dans ma vie. J’ai probablement manqué de belles occasions/relations à cause de ça, mais c’est correct. Ça a fait qui je suis maintenant, et m’a emmenée où je suis aujourd’hui!

Ça a été une leçon importante aussi lorsque j’ai décidé d’écrire un livre. Je ne savais pas du tout où ça me mènerait, mais je voulais le faire et j’avais besoin de le faire. À ce jour, près de 3 mois après sa publication, je suis toujours incertaine de la direction que ça va prendre (et je serai probablement toujours incertaine, puisque ça changera avec le temps). Mais j’apprécie l’aventure au lieu de me concentrer sur sa destination, puisqu’il n’y a probablement pas de destination, n’est-ce pas? Une destination, c’est final, ça signifie la fin de quelque chose. Tant que j’apprécie l’aventure, je vais quelque part… et qui doit savoir où, vraiment? Les surprises sont GÉNIALES! Tant que j’apprécie l’aventure, Life Happens est en vie… et on en parle! Et j’ai la chance d’en parler et de faire ce que j’aime faire encore plus : parler et écrire sur le yoga, la méditation, en plus du changement d’alimentation et de style de vie!

Voici un petit résumé de cette publication, selon moi :

1) Apprenez à LÂCHER PRISE!!! (Vous n’avez pas besoin de tout contrôler et contrôler tout le monde… et de toute façon, c’est impossible. C’est une fausse impression!!!)
2) Faites ce que vous aimez vraiment!!! (La vie est courte, alors pourquoi la gaspiller avec des choses qui n’importent pas vraiment?)
3) Appréciez l’AVENTURE… il n’y a pas de destination! (D’accord, il y en a une, et nous avons tous la même!!!)

Et laissez-vous guider par ma citation favorite de Gandhi (c’est mon mantra et je me le répète plusieurs fois par jour. Elle est partout dans ma vie, même Life Happens commence avec elle!) :

« Vous devez être le changement que vous désirez voir en ce monde. »

Et vous, par rapport à quoi devez-vous lâcher prise? Quelle aventure appréciez-vous particulièrement?

Un merci tout spécial a ma traductrice bénévole Viviane Cauden.  Voici ses coordonnées...

love and peace,

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Plan A,B,C and yoga

This morning when I woke up I felt business in my mind... and was somewhat cranky... which is rare!  I usually wake up to a quiet peaceful mind...  and in a good mood!!!

I am a morning person....  happy to be given a new full 24h to reinvent myself...  most of the time anyway...  however, I am currently undergoing major life changes and decisions will need to be taken soon... once I get a little more information on a few things...  so this is not an easy part of my life... or maybe this is not the right word!  It is not "not easy" but rather unstable...  and I do not know when it will be and how it will be...  but that's OK!  I just have to calm my mind and root myself... and all will be good! It always is!!!

So when the alarm went off this morning at 5am, I took a few moment, like I always do, to evaluate my state of mind.... then rolled off my yoga mat and I knew what I had to do!!!  No time to get busy and sweaty on the mat.... I needed to calm down, find my happy place...  so this is what I did...  and it worked!  I was much more calm and happy after I did the following which took me roughly 35 minutes!

1) Deep breathing - thinking about nothing!!!  Actually letting go, on my exhale, every thought that arise on my inhale - This took a long time!

Once my mind was calmer I did:

2) Alternate nostril breathing - inhaling calm and exhaling anxiety
3) Slow neck roll (right to left and left to right - not going back)
4) Child Pose
5) Used downward dog from child pose to transition to a standing position and stretch my legs
6) Mountain with my hand in prayer pose and eyes closed - observed that my mountain was still moving a little from front (future) to back (past) - Hold it until it was quiet again!
7) Tree pose - hand still in prayer pose - longest I could hold it on each leg - imagining the roots coming of my foot to create deep connection to the hearth
8) Another mountain pose with my arms up in the air and looking up - to get all the morning energy - This mountain was really stable!!!
9) Sat back on my mat for a few more minutes with deep breathing - calmness was there - nothing was in my mind but my breathing

After my yoga practice went to my shower, made my lunch got dress and walked to take the bus to work.  During my walking I realized why I was anxious....   I had no Plan B!!!!

Let me explain...  I have been working on something to make major life changes...  I have simplified my life, streamline my finances, diminish my cost of living... all that for one specific reason - Working toward a goal (which I can't quite announce yet)...  and I did not prepare and alternative!!!
I had Plan A all figured out....  and had a few obstacles but never prepared Plan B or Plan C!!!  I have put everything in my one and only Plan A!!!  And as I am getting closer, I get scare!!!  What if???

I have always had Plan A, B and C in my life...  ALWAYS!!!  and ALWAYS ended up doing Plan B or C because A never worked out (guess that shouldn't have surprise me)!!!   This time I did not make a Plan B or C (not because I didn't want too - only because I could not find one!)... because all I really want is for A to happen...  so I have put everything in this one only!!!!  All my energy... all my time...  all my knowledge... all my money saved from living with less...  EVERYTHING!!!!   This is why it is scary....  but possibly also why this time Plan A will work out!!!

You have to believe in what you are doing!  You have to find what really appeals to you!!  What makes you feel good and do it... over and over again!  And find a way to make money while doing it!!!  Enough that you can eventually live off of it!!! 

Now this may require that you make change to your lifestyle and/or priorities...  it will require hard work, long hours...  especially during the transition.. it will require sacrifices!!!  But is is all worthwhile once you know WHY you're doing it... especially when the WHY is your choice!  Your calling...  It barely looks like sacrifices... 

I am getting to a point now where I can start seeing the end result...  and the worrier in me, which is less and less often present, like to come and play with my mind sometimes... and tell me "what if plan A doesn't work out?  you have no other plan... what will you do then? and why should it work... it never did!" (as I am writing this, I can hear him and he sounds really annoying!!! lol)

I like to tell that side of me that my Plan A never worked because they were not truly mine...  and I never really invested in them all I had (and I am not talking about $)...  they never really made me happy... and they were not what I was suppose to do in life...  and that now that I know THIS is what I should be doing and I have put all those efforts in it and it is the ONLY thing that makes me really happy IT WILL WORK!!!!!


Maybe, after all, putting all your apples in the same basket can actually pay off (in all possible ways)!!!!

love and peace,

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Vegan runners and vegan dinners

Every Tuesday I am a guest blogger on veganrestaurantfinder for my friend Rebecca.  It's always a pleasure to write for her...  it can be anything but since I am addressing mostly vegan or wanna be vegan people, I usually give out tip and recipes...  about veganism!

Today's post was special and you can see it if you click here ... 
It was special because yesterday there was the bombing at the Boston marathon...
and I had decided to start running again on that day!  more than a week ago...

So on this week's blog I share about my experience running last night... and the wonderful vegan meal that followed!!!

I also want to remind you that there is a little less than 24h hours to enter the contest to win your copy of "Life Happens" for a mom you know...  yours, yourself or any mom!!!
you can enter the contest here:

love and peace,

Monday, April 15, 2013

Lovely week end and a contest!

I have had a lovely week end!!!!

First I took the arrangements to have my book "Life Happens" at Chapters and do a signing event!!! Of course, once I have the final date, time and address I will let you guys know of it!!!  This is really exiting!!!

I spent quality time with my son before he left for Cuba with his dad for a week!!!  He's lucky to have this opportunity!  His first time going down south during "winter"...  he'll LOVE it I know!!!!  He's very much into all kind of sports and his dad too so he'll have a blast!!! I can't wait for him to get back and let me know all about it!!!

I also spent quality time with my husband... we walked around...  did some shopping and some cooking!!! 

I have bought two items for my spring wardrobe...  a short sleeve white top and a 3/4 sleeve khaki top...  they will also ease into my summer wardrobe!!!  The are polyvalent and will fit many bottoms I have... so they're a great addition!!!  This is the fun part of joining Project 333 ...  it is not about suffering as Courtney likes to say...  so you are allowed to buy stuff if you need it... and since I lost much weight since last spring, well enough that some tops looks too big on me, I CAN buy more.. and even if I add them to my current wardrobe, I am up to 30 items.. still following the rules I set for myself!!!

I also bought, as you can see in the picture above, 3 glass jar for drinking my smoothies and homemade juices..  why 3? because there are 3 of us in my house!  so why have more???  I did this for all my plates, and glasses and bowls....  kept 3 of each...  except for a specific type of bowl and silver ware... which I kept 6 of each....  only because we use them really a LOT!!!  Can't wait for tonight's smoothie after my workout!!!  (yes today is the day I am starting running again...)

Last but not least, I bought 2 vegan books... the Vegan cook's bible which is fill with nutritional information and tips for vegan eating... I did have a few book on the subject but this is really different and categorize the information that is all in my brain in a nice orderly fashion!!!  Will make it easier for me to remember everything! I'll keep you posted on that book... and will put some nutritional tips on my facebook page on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Last but not least, Vegan food gift...  This goes well with my values in eating well and being minimalist...  From now on , the gift I give will be good for your health AND good for the planet and will not end up in a drawer on collecting dust somewhere!!!  I have a more and more difficult time with all this gift giving our society does....  you HAVE to give something so many times in a year... and you end up NOT knowing what to give anymore.... as most people already have houses full of stuff..  and those who don't well they do not want stuff!!!  lol
Giving out "food" that can contribute to make people sick or gain weight doesn't appeal to me either..   so this is a great idea!!!  I can't wait for mother's day!!!  It will be my first vegan food gift!!!

I also want to bring to your attention, that I have started a contest on my page.  You can go there, "Like" my page and go on the post for the contest and identify why you think a mother you know, (yours or not) should win a singed copy of "Life Happens".  You have until Wednesday 12pm to enter...  then on Thursday, I will announce the 2 winners!!!

so go to Facebook and register for the contest.... and let me know what you think of this post.... I am always looking forward to your comments...

love and peace,

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Ce qui fait tourner mon monde!

ceci est une traduction du blogue d'hier.... qui était en fait une reprise d'une publication d'il y a deux ans... qui avait été très populaire! Lorsque je l'ai vue, j'ai été surprise de voir que malgré tous les changements qui ont affectés ma vie au cours des 2 dernières années, ce qui se trouvait sur cette liste était encore vrai...  sauf pour le fait que mon garcon a maintenant 12 ans... et non plus 10! J'ai aussi ajouté quelques items que je juge pertinent à ce point ci de ma vie.
photo prise à l'Ecomuseum en mai 2011 lors d'une visite avec mon fils

Une fleur (il y a une toute petite fleur dans le photo ci-haut)
Un rayon de soleil dans une semaine pluvieuse
Une vacance au SPA
Un sourire
Mon garçon de 12 ans qui me prend la main lorsque nous marchons
Un baiser
Un calin
S'assoir sur le gazon
Les arbres en fleurs
Une brise ensoleillé sur ma jour lorsque je lis
Un enfant riant dans les balançoires
Tenir la porte pour une personne âgée
Rencontrer ma meilleire amie chez Starbucks
Suivre un cours de yoga
Méditer tôt le matin
Un oiseau qui chante
Des cadeaux fait à la main de mon fils
Une douche chaude
Un papillon
Une coccinnelle
Un repas fait masion que mon fils et mon mari apprecient
Se réveiller au son de la pluie
Sentir les fleurs dans la brise
Marcher sous la pluie
Une randonnée à vélo
Rentrér à la maison avec des sac d'épiceries santé
Mon chat
Le son d'une vague
Un smoothie
Un jus fait maison
Parler de "Life Happens" - OK celui-ci est vraiment nouveau!

love and peace,

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What makes my world go round

this is an edit from a post I made 2 years ago that had been very popular...  I saw it and I was amaze to see that no matter how many changes I went thru over the last 2 years this is still all true!!!  (of course my son's age was then 10... )
picture taken at Ecomuseum in May 2011 while visiting with my son

A flower (there is a tiny yellow flower in the picture above)
A ray of sunshine in a rainy week
A spa vacation
A smile
My 12 years old son reaching for my hand when we walk
A kiss
A hug
Sitting in the grass
Flowers blooming in trees
Sunny breeze on my cheek when reading outside
Baby laughing in the swing
Holding the door for an elderly
Meeting my best friend at Starbucks
Attending a yoga class
Meditation early morning
A bird singing
Hand made gifts from my son
A hot shower
A butterfly
A lady bug
A home made meal that my son and husband love!
Waking up to the sound of a quiet rain
Smelling the flowers through the breeze
Walking in the rain
A bike ride
Coming home with healthy groceries
My cat
The sound of a wave
A smoothie
A homemade juice
Talking about "Life Happens" - OK this one is new!
love and peace,

Monday, April 8, 2013

When I first started doing yoga...

One of my favorite place to do yoga outside - by the water

...I had no idea where it would bring me...  and I certainly did not suspect the total transformation I would undergo....

As you might have seen in "Life Happens" I started doing yoga as a mean to manage my stress and deal with MS (multiple sclerosis). 

As suggested by my psychologist, I bought a yoga DVD and meditation CD 7 years ago....  and slowly started... doing mostly stretches, breathing and meditation....  I was doing it for 10 minutes per day... and it was very demanding!  and then when I was off my mat, I was back to my old self...

Roughly 18 months after that, I needed to know more...  I had no clue why, but something was happening and made me want to know more about yoga... so I started buying books... and more DVDs...  and I read about yoga....  and started doing actual asanas instead of only stretches and breathing... and it felt good!!!  I joined a studio and started taking my first official Hatha yoga introductory class... and all this combined was transformative... and I started to make changes to my life...  doing a little yoga on the mat made me feel good... and off the mat I was reading about it a lot... kind of became an obsession!  At one point I started aligning who I was discovering on the mat with who I was off the mat....

Long story short, as if you already read other posts you know me a little by now, I became who I am today... 

I still love yoga!!!!  But to me yoga is now more a way of living than an exercise like it use to be...  Yes I can still do a headstand, wheel, crow pose or many sun salutations... However this is not what yoga means to me anymore...  And it is not what I like to do on my mat!  I do my yoga routine most days... It includes breathing exercises, meditation, asanas for at least 40 minutes....  I get up at 5am to so... And I have no particular routine I respect...  I follow what my body needs...  more breathing when I am tense...  more stretches when I have been walking a lot and my legs are stiff...  more sun salute when I am really energize... more backbends when I need to let the love in... more tree if I need to root myself furthermore...  It changes... day by day!  I can never predict what it will look like the next day because my body only tells me when I am ON the mat! But I am a yogi ALL the time... on and off the mat!

This is the ONE lesson yoga as thought me:  Let go
I do not need to know exactly when, where and how things will happen...

I did learn that when you are  your own self and follow your ideals and principles... where you are honest with yourself and do what your hearth truly desires you WILL end up in the right place at the right moment!!!  and wonderful things will happen!! people will sense you are authentic and love and respect you for it even if they do not agree completely with your ideals.

And it is the most important lesson I could learn... because I use to have a tendency to want to control everything in my life... and I have probably missed great opportunities/relationship because of that... but that's OK too.. cause it made me who I am today... and brought me where I am now!

It is an important lesson too since when I decided to write a book, I had no clue where it would bring me...  but I knew I wanted and needed to do it... and to this day, almost 3 months after it has been published I still am unsure as to where I am going with this (and probably will always be unsure as it will change over time)... but I am enjoying the ride instead of focusing on the destination...  as there probably is no destination anyway right?  A destination is final... it means the end to something...  as long as I am  enjoying the ride, I am going somewhere... and who needs to know where really???  Surprises are GREAT! As long as I am enjoying the ride, Life Happens is alive...  and been talked about! And I get a chance to talk about it.... and do what I love more.. talk and write about yoga, meditation as well as diet and lifestyle change!

I guess this is what this post is all about....

1) Learn how to LET GO!!!  (you do not need to control everything and everyone... and anyway you can't...  it's a false impression!!!)
2) Do what you really love!!! (life is short why waste it with stuff that doesn't really matter?)
3) Enjoy the RIDE... there is no destination!  (well there is one, and we all have the same one!!!)

and go with my favorite quote from Gandhi (it is my mantra and I repeat it several times a day and it's everywhere in my life - even Life Happens start with it!) :

"Be the change you want to see"

and you... what do you have to let go? what ride are you enjoying??

love and peace,

Friday, April 5, 2013

Communication and authenticity

As a day job, I am a training program development specialist and I also train people on soft skills: stress management, change management, communication, conflict resolution, team work and so on... This is the best part of my job!!!

I am currently giving a verbal and non-verbal communication courses to a group of distribution center associates (otherwise known as "warehouse guys")... and we are having very interesting discussions....

On today's course, one of my favorite student asked me:  Can the way you dress influence you communication?

VERY smart question... and not simple at all...

The answer is yes and no....  let me explain...

In order for communication to happens, there need to be a sender, a message and a receiver.

Now, the receiver is just as important as the sender in any message been sent!

The way the sender is dressed surely influence the way he's perceived by his receiver...  and hence the "understanding" or "interpretation" of the message.  Unfortunately, people are quick to judge a book cover without actually reading the content....   our clothes are like book covers... and our message the content! 
And because the first impression is ever lasting, or almost, the way we dress do influence our communication.... 

However, I know that unlike a book, we are not waiting to be opened and read passively....  we deliver the message...  so if we have a strong message, strong personalities... we can overcome the first impression and "force" people to forget the container and go with the content.  This, of course, is not THAT easy...   you need to be quite assertive and believe in yourself and your message!  And it will not always work...  but when it does the outcome will be amazing because you will know people "listened" for who you are and not what you look like.  This is what REALLY matters!

I would like to mention that I do NOT suggest you dress "like someone else"...  I truly believe in being authentic...  I am a strong advocate of being one with your heart, your soul and you mind and to actually show that unity and uniqueness to others...  and by that I mean, what you say, what you do and how you dress should reflect who you TRULY are...  at ALL times!!!  I firmly believe that people who play an act to fit in a role have much to loose in the end... even if only themselves!

All that being said, in order to be authentic, you need to know who you are...  and in order to be it all the time, you need to be in the right environment at home AND at work... and most people are not at ease in one of those environment! It's "easy" to play a role, pretend to be someone we are not without even realizing it... because we do not take time to figure out who we are and what we want!

Once that is done (once you figured out who you are and what you want), change will manifest itself in a weird way to bring you where you belong...  and therefore you'll be able to BE yourself at all times... the way you think, the way you act will be united... this will bring peace... this will bring happiness....  maybe not in a way you would have thought off at first... maybe not the way you initially planned it...  but surely MUCH better!!!!

p.s. have you ever seen the dalai-lama where a suit?  do you not respect him?  do people ignore his saying because he's not dress in a certain way?
When you are authentic, you message will be stong and in tune with what you firmly believe and people will respect You...  for who you are!

love and peace,

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Malentendu sur le minimalisme et ses adeptes

(for my English readers - this is Thursday's French post... it is a translation from yesterday's post: Misconception on minimalism)

Dans cette publication, je voudrais parler de certains malentendus autour des minimalistes... et pour être franche, moi aussi j'ai pensé cela avant de bien connaître le principe... alors donnez moi une chance de m'expliquer...

1) Les minimalistes sont "cheap"
2) Les minimalistes vivent pauvrement
3) Les minimalistes ne peuvent prioriser leur dépenses d'où leur constant manque d'argent
4) Les minimalistes ne veulent pas faire partie de cette société
5) Les minimalistes sont ennuyeux

et tout ceci n'a pas besoin d'être adressé séparément... c'est en fait une seule et même chose!!!

Premièrement nous ne sommes pas "cheap" et nous ne vivons pas pauvrement... Ne pas avoir une maison pleine de trucs, un garde-robe plein de vêtements, un garde-manger plein de nourriture, un agenda rempli, un horaire chargé, une longue liste de trucs à faire n'est pas vivre pauvrement ou être "cheap"...

La richesse peut aussi être trouvée dans la simplicité...

Je paierai avec plaisir:

6$ pour un Chai Latte chez Starbucks...
140$ pour des bottes d'hiver faites au Québec ou je vis...
16$ pour une tasse du commerce équitable pour y boire mon thé...
40$ pour un t-shirt fait de cotton organic et fabriqué au USA...
5$ pour des fraises organiques, de la saison et de ma région...

et la liste continue...  vous comprenez?

nous ne vivons pas pauvrement... nous préférons payer plus pour des choses qui nous tiennent à coeur que peu pour un paquet de truc qui ne nous disent rien... nous allons avec la qualité au lieu de la quantité... la qualité n'est pas synonyme de "cheap" ou de pauvreté...

bien entendu une chambre comme la mienne qui ne contient qu'un bureau 4 tiroirs, un lit double (pas queen ou king - juste double), une chaise et une table de nuit peut paraître vide pour certains... mais je n'ai vraiment besoin de rien d'autre dans ma chambre! 

Nous ne "manquons pas d'argent"... en fait la plupart du temps nous avons moins de dettes que la moyenne des citoyens...  et plusieurs d'entre nous n'ont aucune dettes et vivont sans carte de crédit...  

Saviez-vous que 91% des gens qui font une demande de faillite le font à cause de cartes de crédits?   Vivre sans carte de crédit est possible...  on a besoin de planification mais c'est possible!

Et à propos des priorités...C'est quoi prioriser ses dépenses?  Avoir une maison, une voiture de luxe, plein de vêtements, faire plusieurs voyages par années?  Qui dit que ce sont les bonnes priorités?  Les priorités sont personnelles...  il n'y en a pas de bonnes et de mauvaises...


l'empreinte moyenne d'émission de CO2 par année est de 27 tonnes au USA
dans le monde, chaque habitant utilise en moyenne 5.5 tonnes de CO2/ année
un minimaliste vegan a une empreinte moyenne de 3 tonnes de CO2/année

il n'y as pas de vrai ou de faux dans les priorites mais certains modes de vies endommangent pas mal moins notre belle planète que d'autres... 
Non je n'ai pas de maison ou de voiture...  ceci diminue mon empreinte de carbone de beaucoup!
Je ne mange aucun produit animal... diminue encore davantage...
et je n'achète pas de chose à moins d'en avoir vraiment besoin...

Ces décisions, ces priorités sont celles qui me font sentir bien...  je les prends pour moi mais aussi pour faire partie de cette société... et non m'en exclure! En utilisant moins de ressources, j'en laisse plus pour les autres... plus pour les générations à venir...

Ca peut paraître ennuyeux pour certains... mais honnêtement...

Je préfère faire une randonnée à vélo avec mon fils et mon mari, s'assoir sur une couverture dans un parc et manger des fruits, légumes, noix et un morceaux de pain tout en écoutant les enfants jouer et le chant des oiseaux que de m'assoir dans un resto chic et bruyant, sans air, sans soleil et sans savoir ce qui compose mon repas...

Je préfère prendre le bus pour aller au travail ou faire des courses que d'être prises dans le traffic et stresser...

Etre minimaliste n'est ni "cheap", ni pauvre, ni ennuyeux.. C'est une question de priorités.. une question de ne pas vouloir utiliser toutes les ressources de la terre immédiatement et en laisser pour les générations à venir... c'est une question de ne pas vouloir être stressé avec trop en trop peu de temps...  une question de vouloir profiter de la vie... au lieu de la subir...

Comme le dit Antoine de St-Exupery: " Nous n'héritons pas la terre de nos ancêtres mais l'empruntons à nos enfants"

Pouvons nous faire en sorte qu'il leur reste quelque chose?

Ne nous regardez pas comme des "weirdos" ou "cheapos" ou des gens ennuyeux... prenez le temps de nous connaître avant de vous faire une opinion...

love and peace,

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Misconception on minimalist

In this post I would like to address some misconceptions I heard on minimalism... and to be honest, I even had some of those ideas before completely understanding the idea.... so bare with me...

1) Minimalist are cheap
2) Minimalist are happy living poorly
3) Minimalist cannot set their priority straight hence their constant lack of money
4) Minimalist do not want to be part of our society
5) Minimalist are boring

and all this do not necessarily need to be addressed separately....  as they are all related....

First of all we are not cheap and we do not live poorly...  Now, not having a house full of stuff, closet full of clothes, pantry full of food, agenda full of social events, busy schedules, long lists of things to do is NOT living poorly... and NOT because we are cheap...

Richness can ALSO be found in simplicity...

I will gladly pay:

6$ for a Chai Latte at Starbucks...
140$ for winter boots made in Quebec where I live...
16$ for a fair trade ethical mug to drink my tea in...
40$ for a t-shirt made of organic cotton in the USA...
5$ for strawberries grown locally and organically in season...

and the list goes on.....  do you get the picture?

we do not live poorly... we rather pay more money for stuff we truly care about and have less then have lots of stuff that do not cost much...  we go with quality rather than quantity...  quality is not cheap or poor...

of course a bedroom like mine with one chest drawer, a double bed, a chair and a nightstand might look empty to some... but I really do not need more than that in my bedroom... 

We do not "lack money"....  as a matter of fact, we often times have much less debt than the average citizen...  and many of us are debt free and do not use credit... 

Did you know that 91% of people filing for bankruptcy need to do so because of credit card debt?  Living credit card free is possible....  it needs planning but it is possible...

And about priorities....  what would be a straight order of priorities?  Having a house, a fancy car, closet full of clothes, travelling a couple of times a year?  Who says these are "straight" priorities?  Priorities are personal... there is not right or wrong...

the average carbon footprint of Americans is:  27 tons of CO2/year... 
the world average carbon footprint per person is: 5.5 tons of CO2/year
the average carbon footprint of a vegan minimalist is 3 tons of CO2/year

there is no right or wrong but there might be some priorities that help the planet we live on a little...

No I do not own a house or a car... this lower my carbon footprint a lot!!!
I do not eat any animal product...  decrease even further more...
I do not buy stuff I do not REALLY need... 

These decisions, these priorities are the ones that make ME feel good... I take them for myself but also as a participation to this SOCIETY... by using less, there is more for others.... more for generations to come...

It may sound boring to some.... but quite frankly...

 I'd rather enjoy a bike ride to the park with my son and husband and sit down on a blanket to have a meal composed of fruits, vegetables, bread and nuts while listening to the sound of kids playing and bird singing than sitting in a fancy restaurant with noise, no sun, no fresh air and not knowing what my meal is composed off...

I'd rather take the bus to run errands and go to work then stress in traffic while driving...

Being minimalist is not cheap, poor, boring...  It's a question of priorities... a question of not wanting to use up all mother's hearth has to offer us right now and leave some for future generation...  it's a question of not wanting to be stress with to much in too little time... a question of wanting to ENJOY life... instead of undergoing it...

Like Antoine de St-Exupery once said:  "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestor but borrow it to our children"

Can we make so that there will be something for them too???

Please do not look at us like weirdos.... or cheapos... or boring people... take the time to get to know a few minimalist before you make up your mind about us...

love and peace,